
[CF878E]Numbers on the blackboard

E - Numbers on the blackboard 最后的答案肯定为\(\sum_{l\leq i\leq r} 2^{p_i}\times a_i\) 然后这个\(p\)满足以下限制: \(p_i=0\)(\(i=l\)) \(1\leq p_i\leq p_{i-1}+1\)(\(l<i ......
blackboard Numbers 878E 878 the

vscode git提交——报please enter the commit message for your changes....

如图: 其大意就是:在提交之前,需要给此次提交添加一些备注信息 1. git命令操作 git命令为:git commit -m "备注信息" 2. vscode操作 1)点击 + :暂存更改 2)在消息输入框中添加 备注信息(关键地方) 3)一定要输入 备注信息 后,再点击 提交,不然就会报“ple ......
changes message vscode commit please

[902] Get the current file's directory of CMD batch scripts

In a batch file, you can use the %~dp0 special variable to get the directory of the currently executing batch file. Here's how you can do it: @echo of ......
directory current scripts batch file

[898] Convert the data type of a DataFrame column

In Pandas, you can convert the data type of a DataFrame column to a string data type using the .astype() method. Here's how to do it: import pandas as ......
DataFrame Convert column data type

[895] Sort the rows of a DataFrame

In Pandas, the sort_values() method is used to sort the rows of a DataFrame by one or more columns. This method allows you to specify which column(s) ......
DataFrame Sort rows 895 the

Go - Finding the Shortest Path on a Graph

Problem: You want to find the shortest path between two nodes on a weighted graph. Solution: Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest path betwee ......
Shortest Finding Graph Path the

$Mind the Gap$队伍实录

正式比赛 2023: ICPC Nanjing:未开始 CCPC Shenzhen:未开始 ICPC Jinan:未开始 交题圣经 " 语言别交错 long long 有没有开 空间够不够 大小够不够 自己的样例试过没 格式'\n'有没有 板子有没有写错 " 比赛战术 训练实录 2023.10.10 ......
队伍 Mind Gap the

AES key — encoded in the machine readable zone of a European ePassport

AES key — encoded in the machine readable zone of a European ePassport 题目地址 AES key — encoded in the machine readable zone of a European ePassport 解题过 ......
ePassport European readable encoded machine

【Https异常】This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS解决方法

参考: 一、问题出现场景 项目从http升级到https后,jsp页面存在发送http请求的情况下就会出现该异常。因为HTTPS 是 HTTP over Secure Socket Laye ......
request blocked content 方法 served

Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12514

1.问题 在使用Oracle SQL Developer时,遇到以下问题: 状态: 失败 -测试失败: Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12514, TNS:listener does not current ......
connection following the Listener refused

状态: 失败 -测试失败: IO 错误: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection (CONNECTION_ID=BMRc/8PgR2+0i4PK2tnHQA==)

1.问题 问题如标题所示,在使用Oracle SQL Developer连接时发现错误: 状态: 失败 -测试失败: IO 错误: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection (CONNECTION_ID=BMRc/8PgR2+0i4 ......

解决Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists 问题.

问题:Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists 请确保您具有正确的访问权限并且存储库存在 原因:公钥出问题了,需要删除.ssh下文件,然后重设置用户名和邮箱再重新生成ssh公钥即可解决 ......
repository the correct Please access

成功解决WARNING: You do not appear to have an NVIDIA GPU supported by the 430.34 NVIDIA Linux graph ......
NVIDIA supported WARNING 430.34 appear

An unhandled exception occurred: Could not find the implementation for builder @angular-devkit/build-ng-packagr:build See ……

原文链接: 调试一个新的angula项目时,报上面的错误。断定基本是版本不匹配导致的。 看了看网上的一些信息说是升级一下 angular-cli的版本就行了。 但是升级后也不好用,后来发现, 不是要升级, ......

rdlc报表打印预览时异常 An error occurred during local report processing. The definition of the report 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' is invalid

1. rdlc报表打印预览时会出现如下异常: 2. 解决办法: 安装sqlsysclrtypesfor2012.msi并且重启电脑; ......

eclipase项目导入错误Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace

根本原因:workplace 和工程名冲突 解决办法: 1.新建一个目录,打开工程选择该路径 2.导入实际工程得路径位置 ......
workspace eclipase projects imported 错误

The build restored NuGet packages. Build the project again to include these packages in the build. For more information, see

The build restored NuGet packages. Build the project again to include these packages in the build 在 Visual Studio 2022 中构建代码时出现此错误。 严重性 代码 说明 项目 文件 行 ......
packages build information the restored


秋分小记 Created: 2023-09-26T09:17+08:00 Published: 2023-10-08T19:41+08:00 Categories: Fragment Tags: Diary 目录秋天的树如果你冷Say Goodbye如此爱你姊妹日记一则(有删改)你们能做得比 Sta ......

