
消费者组rebalancing:consumer group 'ClientConsumer' is balancing

背景介绍 消费者正常消费一段时间后,断开连接,再次连接消费消费。发现尽管生产者一直在生产消息,但消费者却无法消费消息。 查询消费者组的信息: 出现警告:Warning: Consumer group 'ClientConsumer' is rebalancing,导致消费者无法消费消息。一定要等待这 ......

mac os 编译webrtc 报错 error: 'CGDisplayStreamStop' is only available on macOS 13.0 or newer [-Werror,-Wunguarded-availability-new]

../../modules/desktop_capture/mac/ error: 'CGDisplayStreamUpdateGetRects' is only available on macOS 13.0 or newer [-Wer ......

求助帖:3.8.12版本HbuilderX编译中出现whitespace was expected以及v-bind=""is not supported

<template> <view class="load-main"> <view class="load-box"> <view class="load-text"> 登录 </view> <view class="load-input"> <input type="text" placehold ......
quot whitespace HbuilderX supported expected


论文标题 《AN IMAGE IS WORTH 16X16 WORDS: TRANSFORMERS FOR IMAGE RECOGNITION AT SCALE》 谷歌论文起名越来越写意了,“一幅图像值16X16个单词” 是什么玩意儿。 AT SCALE:说明适合大规模的图片识别,也许小规模的不好使 ......

e1000e 0000:00:1f.6: The NVM Checksum Is Not Valid

Ubuntu20.04系统,遇到 I219 网卡不能用的问题,查看dmesg得到如下信息: 解决办法: 1. 下载Intel官方工具Boot Utility: 下载地址: ......
Checksum e1000e e1000 1000e Valid

"none" is not exported by the List::Util module

001、make命令报错如下: "none" is not exported by the List::Util module 002、解决方法 。 ......
quot exported module none List

nextjs运行报错ReferenceError: Request is not defined

安装 npx create-next-app@latest 运行 npm run dev 使用node版本v16.20.1,报错:ReferenceError: Request is not defined 解决方案: 切换node: v18.16.1(npm: v9.5.1) 重新安装项目并运行, ......
ReferenceError Request defined nextjs not

【Azure Web Job】Azure Web Job执行Powershell脚本报错 The term 'Select-AzContext' is not recognized as the name

问题描述 Azure Web Job执行Powershell脚本报错 Select-AzContext : The term 'Select-AzContext' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or ......

HBase启动异常:Master is initializing

org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PleaseHoldException: Master is initializing master.hmaster: master failed to complete initialization after 900000ms. please co ......
initializing Master HBase is

Syntax Error: Error: Node Sass version 8.0.0 is incompatible with ^4.0.0.

依赖关系如图: 如果报如题这个错误,并且按照上面node-sass官网的依赖关系依赖对了node版本还不行,那么,请删除node-sass npm uninstall node-sass 然后执行 npm i sass --save-dev 然后运行项目,如果出现类似图片中的错误时,别慌,把所有的/ ......
Error incompatible version Syntax Node

【Bug解决】Can‘t perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is > a no-op, but it...

在 React 应用程序中我们遇到以下警告消息: Can’t perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your applica ......
component unmounted perform update React

PageOffice保存时The file format is not allowed

情景描述:最新用PageOffice做word在线编辑功能,但是保存时一直报错The file format is not allowed。如下图: 问题分析:把word文件放到官方demo中,编辑保存没有问题,最后排查到是pageofficeCtrl.WebOpen传入的参数DocumentURL ......
PageOffice allowed format file The

后台springboot启动失败-The bean 'productMapper' could not be injected because it is a JDK dynamic proxy

报错信息 The bean 'productMapper' could not be injected because it is a JDK dynamic proxy The bean is of type 'com.sun.proxy.$Proxy224' and implements: pw ......

Error loading wikitext data raise NotImplementedError(f"Loading a dataset cached in a {type(self._fs).__name__} is not supported.")

Error loading wikitext data raise NotImplementedError(f"Loading a dataset cached in a {type(self._fs).name} is not supported.") QA I was trying to loa ......

报错分析:Value specified in CPUShares is out of range: unknown

启动容器时报错: Caused by: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: Value specified in CPUShares is out of range: unknown 初看log不知从哪里来,既不是docker也不是容器运行时,也不是ker ......
CPUShares specified unknown Value range

Is Homophily a Necessity for Graph Neural Networks?

