approximation theory method and

The JSON value of length n is too large and not supported I'm referring to this issue #30746 that was closed with limit of 125MB staying fixed opposed to being c ......
supported length value large JSON

Diagnostic Port on Electronic Engine and Transmission

Diagnostic ConnectorTest the Connection to the ECM using cat et diagnostic kit ToolkitDeutsch Connectors (6/9-Pin)NOTE: On the Deutsch 9-pin SAE Stand ......

npm ERROR. node-sass and python

当前 install package 出现以下错误时 node-sass check python checking for Python executable "python2" in the PATH 建议安装 python@2 和 node@14 后再 install package. 下载 ......
node-sass python ERROR node sass

CF1100E Andrew and Taxi

套路题又来咯,最大值最小先直接上个二分答案\(lim\) 对于图中的边,若它的权值\(>lim\)的话这条边的方向就确定了,那么直接把这些边连出来跑个拓扑排序看看有没有环即可 如果有环则当前答案一定不合法,否则我们总存在如下的构造方法: 先把权值\(>lim\)的边得到的图的拓扑序搞出来,对于所有权 ......
Andrew 1100E 1100 Taxi and

[915] Implementation of zooming to layer and exporting to PDF in arcpy

ref: Camera - ArcGIS Pro ref: Introduction to # Set the path to your project file (.aprx) project_file = r"Map 1.3 Heritage.aprx" # Reference ......
Implementation exporting zooming layer arcpy

Paper Reading: Sample and feature selecting based ensemble learning for imbalanced problems

为了克服现有集成方法的缺点,本文提出一种新的混合集成策略——样本和特征选择混合集成学习 SFSHEL。SFSHEL 考虑基于聚类的分层对大多数样本进行欠采样,并采用滑动窗口机制同时生成多样性的特征子集。然后将经过验证训练的权重分配给不同的基学习器,最后 SFSHEL 通过加权投票进行预测。SFSHE... ......

Codeforces Round 872 (Div. 2) B. LuoTianyi and the Table

给一个 \(n \times m\) 的矩阵和 \(n \times m\) 个数,你需要把这些数填入矩阵。保证 \[\sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^m \left ( \mathop{max}\limits_{1 \leq x \leq i, 1 \leq y \leq j} a_ ......
Codeforces LuoTianyi Round Table 872

CF367C Sereja and the Arrangement of Numbers

这题首先上来会发现题目中的很多信息都是假的,核心就是问要构造一个\(x\)个点的完全图至少要多长的序列 我们把序列中相邻的两个元素看作图上的一条边,则可以把问题转化为:给一个\(x\)个点的完全图,问至少要走多长的路径才可以遍历图中的所有边至少一次 简单讨论下会发现当\(x\)为奇数时,此时图中每个 ......
Arrangement Numbers Sereja 367C 367

CF260D Black and White Tree

刚开始想复杂了,后面再细想了下发现是个傻逼题 考虑一下构造策略,每次从两种颜色集合中分别取出一个数\(u,v\),考虑连边\(u\leftrightarrow v\),边权为\(\min(s_u,s_v)\) 并在每次操作后将\(s_u,s_v\)中较小的那个直接删掉,并把较大的那个值减去\(\mi ......
Black White 260D Tree 260

CF821D Okabe and City

也是一个很经典的优化最短路的题,感觉在暑假前集训做过类似思想的题来着 首先发现我们可以把所有有路灯的点以及终点看作关键点,很显然我们只关心关键点之间的边权以及最短路 不难发现对于两个关键点\(i,j\),如果\(i,j\)相邻,则它们之间有边权为\(0\)的边;否则若\(|x_i-x_j|\le 2 ......
Okabe 821D City 821 and

struct and class

struct and class struct struct 和 class 都是由各种数据组成的集合(也叫做类),这些数据可以是整数,浮点数,字符,也可以是函数。在代码中,我们首先定义集合的名字,包含的数据类别。之后可以命名需用的集合,在主函数或者一些函数中对这些集合调用。 先对 struct 做 ......
struct class and

课程二第三周:Hyperparameter tuning, Batch Normalization and Programming Frameworks

Hyperparameter tuning Tuning process 到目前为止,接触到的超参数有: 学习效率learning-rate:\(\alpha\) Momentum算法的参数:\(\beta\) 加权平均的参数 Adam算法的参数:\(\beta_1、\beta_2、\epsilon ......

flex and bison usage in mysql

query parsing in mysql mysql source code version: 8.0.34 (from MYSQL_VERSION file) This an article from questions to understandings. which file does m ......
bison usage mysql flex and

python websocket server and client 用户认证 pip install websockets #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @mail : # @Time : 2023/10/18 9:58 # @Autho ......
websocket 用户 python client server

Signals and systems(1)

LEC 1 Introduction Signals Continuous signals EX1.Sound signals \(y = x(t)\) Continuous Time signal() One dimension signal(only have one variable time ......
Signals systems and