The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 4: Taipei - I(状压DP)

目录I. Interval Addition I. Interval Addition 题意 给定一个长度为 n $(1\le n \le 23) $ 的数组 a。你可以进行一种操作:选择区间 \([l, r]\) 并给这个区间所有的数都加上一个任意的数。问你使得整个数组均为 0 所需的最小操作次数 ......
Universal Taipei Stage The 2nd

mysqldump 导出来的文件,使用 source还原时报错“ASCII '\0' appeared in the statement, but this is not allowed unless option”

导出语句:mysqldump -uroot -pword --databases db1 --tables table1 > ./sqldumps/archive-table1-`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`.sql 导出后,使用source还原 报错:ASCII '\0' appe ......
mysqldump statement appeared 时报 allowed

The 2023 ICPC Asia EC Regionals Online Contest (I) B.String

The 2023 ICPC Asia EC Regionals Online Contest (I)B.String 题意: 给定等长字符串\(S_1,S_2\),下标从\(1\)开始 给出\(q\)个询问,每次给出一个字符串\(T\) 每次询问计算出三元组数量\((i, j, k)(1\le i\ ......
Regionals Contest Online String 2023

[BJDCTF2020]The mystery of ip

原理 X-forwarded-for SSTI模板注入 命令执行 解题过程 进入靶场,没发现什么,照例查看三个页面的原代码 flag页面会打印ip hint页面提示说如何知道我们的ip的 一般是通过数据包的X-Forwarded-for字段知道ip的,那我们抓包,可以发现的确是通过获取这个值来打印出 ......
mystery BJDCTF 2020 The ip

Centos安装网卡驱动make时报错Kernel header files not in any of the expected locations.解决办法之一

Centos安装I219-LM网卡驱动 查询适合我的网卡命令: 1 2 [root@192 src]# lspci|grep net 00:1f.6 Ethernet controller: Intel C ......

8 Innovative BERT Knowledge Distillation Papers That Have Changed The Landscape of NLP

8 Innovative BERT Knowledge Distillation Papers That Have Changed The Landscape of NLP Contemporary state-of-the-art NLP models are difficult to be ut ......

A Visual Guide to Using BERT for the First Time A Visual Guide to Using BERT for the First Time Translations: Chinese, Kor ......
Visual Guide First Using BERT

BCEWithLogitsLoss报错RuntimeError: result type Float can't be cast to the desired output type Long

loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(input, target) input错写成了Long类型,target错写成了Int类型 input与target需要的是float类型 ......

CF1051F The Shortest Statement

很经典的题了,不如说这种带有\(m-n\)很小这类限制的题的处理方法基本都如出一辙 由于图连通因此先搞个生成树出来,考虑非树边的数量很少,因此对于每组询问可以先用LCA求出两点间只经过树边的最短距离 考虑每条树边会如何影响答案,其实无非就是会经过这条树边的某个端点罢了,因此我们把非树边的端点都拿出来 ......
Statement Shortest 1051F 1051 The

The Road to learn React

React基础 组件内部状态 组件内部状态也称之为局部状态,允许保存、修改和删除存储在组件内部的属性 使用ES6类组件可以在构造函数种初始化组件的状态,构造函数只会在组件初始化的时候调用一次 const list = [ { title: 'React', url: 'https://faceboo ......
React learn Road The to

G. Vlad and the Mountains

G. Vlad and the Mountains 题意:给你每个点的高度,从a到b需要消耗h[b]-h[a]的体力值(所以说下坡时体力值可以增加),询问一开始你有e的体力值,问是否可以从u->v点 分析: 1.a->b最终消耗的体力值一定为h[b]-h[a],如果一开始的体力值都达不到肯定无法过 ......
Mountains Vlad and the