
configure: error: udev support requested but libudev header not installed

./configure --host=arm-none-linux-gnueabi 错误提示:configure: error: udev support requested but libudev header not installed 解决办法 --disable-udev 取消对libude ......

Appnium报错TypeError: visibility_of_element_located() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given问题,已解决

报错信息: 原因: 类型错误,visibility_of_element_located()方法需要1个参数位,但提供了两个 解决方法: 添加括号!让其成为一个整体 ......

A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 - 证书链是由不受信任的颁发机构颁发的。)

昨天搞了个测试接口,用postman请求测试,Https的协议,然后请求发出去,既没有报错,也没有返回数据库的数据,code倒是0,不是 100,那程序也没有报错,这就奇怪了,我就先监测数据库,发现请求并没有过来,我傻眼了,一些简单的代码还能出错吗?然后开后端调试,就发现了上面的这个提示,在请求的时 ......

C++基类的虚析构函数问题abstract but has non-virtual destructor

# C++基类的虚析构函数问题abstract but has non-virtual destructor C++条款:**如果类存在虚函数,如果类要作为基类的话,一定要在析构函数定义为`virtual`的** 派生类可以分配内存或保留对销毁对象时需要清除的其他资源的引用。如果不为接口/抽象类提供 ......

The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values'*, *', but only one is allowed.

**报错内容** The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values '*,', but only one is allowed. Have the server send ......

IDEA中slf4j和logback冲突,快速排除(LoggerFactory is not a Logback LoggerContext but Logback is on the classpath)

pom文件中右击 ctrl+f 输入点击定位 选中shift+delet,直接排除 或者手动输入排除 ......

Vue computed property values was assigned to but it has no setter

vue 文件中的核心代码写法 <template> <div> <v-select :items="filters" label="查询条件" solo dense class="select-size" v-model="filterKey" clearable ></v-select> </di ......
computed assigned property values setter

expected one result (or null) to be returned by selectone(), but found: 5

以下是我的 mapper 文件的内容,是一个一对多查询。但是查询结果的 Book 映射不是一个,并且不能映射正确。 ```xml ``` 我开启了 resultMap 自动映射,所以 collection 和 resultMap 第一层都没有任何子标签。但问题就出在这里,就是因为我的主表,即 Boo ......
selectone expected returned result found

【Oracle】Clean all objects belong to particular the user but not using drop user xxx cascade

# -- WX:DBAJOE399 -- DEST_SCHEMA=Expected_user_name sqlplus / as sysdba << !EOF set serveroutput on set echo off set feedback off WHENEVER SQLERROR EX ......
user particular objects cascade Oracle

[渲染层错误] Framework inner error (expect START descriptor with depth 3 but get FLOW_DEPTH)

https://blog.csdn.net/sun6223508/article/details/126094640 https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_54645059/article/details/123891775 ``` 在app.json中去掉 lazyCodeLo ......

解决OMP: Error #15: Initializing libiomp5md.dll, but found libiomp5md.dll already initialized.报错问题

错误如下所示:OMP: Error #15: Initializing libiomp5md.dll, but found libiomp5md.dll already initialized.OMP: Hint This means that multiple copies of the Open ......

Build was configured to prefer settings repositories over project repositories but repository

首先上链接:stackoverflow的正解 下载了最新版的狐狸图标的AS,4.1.2版本, 新建的项目默认使用的最新版本7.0.2的gradle, 在项目的build.gradle中添加项目编译需要的依赖, allprojects { repositories { google() jcenter ......