LuoguCF362B Petya and Staircases 题解

分析 简单排序题。 首先 Petya 可以通过跨过一个台阶和两个台阶保证不经过脏台阶,但是不可以通过跨过三个台阶来保证不经过脏台阶,所以只要看有没有连续的三个脏台阶即可。 同时,如果第一个台阶和最后一个台阶至少一个是脏台阶那么就不可以达成。 Accepted Code /*Code By Manip ......
题解 Staircases LuoguCF Petya 362B

[题解]CF1881G Anya and the Mysterious String

思路 发现如果一个字符串中有长度大于等于 \(2\) 回文子串,必定有长度为 \(2\) 的回文子串或长度为 \(3\) 的回文子串,并且形如:aa 和 aba。 所以考虑用线段树这两种情况。维护一段区间的最左、次左、最右、次右的元素,同时用两个标记变量 \(f_1,f_2\) 分别表示这个区间中是 ......
题解 Mysterious String 1881G 1881

IDEA 出现 Cannot resolve method getParameter() in JSP 解决方法

原链接java - Cannot resolve method getParameter() in JSP - Stack Overflow IDEA中出现下图情况,版本IDEA 2022.2.3 。 此方法大概率可用,如果帮到你请点个赞吧~ 1.我们右键当前项目,选择进入"Open Module ......
getParameter resolve 方法 Cannot method

[914] In Python's datetime library, you can format dates using the strftime() method

In Python's datetime library, you can format dates using the strftime() method. This method allows you to create a formatted string representation of ......
datetime strftime library Python format

论文阅读 Generalized Focal Loss: Learning Qualified and Distributed Bounding Boxes for Dense Object Detection

原始题目:Generalized Focal Loss: Learning Qualified and Distributed Bounding Boxes for Dense Object Detection 中文翻译:Generalized Focal Loss:学习用于密集目标检测的 Qual ......

CF557D D. Vitaly and Cycle

小清新分类讨论题 首先不难发现这题加边的上界就是\(3\),并且只有当图中一条边没有时才会取得,方案数就是\(C_n^3\) 而一条边不加的情况也很容易,可以先跑个染色看下有没有奇环,如果有的话就直接输出即可 而加两条边的情况也比较简单,当图中都是孤立边和孤立点时(即所有点度数均\(\le 1\)) ......
Vitaly Cycle 557D 557 and

Expression #3 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'jira.ji.ID' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause;only_full_group_by

这个报错的完整信息 Expression #3 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'jira.ji.ID' which is not functionally dependent on ......

Program does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point 修改办法,对着项目右键-》属性-》application-》output type设为Class Library即可。 ......
suitable Program contain method static

Go - Setting Up and Tearing Down Before and After Tests

Problem: You want to set up data and an environment for testing and tear it down after the test is run. Solution: You can create helper functions or u ......
and Setting Tearing Before After

3D Math for Graphics and Game笔记

这个机器人的原点在世界坐标系下的(4.5,1.5),而她右肩膀上的那个灯的模型坐标系为(-1,5),怎样计算这个灯的世界坐标呢? 开始: 获取原点,这个原点为(4.5,1.5) 向右移动一个位置,机器人的"左边"是[0.87,0.50],这样得到的位置为(4,5,1.5) + (-1)X[0.87, ......
Graphics 笔记 Math Game for

ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters ORA-00093: pga_aggregate_limit must be between 2048M and 100000G

在启动数据库实例时报错: ORA-01078: failure in processing system parametersORA-00093: pga_aggregate_limit must be between 2048M and 100000G 原因: 该报错是由于设置的pga_aggre ......

Secure Code Warrior C# Basic OWASP Web Top 10 2017 8: Insecure deserialization, 9: Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities, 10: Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

Last but not least. These set challenges consist of 8: Insecure deserialization, 9: Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities, 10: Insufficient Logg ......

Codeforces Round 892 (Div. 2) B. Olya and Game with Arrays

一系列 \(n\) 个数组,第 \(i\) 个数组的大小 \(m_i \geq 2\) 。第 \(i\) 个数组为 \(a_{m_1}, a_{m_2}, \cdots, a_{m_i}\) 。 对于每个数组,你可以移动最多一个元素到另一个数组。 一系列 \(n\) 个数组的 \(beauty\) ......
Codeforces Arrays Round Olya Game

[CF1168C] And Reachability

And Reachability 题面翻译 题目描述 Toad Pimple 有一个整数数组 \(a_1,\dots,a_n\)。 当 \(x < y\) 且存在 \(x = p_1 < \dots < p_k = y\) 的数列 \(p\) 满足 \(a_{p_i} \& a_{p_{i+1}} ......
Reachability 1168C 1168 And CF

[题解]CF514D R2D2 and Droid Army

思路 首先,可以转化题意,找到一个极长的区间 \([l,r]\) 使得(其中 \(mx_i\) 表示 \([l,r]\) 区间中属性 \(i\) 的最大值): \[\sum_{i = 1}^{m}mx_i \leq k \]显然对于这个东西当 \(l,r\) 发生移动时,是极其好维护的,所以想到双指 ......
题解 Droid 514D Army R2D2