
Go - Remove values from a slice

To take out the first element of the slice: numbers := [] int { 3 , 14 , 159 , 26 , 53 , 58 } numbers = numbers [ 1 :] // remove element 0 To take out ......
Remove values slice from Go


从RNN到Transformer 各式各样的“attention” 不管是在CV领域还是NLP领域, attention实质上就是一种取权重求和的过程。使得网络focus在其应该focus的地方。 根据Attention的计算区域,可以分成以下几种: 1)Soft Attention,这是比较常见的 ......

Go - Composing Structs from Other Structs

Problem: You want a struct that has data and methods of another struct. Solution: Embed an unnamed struct within another struct. The outer struct will ......
Structs Composing Other from Go


硬件选择和Nas系统的选择 系统 收费 厂商 厂商价格系统预估价格优势 群晖 (3289 418PALY) 2389 优化多,适合小白 威联通 (1399TR-004) 499 易用性弱于群晖,性价比高 铁威马 (1033 F4-210) 133 免费 品牌问题 FreeNAS 1.缺少定制app ......
硬件 笔记 from nas

Paper Reading: Learning from Weak-Label Data: A Deep Forest Expedition

目录研究动机文章贡献本文方法标签补码结构标签频率估计与补码标志机制LCForest 整体框架实验结果实验设置基因功能分析任务实验文本分类任务实验场景分类任务实验医学自然语言处理实验优点和创新点 Paper Reading 是从个人角度进行的一些总结分享,受到个人关注点的侧重和实力所限,可能有理解不到 ......

#!/usr/bin/python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 抽取kafka数据到redis_mq模块 # 作者:王成 # 日期:2017-04-14 import MySQLdb import time import sys import redis import requ ......

C error:deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]

问题描述 解决C++中[Warning] deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings] char *string= "aaabbbcc"; //warning的原因是字符串常量存放在const内存区.. ......

vue-router.esm.js:2065 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Redirected when going from "/login?redirect=%2Fhome" to "/home" via a navigation guard.

原因: vue-router路由版本更新产生的问题,导致路由跳转失败抛出该错误; 真正的原因是由于返回了一个Promise对象, 正常的跳转由then方法执行 当正常的路由跳转, 被"路由导航守卫"拦截并重新指定路由时, 由于 this.$router.push() 返回的是Promise对象, 此 ......

Module build failed (from ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js): CssSyntaxError

问题描述 在webpack的时候报错 ERROR in ./packages/theme-chalk/mixins/mixins.scss (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./packages/theme-chalk/mixins/mixins.scss ......

Go - Creating JSON Data Streams from Structs

Problem: You want to create streaming JSON data from structs. Solution: Create an encoder using NewEncoder in the encoding/json package, passing it an ......
Creating Streams Structs Data JSON

Go - Creating JSON Data Byte Arrays from Structs

Problem: You want to create JSON data from a struct. Solution: Create the structs then use the json.Marshal or json.MarshalIndent to marshal the data ......
Creating Structs Arrays Byte Data

LINUX:FAILED: Execution Error, return code 2 from

如图,问题表现为linux中可直接通过hive进行数据插入 但在通过datagrip却更改不了 此时,可能时yarn的运行分配的内存较少,或堆内存溢出。在yarn-site.xml中更改,以及mapred-site.xml中更改,完成。 yarn的 <property> <name>yarn.sch ......
MapRedTask Execution FAILED return apache

pip安装PyVCF后有问题:ImportError: cannot import name 'Reader' from 'parser'

目录问题解决 问题 Python通过pip安装PyVCF成功,但运行脚本时出现问题: File "/home/theo/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/vcftoolz/", line 19, in <module> import v ......
39 ImportError cannot Reader import

pip安装包报错:PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop> pip install request ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement request (from versions: none)

PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop> pip install requestERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement request (from versions: none)ERRO ......

[论文速览] Handwritten Text Generation from Visual Archetypes

Pre title: Handwritten Text Generation from Visual Archetypes accepted: CVPR 2023 paper: code: ......

from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull, QhullError ImportError: cannot import name 'QhullError' from 'scipy.spatial'

from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull, QhullError ImportError: cannot import name 'QhullError' from 'scipy.spatial' (/home/linux/.conda/envs/opencv/lib ......
QhullError spatial import scipy from

Go - receiving from an empty channel

package main import ( "fmt" "sync" "time" ) var workers = 3 func processItem(input <-chan int, output chan<- int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { for { fmt.Prin ......
receiving channel empty from Go

Knowledge Distillation from A Stronger Teacher

目录概DIST代码 Huang T., You S., Wang F., Qian C. and Xu C. Knowledge distillation from a stronger teacher. NIPS, 2022. 概 用 Pearson correlation coefficient ......
Distillation Knowledge Stronger Teacher from

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement selunium (from versions: none)

错误信息 ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement selenium (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for selenium ......

错误 Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

场景:本地git已登录了账号,需要在github下载项目时提示 Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.,解决方法是获取本地的密钥,在gitHub中添加即可, ......

[论文阅读] Anomaly detection via reverse distillation from one-class embedding

Anomaly detection via reverse distillation from one-class embedding Introduction 在知识蒸馏(KD)中,知识是在教师-学生(T-S)对中传递的。在无监督异常检测的背景下,由于学生在训练过程中只接触到正常样本,所以当查询是 ......

arviz.from_pyjags() ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 3)

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) /home/anaconda/workspace/group_code/long_rt/simulation1/jags_test.ipynb Cell 12' in <cell line: 1>() > 1 ......

from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobs

from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobs make_blobs方法:sklearn.datasets.make_blobs(n_samples=100,n_features=2,centers=3, cluster_std=1 ......

[已解决]报错: Error response from daemon: conflict

报错内容: Error response from daemon: conflict: unable to delete f5b6ef70d79b (must be forced) - image is being used by stopped container 0a740a8a885c 解决办 ......
response conflict daemon Error from

HEAD detached from originmaster

HEAD detached from originmaster 参考文档: git commit 时报错HEAD detached from 85e119d nothing to commit, working tree clean问题解决 - 简书 ( liuzonglin ......
originmaster detached HEAD from

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'type') from echarts

DON'T use ref or reactive to wrap the echarts instance. Use a common variable or shallowRef to avoid the deep watch for echarts instance. 不要使用 ref 或 r ......

Go - Separate external calls from our main logic

Original implementation: type SingleItem struct { Field string `json:"field"` Hour int `json:"hour"` Minute int `json:"minute"` ItemCode string `json: ......
Separate external calls logic from

解决pycharm报错 pkg_resources import iter_entry_points

遇到问题 执行pytest用例出现警告 D:\pycharm\PyCharm 2020.1.5\plugins\python\helpers\ DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated ......

P6961 [NEERC2017] Journey from Petersburg to Moscow

P6961 感觉很神奇的题。 一条路径的代价是前 \(k\) 大的边的权值和,有个假的做法是每个点维护一个堆,表示走到这个点前 \(k\) 大边的权值,读者可以思考一下这个做法为什么是假的。 既然直接最短路不好处理,自己观察性质,可以发现前 \(k\) 条边权值和等价于每条边边权变为 \(\max( ......
Petersburg Journey Moscow P6961 NEERC

MonoNeRF: Learning Generalizable NeRFs from Monocular Videos without Camera Poses

1. 论文简介 论文题目:MonoNeRF: Learning Generalizable NeRFs from Monocular Videos without Camera Poses Paper地址:chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefind ......