account expired your administrator

yarn 出现 【 info There appears to be trouble with your network connection. Retrying... 】超时问题解决

第一种解决方案 # 调整为taobao镜像源 yarn config set registry 我用了没用,可以试试 第二种解决方案 要在项目根目录下创建后缀名为 .yarnrc 的文件,并设置 network-timeout 的值为 ......
connection Retrying appears network trouble

安装无限重置插件 报错“Your evaluation license has expired ….”您的评估许可证已过期,IntelliJ IDEA将退出

安装无限重置插件 报错“Your evaluation license has expired ….” 您的评估许可证已过期,IntelliJ IDEA将退出 最近不少小伙伴反馈,已经安装了IDE Eval Reset插件,但是在使用的过程中,仍然报错,弹窗提示:“Your evaluation l ......
evaluation 插件 IntelliJ 许可证 license

ubuntu vscode cannot open source file "stddef.h" (dependency of "chrono"). Please run the 'Select IntelliSense Configuration...' command to locate your system headers.C/C++(1696)

cannot open source file "stddef.h" (dependency of "chrono"). Please run the 'Select IntelliSense Configuration...' command to locate your system heade ......

odoo to account move

all model: stock_valuation_layers._check_company()self._check_company() stock.valuation.layer => account.move stock_valuation_layers._validate_account ......
account odoo move to

account.move create ......
account create move

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance

访问不了 就是这个路径没有通 有几下几点 最重要的就是 看一下你的路径有没有错 主要就是看一下你服务器的端口号是不是变更了 或者就是你的ip、 第二点 就是看一下你的服务器有没有启动 这两点是最主要的 ......

【git pull】 error: You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).

问题 $ git pull error: You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists). hint: Please, commit your changes before merging. fatal: Exiting because o ......
MERGE_HEAD concluded exists error MERGE

部署错误解决(An error occurred while processing your request.)

An error occurred while processing your request. Request ID: 00-613112becd7848f0226b77690eb71d00-3769cb0d7144d878-00 Development Mode Swapping to Deve ......
processing occurred 错误 request error

Screen fragments should never be restored. Follow instructions from to properly configure your main activity.

Screen fragments should never be restored. Follow instructions from ......

打包发布版时报错 Error: The apk for your currently selected variant cannot be signed. Please specify a signing configuration for this variant (release).

当直接运行release版本时,报错 Error: The apk for your currently selected variant cannot be signed. Please specify a signing configuration for this variant (relea ......
variant configuration for currently selected

How to tell which version of HW your Tesla Model 3 is using All In One

How to tell which version of HW your Tesla Model 3 is using All In One 如何判断你的 Tesla Model 3 使用的是那个版本的 HW ......
version Tesla Model which using

安装cocoapods: Error installing cocoapods: The last version of activesupport (>= 5.0, < 8) to support your Ruby & RubyGems was Try installing it with `gem install activesupport -v`问题解决

问题描述: 在终端命令行安装cocoapods时,可能出现如下问题: Error installing cocoapods: The last version of activesupport (>= 5.0, < 8) to support your Ruby & RubyGems was 6.1 ......

MicrosoftIdentity/Account/SignedOut show as 404

Answer from Google Bard The error 404 means that the page "MicrosoftIdentity/Account/SignedOut" cannot be found. This can happen for a few reasons: Th ......
MicrosoftIdentity SignedOut Account show 404

Error Node Sass does not yet support your current environment Windows 64-bit with Unsupported runt

## Error: [Node]( Sass does not yet support your current environment: Windows 64-bit with ......

cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired解决办法

出现这个原因是因为Let’s Encrypt 证书停止了HTTP API的请求支持,导致我们使用Let’s Encrypt 证书的网站没办法更新证书,就出现了证书过期的提醒,所以我们只需要手动更新下证书就行了。 1、下载 这个文件; 2、将c ......
certificate problem expired 办法 error

configure: error: Can't find GL/gl.h. Look for Mesa devel packages for your distro.

