498b name that tune

idea报错:XXX already exist in project. Please, specify another name.

问题: idea报错:XXX already exist in project. Please, specify another name. 并且左侧目录中并没有看见同名存在文件 解决方法: 1.打开File->Project Structure 2.点击Modules->找到报错说存在的模块->点 ......
already another project specify Please

XXII Open Cup named after E.V. Pankratiev, Grand Prix of IMO

Contest link: XXII Open Cup named after E.V. Pankratiev, Grand Prix of IMO。 M. Math 题意:给你一个长度为 \(n\) 的数组 \(a\),求有多少对 \((i,j)\) 满足 \(a_i^2+a_j\) 是完全平方数 ......
Pankratiev Grand named after XXII

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'import_export'

当你遇到 "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'import_export'" 错误时,这表示你的 Python 脚本或应用程序试图导入名为 'import_export' 的模块,但是 Python 在其模块搜索路径中找不到它。 为解决此问题,你需要使用 p ......

huggingface_hub.utils._validators.HFValidationError: Repo id must be in the form 'repo_name' or 'namespace/repo_name': '/llama-2-7b-chat-hf-chinese/1.1'. Use `repo_type` argument if needed.

问题: 2023-11-26 07:45:38 | ERROR | stderr | raise HFValidationError(2023-11-26 07:45:38 | ERROR | stderr | huggingface_hub.utils._validators.HFValidati ......

Docker启动失败,提示"iptables: No chain/target/match by that name"

一、问题现象 docker容器报错: docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint etlmysql (12ccdbcef942bef6f32dbfc15 ......
quot iptables Docker target chain

报错 ImportError: cannot import name 'Celery' from partially initialized module 'celery'

# 目录结构问题 原来目录结构: 改为: 把check_result produce_task拿出来 ......
39 ImportError initialized partially Celery

【问题记录】【IDEA工具】升级了个版本- -启动报错 com.intellij.ide.util.PropertiesComponentImpl PluginClassLoader(plugin=PluginDescriptor(name=BetterIntelliJ, id=org.example.BetterIntelliJ

1 启动报错 Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.intellij.ide.util.PropertiesComponentImpl PluginClassLoader(plugin=PluginDescriptor(name=Bette ......

Python中,if __name__=="__main__"学习

注意:Python的代码执行,都是依次从上往下执行 在Python中,每个模块都有一个内置的变量 name,用于表示当前模块的名称。当一个Python文件被执行时,Python解释器会首先将该文件作为一个模块导入,并执行其中的代码。此时,__name__的值为模块的名称。 if name == ‘m ......
quot Python name main

Bean instantiation via constructor failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [com.alibaba.nacos.naming.core.v2.service.impl.PersistentClie

一、从公司的的GitLab下载项目到本地 二、nacos-2.0.1 启动不了 我以为是我中文路径问题,然后放到全是英文的一样报错,百度一圈没找到解决方法。 三、大佬路过,瞟了我一眼的电脑解决了。 删除 D:\nacos-2.0.0\data 下面的所有文件即可 原因就是有人把自己的数据上传到git ......

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip._vendor.progress'

出现异常: root@linaro-alip:/data/FantClient# ./venv_py39_rk/bin/python3 -m pip install qrcode -i https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple Traceback (most re ......

riffusion调用diffusers出错:No module named ‘diffusers.modeling_utils

追溯错误来源: C:\Users\Administrator\riffusion-main\riffusion\riffusion_pipeline.py from diffusers.pipline_utils import DiffusionPipeline 意思是在安装路径里有个代码想impo ......


今天在路由跳转传参时发现params传参接收到的总是为空,才发现通过path和name传参是有区别的 path传参要完整的路径,不能带参数。name传参可以带params。 params的传参页面刷新会丢失,query的传参不会丢失 使用path进行跳转: 当你使用path进行跳转时,你需要提供完整 ......
router push path name

[948] Extract PDF tables that have cells with multiple lines

If your PDF tables have cells with multiple lines, and you want to merge those lines within the same cell when extracting the table, you might need a ......
multiple Extract tables cells lines

[emerg] could not build server_names_hash, you should increase server_names_hash_bucket_size:32

解决nginx报错 nginx: [emerg] could not build server_names_hash, you should increase server_nam es_hash_bucket_size: 32 nginx: configuration file xxxx/conf ......

RT-Thread Studio中添加软件包报错ImportError: No module named psutil

经查,我这里是与RT-Thread Studio一起的python2.7中没有psutil模块导致的,因此需要在python2.7中安装psutil模块。我这里已经安装了python3.8,于是先将环境变量替代为RT-Thread Studio一起的python2.7(方便下面的命令行执行): 然后 ......

