
Microservice - Project folder structure for hexagonal architecture

While there are no written rules for a hexagonal architecture folder, the following folders are common in typical Go projects: Application folder—Thi ......

Microservice - Hexagonal Architecture

Hexagonal architecture (https://alistair.cockburn.us/hexagonal-architecture/), proposed by Alistair Cockburn in 2005, is an architectural pattern that ......
Microservice Architecture Hexagonal

Hexagon之Smart P&ID学习

# 1 Smart P&ID介绍 Intergraph Smart P&ID软件是海克斯康 SmartPlant ® Enterprise(以下简称“SPE”)体系软件之一,用于[SmartPlant Foundation](https://www.cnblogs.com/kernelry/p/17 ......
Hexagon Smart amp ID

Hexagon之SmartPlant Foundation基础架构学习

# 1 SmartPlant Foundation简介 SmartPlant Foundation是SmartPlant Enterprise解决方案的信息`集成平台`,是专门针对石油、化工行业的解决方案(SDx是通用形的),实现工厂全生命周期的**数字化资料**,包括设计、采购、收购、运营和维护。 ......
Foundation SmartPlant 架构 Hexagon 基础
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