
使用OHOS SDK构建bullet

参照OHOS IDE和SDK的安装方法配置好开发环境。 从github下载源码。 执行如下命令: git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/bulletphysics/bullet3.git 进入源码所在的目录,创建批处理文件ohos_build.cmd,内容如下 ......
bullet OHOS SDK

No Silver Bullet

"No Silver Bullet" 是一个著名的软件工程论文,由Fred Brooks在1986年发表。这篇论文的全名是《No Silver Bullet — Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering》(没有银弹——软件工程的本质与偶然性)。这篇论 ......
Bullet Silver No

bullets for speaking

describe a person enthusiastic energetic persistent motivated a good team player likes to challenge himself kind generous supportive down-to-earth eas ......
speaking bullets for
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