Mirror Unity联网插件学习

发布时间 2023-12-27 00:14:25作者: 何时度过康德桥

学习视频链接: 【在unity中利用免费Mirror插件来制作网络多人游戏】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV15X4y1K7V9/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=deaf604b58cb5a6dbd34d697e9efa138


so this is part of the default Mirror Ui

when you're hosting

your game client is acting as both the server and the client, so if you ever wanted to have player hosted games ,you would have like a player host a match , for a client it's uh it'll connect to the ip address you give it here , and localhost just means it's your it's your own ip address and then for server only instead of hosting , like being a server and a client this would be you're just acting as a server ,

你的游戏客户端既是服务器又是客户端,所以如果你想让玩家托管游戏,你会希望玩家托管一个匹配的客户端,它会连接到你在这里给它的ip地址, localhost本地主机 只是意味着它是你的,它是你自己的ip地址,就像是一个服务器和一个客户端,这将是你只是作为一个服务器,

so you can't really play your name you're just hosting it
所以 你不能真正玩游戏 而只是托管它

(hosting,中文名为托管。 IP与多媒体 、网络销售领域术语。 指以外包方式包揽企业和消费者的信息技术应用、相关的硬件系统、网络服务等,可分网络托管、网站托管和应用托管等。)