如何解决AttributeError: 'DictVectorizer' object has no attribute 'get_feature_names'

这个错误通常是因为 DictVectorizer 对象没有 get_feature_names 属性。这可能是因为你使用的 sklearn 版本过低,或者是因为你没有正确地导入 DictVectorizer 类。 要解决这个问题,你可以尝试升级 sklearn 版本,或者使用以下代码导入 DictV ......

简单例子理解 Qt 中 QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread. 问题

c++ gui programming with qt 中关于 QThread的用法的限制 下面这句话的翻译不清 QObject is reentrant, but there are three constraints to keep in mind: Child QObjects must be ......
different children 例子 QObject Cannot

论文精读:用于少样本目标检测的元调整损失函数和数据增强(Meta-tuning Loss Functions and Data Augmentation for Few-shot Object Detection)

论文链接:Meta-Tuning Loss Functions and Data Augmentation for Few-Shot Object Detection Abstract 现阶段的少样本学习技术可以分为两类:基于微调(fine-tuning)方法和基于元学习(meta-learning ......

centos上Python3.10报错 No module named ‘_ssl‘

在搭建web服务器时,需要使用Gunicorn 模块,可在使用Gunicorn 启动时,报错No module named ‘_ssl‘,历经周折解决了这个问题,解决过程记录如下: 说明1:Gunicorn 是一个unix上被广泛使用的高性能的Python WSGI UNIX HTTP Server ......
Python3 centos Python module named

browsermob-proxy-2.1.4启动失败,报错ProxyServerError: The Browsermob-Proxy server process failed to start. Check <_io.TextIOWrapper name='D:\server.log' mode='w' encoding='cp936'>for a helpful error message.

server.log文件错误信息: Running BrowserMob Proxy using LittleProxy implementation. To revert to the legacy implementation, run the proxy with the command-li ......

umount 报错umount: /new_room: target is busy. (In some cases useful info about processes that use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))

挂载逻辑卷后,尝试更新逻辑卷的文件系统 [root@server lost+found]# umount /new_room/ umount: /new_room: target is busy. (In some cases useful info about processes that use ......
umount processes new_room device target

已经使用pip安装库,却提示ModuleNotFoundError: No module named xx

问题:已经使用pip安装库,却提示ModuleNotFoundError: No module named xx 解决办法: 1 >>> import sys 2 3 >>> print(sys.path) 4 ['', '/Users/xxx/lib/python311.zip', '/Users ......
ModuleNotFoundError module named pip No

Identifier Naming Method

I. Variables Local variable Define the loop: i, j, z, x, y; Use lowercase for single words and use the small camel case command for multiple words; Mo ......
Identifier Naming Method

pip下载python软件包时报错 Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement requests_toolbelt (from versions: none)

pip下载python软件包时报错,使用了国内源等各种方法,后来才知道是电脑中打开了抓包工具;打开抓包工具后一定要关闭抓包工具,这样下载软件包就下载下来了 关闭抓包工具后,下载成功了 ......

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '.home'

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '.home' python experiments/train.py -c /home/xq/BasicTS-master/baselines/MLP/MLP_METR-LA.py --gpus '0'2023-11-12 ......
ModuleNotFoundError module named 39 home


内容来自 DOC https://q.houxu6.top/?s=在PHP中,HTTP_HOST和SERVER_NAME有什么区别? 以下是$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']和$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']在PHP中的区别? 何时会考虑使用其中之一以及原因是什么? 在PHP中 ......

TALLRec: An Effective and Efficient Tuning Framework to Align Large Language Model with Recommendation

目录概TallRec代码 Bao K., Zhang J., Zhang Y., Wang W., Feng F. and He X. TALLRec: An effective and efficient tuning framework to align large language model ......

Vue中 name 有什么作用?data 为什么是函数而不是对象?

Vue中 name 有什么作用? 项目使用 keep-alive 时,可搭配组件 name 进行缓存过滤 DOM 做递归组件时需要调用自身 name vue-devtools 调试工具里显示的组见名称是由 vue 中组件 name 决定的 data 为什么是函数而不是对象? 组件中 data 是 V ......
函数 对象 作用 name data

TypeScript export named default error All In One

TypeScript export named default error All In One error solution demos https://codesandbox.io/s/typescript-export-named-default-error-3yqdxw --> (🐞 反爬 ......
TypeScript default export error named

Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '/vue3-print/node_modules/.pnpm/dayjs@1.11.9/node_modules/dayjs/dayjs.min.js?v=b0e0e64f' does not provide an export named 'default' (at Upload.vue:10:8)

前提 在项目环境 vue3.3.4 + vite4.4.11 下,安装dayjs1.11.9 报错 Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '/vue3-print/node_modules/.pnpm/dayjs@1.11.9/node_modules ......
node_modules dayjs modules 39 node