目录概 Ma Y., Liu X., Shah N. and Tang J. Is homophily a necessity for graph neural networks? ICLR, 2022. 概 探究 Homophily 假设 (即相互连接的结点相似) 对于 GCN 发挥效果是否是必须 ......
Homophily Necessity Networks Neural Graph

com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Public Key Retrieval is not?

问题 :连接MySQL数据库时抛出异常信息: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Public Key Retrieval is not allowed一开始aplication.yml配置如下所 ......

报错:The server time zone value ‘�й���׼ʱ��’ is unrecognized or represents more than one time zone

在运行项目的时候遇到了这样一个报错,是数据库的问题但是不知道是什么原因,在网上搜了一下发现只需要在url后面加上serverTimezone=UTC这串代码就行了 例如 jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/result?characterEncoding=UTF-8&server ......
time zone unrecognized represents server

使用react-native-drawer,跟着官网配置仍报错,Error: [Reanimated] `valueUnpacker` is not a worklet, js engine: hermes

在使用react-native-drawer组件时,编译项目报错 试了许多的方法,最后通过在一篇博客中找到解决方法 因为在使用react-native-drawer时也需要使用react- ......

《Attention Is All You Need》阅读笔记

论文标题 《Attention Is All You Need》 XXX Is All You Need 已经成一个梗了,现在出现了很多叫 XXX Is All You Need 的文章,简直标题党啊,也不写方法,也不写结果,有点理解老师扣论文题目了。 作者 这个作者栏太夸张了。八个作者全部标星,均 ......
Attention 笔记 Need All You

kubelet pleg is not healthy

k8s 1.19.0PLEG全称是Pod Lifecycle Event Generator 即Pod生命周期事件生成器,定时检查Pod状态,上报Pod Event事件。 PLEG Start 启动一个协程,每隔1s调用一次relist,根据最新的PodStatus生成PodLiftCycleEve ......
kubelet healthy pleg not is

macos pip3 安装 mycli/scrapy 路径报错 WARNING: The script tabulate is installed in '/Users/modys/Library/Python/3.9/bin' which is not on PATH.

WARNING: The script tabulate is installed in '/Users/modys/Library/Python/3.9/bin' which is not on PATH. python没有添加到环境变量 export PATH=/Users/<you>/Libr ......
路径 installed tabulate WARNING Library

android开发Type BuildConfig is defined multiple times

1. 问题:Type BuildConfig is defined multiple times 2. 原因:两个依赖库的namespace名字相同导致,导致生成的BuildConfig 类路径一样导致编译失败 android { namespace 'com.suyf.demo' } 3. 解决方 ......
BuildConfig multiple android defined times

docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/web" is already in use by container ......

问题:docker启动docker容器时报错docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name is already in use by container You have to remove (or rename) t ......
container quot Conflict response already

Data truncation: Invalid JSON text in argument 1 to function json_extract: "The document is empty." at position 0.问题解决

问题描述: json格式不规范导致的,仅使用where+json_valid清洗似乎并不足以解决问题 解决方法: select order_number,sku_code,CASE WHEN JSON_VALID(sales_price) THEN sales_price ELSE null END ......

002Is He Gonna Survive(8kyu)from codewars

Is He Gonna Survive? A hero is on his way to the castle to complete his mission.However,he's benn told that the castle is surrounded with a couple of ......
codewars Survive Gonna 8kyu from

cypress 无法启动No version of Cypress is installed in: /Users/xxx/Library/Caches/Cypress/13.3.3/

使用npx cypress open 启动cypress 提示 No version of Cypress is installed in: /Users/xxx/Library/Caches/Cypress/13.3.3/ npx cypress open No versio ......
Cypress installed cypress Library version

[ERROR KubeletVersion]: the kubelet version is higher than the control plane version.

kubeadm、kubelet、kubectl 一起安装时,由于疏忽写成kubelet-,结果版本变成kubelet-1.28了,导致报标题中的错误 安装指定版本 yum -y install kubeadm-1.27.3-0 kubelet-1.27.3-0 kubectl-1.2 ......
version KubeletVersion the kubelet control

How to tell whether a file is a symbolic link in shell script All In One

How to tell whether a file is a soft symbolic link in shell script All In One shell 脚本中如何判断一个文件是否是软链接 / 软符号链接 ......
symbolic whether script shell tell

mysql8解决null, message from server: “Host is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

1.登录mysql(注意:账号密码不包括,-u和-p) mysql -uroot -proot 2.切换到mysql库: use mysql; 3.查询root用户的host值: select user,host from user; 如果host的值是localhost,说明只支持本地连接,不能远 ......
server message allowed connect mysql8