
15.Please retell the parable of The Blind men and An Elephant. What is the moral of the parable? What can we learn from the parable when it comes to critical thinking?

Round 1: Retelling the Parable and Extracting the Moral Speaker 1 (Student A): Hey everyone! So, let's dive into the parable of "The Blind Men and the ......
parable the What Elephant critical

[AGC061C] First Come First Serve 题解

题目链接 点击打开链接 题目解法 易知总情况数为 \(2^n\) 考虑重复计算的情况为:存在 \([l_i,r_i]\),满足没有 \([l_j,r_j](i\neq j)\) 选在此区间中 可以得到一个容斥的 \(dp\) 做法 这个转移虽然感觉很显然,但卡了我一个晚上,一直调不出 令 \(f_i ......
题解 First Serve 061C Come


winter comes Created: 2023-10-10T17:49+08:00 Published: 2023-11-09T21:53+08:00 目录志愿活动自然辩证法课堂摘录九月初三欧利昂(Orion)复习重阳节和朋友巴黎圣母院毕导毕业一棵开花的树脸红 志愿活动 参加了一个志愿活动,是 ......
winter-comes winter comes

解决Android studio 更新到2022.3版本后,一直卡在waiting for target device to come online

解决Android studio更新到2022.3.1 patch 1之后卡在waiting for target device to come online的问题 1.现象 在发布一个app的时候,每次走到waiting for all target devices to come online之 ......
Android waiting 版本 2022.3 studio

I am coming.

事关我大一下册加了两个学生组织,结果都过了再加上家教忙得要死这件事。 但是我又回来了。重拾我的c语言,又加上c++。都要继续学习啦!!! c语言: 1、tab表示一个制表符,在编程中用tab来代替空格是一个很好的习惯。可以让你的代码看起来更美,tab键在字母q键的左侧。 2、给字符型变量赋初始值的时 ......
coming am

Why Kiki's Delivery Service Is The Perfect Coming of Age Story

# Why Kiki's Delivery Service Is The Perfect Coming of Age Story Studio Ghibli is well known for producing timeless classics that have engaging protag ......
Delivery Service Perfect Coming Story

Educational Codeforces Round 151 (Rated for Div. 2) B. Come Together

给三个点 $A, B, C$ ,两个人一开始都在 $A$ 点,一个人希望最快到达 $B$ ,另一个人希望最快到达 $C$ ,且他们希望尽可能走一条路径。则这条路径最长是多长。 经典的高维可以由低维叠加的问题。 * 坐标问题 * 动态规划问题 并非所有高维问题都可由低维叠加,但任何二维问题都可由一维叠 ......
Educational Codeforces Together Round Rated

where do you come from ? (调试用打印堆栈信息和线程信息)

void print() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); sb.append("\n【Time】: "); sb.append(System.currentT ......
堆栈 信息 线程 where come

[AGC061C] First Come First Serve 题解

## 题意 有两个长度为 $n$ 的正整数列 $A,B$。表示数 $i$ 可以填到 $A_i$ 或 $B_i$ 两个位置中的一个。问删去空位之后可以形成的排列种数。 ($ 1 \le n \le 5 \times 10^5$,$A_i,B_i$ 取遍 $\left[1, 2n\right]$)。 # ......
题解 First Serve 061C Come

Come Together

Come Together time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Bob and Carol hanged out w ......
Together Come

选修-2-Where does the error come from?

[CLICK]( # 1. Error的来源 error实际来源于`bias`和`variance`. ![image]( ......
Where error does come from

centos登陆报错:System is booting up. Unprivileged users are not permitted to log in yet. Please come back later. For technical details, see pam_nologin(8).

问题:开机后ssh到服务器出现此报错,大概意思是系统正在启动中非授权用户不允许登录, 解决:不需要处理,等会儿系统彻底起来后重新登陆就没有了,对应文件在/run/nologin ......

Clouds remind me that magical things in life can come out of nowhere

Clouds can also transport me away from the duller parts of life, away from boring situations and away from day to day stresses and worries. They get m ......
magical nowhere Clouds remind things

assembly of tiny problems I come across when using Ubuntu

1. flameshot couldn't work properly. after running, it doesn't act to enable selecting area as expected, but pop out a frame and I need to click 'shar ......
assembly problems across Ubuntu using
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