[Flink] Flink作业报错:Caused by: The connector is trying to read binlog starting at GTIDs ..., but this is no longer available on the server[转载]

这个问题,属于偶现问题。通常几个月才偶现一次。 因为上周五又出现了一次,且团队内多位小伙伴都遇到过。故此,这次特别记录下,以加强印象。 1 问题描述 Flink作业报错:Caused by: The connector is trying to read binlog starting at GTI ......
Flink available connector starting Caused

学习笔记402—Warning: Stopping docker.service, but it can still be activated by: docker.socket

执行 systemctl stop docker 后提示“Warning: Stopping docker.service, but it can still be activated by: docker.socket” 解释:这是docker在关闭状态下被访问自动唤醒机制,很人性化,即这时再执行 ......
docker activated Stopping Warning service

beaten but not broken

儿时懵懂梦,长大依旧留。 岁月忽五载,抹去方重来。 天花乱欲坠,人草昏欲睡。 沉默是金子,冷漠为眼泪。 秒速五厘米,樱花碎一地。 韵脚无雅兴,长谈难诉心。 记梦:热闹的团聚是散场的开始。一切终有竟时。不过,当一切巨星陨落,万物终再临。 ......
beaten broken but not

自增ID相同时报错: Database operation expected to affect 1 row(s) but actually affected 2 row(s)...

数据库操作预计会影响 1 行,但实际上影响了 2 行。 自加载实体以来,数据可能已被修改或删除。 有关理解和处理乐观并发异常的信息,请参阅 http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=527962。 项目场景:使用EF进行数据修改并保存_dbContext.Save ......
operation row Database expected actually

解决Mixed Content: The page at https://* was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpReque

问题: 前端页面调用后端接口加载不出来 原因分析: 通过查看浏览器调试 console 日志,得到报错如下 原文: Mixed Content: The page at https://* was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHtt ......

ERR Client sent AUTH, but no password is set 异常解决

https://my.oschina.net/java1314/blog/3149015 https://www.cnblogs.com/le-papillion/p/14705668.html ......
password Client AUTH sent ERR

Elasticsearch(es)查询报错:Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to: [10000] but was [20000

{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"query_phase_execution_exception","reason":"Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to: [10 ......
Elasticsearch Result window 10000 20000

It's all but a dream(JSOI2023 追忆)

联赛 220,队线 265,哈哈。 day 0 下午先去了华山,进行了一个喝茶???看着联赛 270+ 的队爷们,感觉人类的悲欢并不相通。 晚上试机,由于并不会用 Vim,计划 sublime 写+ code::blocks 调。先配了 code::blocks,然后发现并不能运行???查了下发现是 ......
dream 2023 JSOI all but

华为RH5885 V3 登录kvm 显示 sorry,but the number of user reached the maximum

华为RH5885 V3 登录kvm 显示 sorry,but the number of user reached the maximum 通过独占模式和共享模式均无法登录,提示用户超过最大限制 ssh登录带外管理地址后,使用命令行重启IPM,清除登录信息 iMana:/->ipmcset -d r ......
the maximum reached number sorry

hdu6601 Keen On Everything But Triangle 主席树+斐波那契数列妙用

题意: 给定序列a,ai为第i根木棍长度,给出q个询问 每次问[L,R]内能构成三角形的最大周长是多少 题解: 属于那种没有往这个方向想就很难想到,然后一直想不到的题2333 因为周长要最大,贪心地优先考虑第一大,第二大,第三大能不能组成合法的三角形 假设不行,那第一根肯定是废了 因为任意两边之和大 ......
数列 妙用 Everything Triangle 主席

《oracle马拉松》plsql篇-解决PL/SQL 报错:A query with LOB's requires OCI8 mode, but OCI7 mode is used

在用pl/sql对客户的数据进行查询时,pl/sql给我报了如下的错误 : 我使用的pl/sql的版本号为: 解决办法: 1.换个更高版本的pl/sql 2.更改pl/sql的配置 a) tools --> Preferences b) 将 Oracle --> Connect ......
马拉松 mode OCI requires oracle

stub will not make test fail, but mock will.

stub will not make test fail, but mock will. In the context of unit testing, stubs and mocks are both used to isolate the code under test from externa ......
will stub make fail mock