approximation theory method and

delegate open and send for XMLHttpRequest by rewrite the prototype

var sendProxied = window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send; window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function() {var object = {}; let data = arguments[0] if ......

Concurrency and async / await

以下文章非常好的解释了python中的async wait的用法。copy自: Details about the async def syntax for path operation functions  ......
Concurrency async await and

「题解」AGC034F RNG and XOR

$f_i$ 为变成 $i$ 的期望步数,那么 $f_0=0$,$f_i=1+\sum_{j=0}^{2^n-1}f_j\cdot p_{i\oplus j}$,理解为从 $i$ 走到 $0$ 的期望步数即可。 尝试用集合幂级数描述这个东西,如果不管 $f_0$ 那么就是 $F=F\times P+I ......
题解 034F AGC 034 RNG

AccountController and SignOut method when using Microsoft.Identity.Web.UI

The signout html code located at <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link text-dark" asp-area="MicrosoftIdentity" asp-controller="Account" asp-action= ......

PTE Reading and writing

多选题 备考时间紧张 可以放弃 选错 倒扣分 建议 不是特别确定 就单选 ......
Reading writing PTE and

Ceil and floor of the dataframe in Pandas Python – Round up and Truncate

In this article, we will discuss getting the ceil and floor values of the Pandas Dataframe. First, Let’s create a dataframe. Example: Python3 # import ......
and dataframe Truncate Pandas Python

Yifan and Yifan

Yifan Zhao 和 Yifan Bao 的训练题集..... 第一场 $A.$ Making Anti-Palindromes 首先如果出现最多的数次数超过一半,显然是无解的。 如果是奇数也必然无解。 否则, 考虑一共有多少对 $S_{i} = S_{n - i + 1}$ 以及满足这个性质的 ......
Yifan and

[Algorithm] Compare two Binary tree are the same in both value and shape

export default function compare( a: BinaryNode<number> | null, b: BinaryNode<number> | null, ): boolean { if (a null && b null) { return true; } if (a ......
Algorithm Compare Binary shape value

difference between store procedures and functions

Functions can't modify anything and must have at least one parameter. They also have to return a result. Stored procedures don't need a parameter, may ......

论文解读(APCA)《Adaptive prototype and consistency alignment for semi-supervised domain adaptation》

[ Wechat:Y466551 | 付费咨询,非诚勿扰 ] 论文信息 论文标题:Adaptive prototype and consistency alignment for semi-supervised domain adaptation论文作者:Jihong Ouyang、Zhengjie ......

Vika and Her Friends

Smiling & Weeping 早知道思念那么浓烈,不分手就好了 题目链接:Problem - A - Codeforces 题目大意:有n个Vika的朋友在一个n*m的方格中去捉Vika,给出Vika和她朋友的初始位置(坐标),求出Vika能否逃出朋友的追捕。 思路:怎么说╮(╯▽╰)╭ 你知 ......
Friends Vika Her and

POJ 1466 Girls and Boys

## [$POJ$ $1466$ $Girls$ $and$ $Boys$]( ### 一、题目描述 大意就是有$n$个人,每个人与其他的某几个人有关系,这个关系且称为 **浪漫关系**,然后最后求一个最大的集合,使得 **集合中所有的人 ......
Girls 1466 Boys POJ and

Practice on Codeforces and Atcoder in July

## [$1844E$]( 题意: 定义一个矩形 $a$ 是好的,当且仅当其满足以下条件: 1. 矩形中每一个元素 $x$ 都为 $A,B,C$ 其中之一 2. 每一个 $2\times 2$ 的子矩形 ......
Codeforces Practice Atcoder July and

Practice on Codeforces and Atcoder in June

# $Practice$ $on$ $codeforces$ $in$ $June$ wk,误删了4个题,但我不想补了 ## [$CF1839D$]( 题意:给一个正整数序列 $a$,给定 $k$ 个 0,将 ......
Codeforces Practice Atcoder June and

Practice on Codeforces and Atcoder in May

# CF补题题解2023.5 说明:CF题直接去luogu看翻译,AT题会附上简要题意 ## [CF1821E]( 先考虑如何高速计算权值 一个显而易见的贪心是尽量在右边取括号消除,设右括号为 1,左括号为 ......
Codeforces Practice Atcoder May and

乐理 Music theory

## 音程 **纯一度**:相隔0个半音:11,22,33,.... **小二度**:相隔1个半音:34,71 **大二度**:相隔2个半音:12,23,45,56,67(除了小二度关系的自然音组成的音程都是大二度的) **小三度**:相隔3个半音:24,35,61,72 **大三度**:相隔4个半 ......
乐理 theory Music

Removing the remembered login and password list in SQL Server Management Studio

Removing the remembered login and password list in SQL Server Management Studio This works for SQL Server Management Studio v18.0 The file "SqlStudio. ......