1. 安装文件查询工具 sudo apt install plocate 2. 查询头文件地址,shell命令: locate GL/gl.h 3. 为编译时指定其他的头文件查询地址: export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include ......
configure for packages distro error

virtual judge [Submit with your own account] 然后要启用开发者模式,然后就可以打开开发者工具。 (Safari–Preferences呼出首选项面板(或用快捷键 command+, 直接呼出)。 在 Advanced 菜单面板下,勾选 Show Develop Menu in me ......
virtual account Submit judge with

Idea 启动报错Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again Exception in thread "main"

idea运行程序的时候,出现Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again这个错误的话,抛出异常: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springfram ......
quot installation Exception occurred please

flutter升级错误“Your flutter checkout has local changes that would be erased by upgrading. ”

在升级Flutter SDK时可能会报如下错误: Your flutter checkout has local changes that would be erased by upgrading. If you want to keep these changes, it is recommend ......
flutter upgrading checkout 错误 changes

Saving your Plot: Stylesheets and Layouts (STY, LAY, LPK)

Description We describe the uses and differences between Tecplot 360’s three different methods for saving the style and settings of your plot. These i ......
Stylesheets Layouts Saving Plot your

git中Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind解决方案

出现错误原因是操作过程中出现失误,git上进行的修改没有同步到本地的git仓库 解决方案:git push -u origin master -f 在远程仓库中进行的相关修改会被删除,是远程仓库回到你本地仓库为修改之前的版本。然后上传你本地仓库的修改。 注意:如果是多人开发则其他人的开发结果将会被恢 ......

Warning: /root/software/sqoop/../hcatalog does not exist! HCatalog jobs will fail. Please set $HCAT_HOME to the root of your HCatalog installation.问题的解决

# 问题描述 ![]( # 问题解决 进入到sqoop/bin的文件目录下: ![](https://img2023.cnb ......

UVA1108 Mining Your Own Business 题解

[题目传送门]( # 题意 在一个无向图上选择尽量少的点涂黑,使得删除任意一个点后,每个连通分量里都至少有一个黑点(多组数据)。 # 正文 观察题意,发现这是个 Tarjan 求点双连通分量的板子。 考虑在求点双连通分 ......
题解 Business Mining 1108 Your

How to choose your first programming language All In One

How to choose your first programming language All In One 如何选择你的第一门编程语言 ......
programming language choose first your

Training Your Own LoRAs text-generation-webui Training Your Own LoRAs The WebUI seeks to make t ......
Training LoRAs Your Own

WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable问题的解决

# 问题描述 使用****命令开启hdfs服务时,爆出这样的警告信息 ![]( # 问题解决 可以先 ......

设置服务账号Service Accounts(sa)的token不挂载到pod

设置服务账号Service Accounts(sa)的token不挂载到pod,Service Accounts(sa)简介,在pod里设置sa的token不挂载到pod,在sa里设置sa对应的token不挂载到pod上 ......
账号 Accounts Service token pod

本地nacos启动报错: Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment, We need java(x64)! jdk8 or later is better!

编辑startup.cmd文件 将模式从cluster改为standalone 插入一行指定你的JAVA_HOME路径set JAVA_HOME="C:\dev_files\jdk17" 然后启动nacos即可~ ......
environment JAVA_HOME variable Please better

6. 权责发生制 Accrual Accounting Basis

*Profitability 盈利能力 盈利 Profit = 收入 Revenue - 开支 Expense* ##1. 什么是权责发生制 在会计学中,收入并不等于收款,开支并不等于付款。 - 将收入和支出记录在它们发生的周期内,而不一定是收款和付款的周期内,这就是权责发生制。权责发生就是收入或支 ......
权责 Accounting Accrual Basis

5.2 复式记账法总体流程 Double Entry Accounting

### 1.日记账 General Journal 账簿格式 日期、分类账户、增加金额(借方)、减少金额(贷方) 日记账像一个银行流水单,它按时间顺序清晰的记录了一个企业在某个时间段所发生的所有商业交易。如下图: ![image]( ......
记账法 复式 Accounting 总体 流程