《Universal and Transferable Adversarial Attacks on Aligned Language Models》论文学习

一、Abstract 尽管“开箱即用”的大型语言模型(例如ChatGPT)能够生成出色的处理令人反感的内容,人们在规避针对LLM的攻击(针对LLM的所谓“越狱”)方面取得了一些成功,但在不断地攻防实践中这些防御手段却很脆弱,研究员在自动对抗性提示(prompt)生成方面也取得了一些突破。 在本文中, ......

R语言代做编程辅导Econ 823: Econometric Methods(附答案)

全文链接: Problems: Let X1 and X2 constitute a random sample of size 2 from the population given byf(x; θ) = θxθ-1 10;1:If the c ......
Econometric 答案 Methods 语言 Econ

Name Mangling and extern “C” in C++

Since C++ supports function overloading, additional information has to be added to function names (called Name mangling) to avoid conflicts in binary ......
Mangling extern Name and in

在多表联合查询中,使用“join”连接与使用“where and”语句的区别

在多表联合查询中,使用“join”连接通常比使用“where and”语句效率更高。 使用“join”连接时,数据库可以根据表之间的关系进行优化,执行更有效的查询计划。数据库引擎可以有效地使用索引和其他优化技术来加快查询速度。此外,使用“join”连接可以更清晰地表达查询的意图,提高代码的可读性和可 ......
语句 where join and

Efficient and Accurate Diagnostic Tool

Diagnostic tools play a crucial role in the automotive industry, allowing technicians to accurately identify and troubleshoot vehicle issues. Among th ......
Diagnostic Efficient Accurate Tool and

Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/orm/jpa/HibernateJpaConfiguration.class]: Invocation of init method failed;

报错Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/orm/jpa/HibernateJpaConf... ......

The difference between Chrome and Firefox

The difference about digital certificates. # Firefox See the alarm info. ![]( ......
difference Firefox between Chrome The

Number Theory: The set of Real实数系构造:实数公理化(R, +, ×, ≥)之Field/Order/Continuity + Dedkind分割

Number Theory: The set of Real实数系构造 实数公理化(R, +, ×, ≥)之Field/Order/Continuity F(域):定义 +, ×, ≥: +: 加法的 交换律、结合律、0单位元、负元 ×: 乘法的 交换律、结合律、1单位元、逆元、乘法×对加法+的分配 ......
实数 公理化 Continuity Dedkind Number

【每日一题】Problem 653B. Bear and Compressing

[原题]( #### 解决思路 根据当前字符串的首字符进行深度递归即可 ##### 误区 字符串是从头开始匹配的,因此只需要对首字符进行替换 ```C++ #include int dfs(std::map> ......
Compressing Problem Bear 653 and

hdu7319 String and GCD

[String and GCD]( 首先我们需要用kmp的fail建树,然后需要利用到欧拉反演。 $$n=\sum_{d|n} \varphi(d)$$ 对于这题来说 $$(i,j)=\sum_{d|(i ......
String 7319 hdu GCD and


# 3.分支结构and习题 ## 一.语法 ### 1. if 语句 格式: ```python if 条件: 条件成立执行的语句 ``` ```python if 6>3: print("条件成立") ``` ### 2. if - else 语句 格式: ```python if 条件: 条件成 ......
习题 分支 结构 and


# 3.分支结构and习题 ## 一、语法 ### 1. if 语句 格式: ```python if 条件: 条件成立执行的语句 ``` ```python if 6>3: print("条件成立") ``` ### 2. if - else语句 格式: ```python if 条件: 条件成立 ......
习题 分支 结构 and

HDU 1312 Red and Black 题解

//注意边界判断,调了好久#include <iostream> #include <queue> using namespace std; #define check(x,y)(x<wx&&x>=0&&y<hy&&y>=0) struct node { int x, y; }; char room ......
题解 Black 1312 HDU Red