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CF1825C LuoTianyi and the Show

传送门(luogu) 传送门(CF) 前言 ~~我来水题解力~~ 简化题意 $n$ 个人,$m$ 个座位,每个人落座的方法有三种: 坐最左边的人的左边,没人的话就做 $m$ 号座位,若最左边的为 $1$ 号,就离开; 坐最右边的人的右边,没人的话就做 $1$ 号座位,若最右边的为 $m$ 号,就离开 ......
LuoTianyi 1825C 1825 Show and

WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager......

pip install -r requirements.txt 报错"WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system ......

解决git错误: error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

在我本地上进行git pull的时候,出现这个错误: error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge: config/config.php 这是因为,本地上有一个文件,没有被git管理,但 ......

The 16th Harbin Engineering University Collegiate Programming Contest

The 16th Harbin Engineering University Collegiate Programming Contest A. stral Reflection 用右界覆盖左界为下标的数组 构成一个以i为左界,a[i]为右界的数组 以此表示区间 对于每一个陨石都尽可能找左界<=自己 ......

“git add -A” 和 “git add .” 的区别

git add -A和 git add . git add -u在功能上看似很相近,但还是存在一点差别 git add . :他会监控工作区的状态树,使用它会把工作时的所有变化提交到暂存区,包括文件内容修改(modified)以及新文件(new),但不包括被删除的文件。 git add -u :他仅 ......
git add

How to use Linux command to find out the background process All In One

How to use Linux command to find out the background process All In One ......
background command process Linux to

The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?

遇到如下问题: [root@k8s-node1 ~]# kubectl get podThe connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port? 解决方式: cd ......
connection the localhost refused specify

Exploring the Use of Humanized Mouse Models in Drug Safety Evaluation

However, there are differences between animals and humans, safety studies cannot be conducted on animal models alone, and normal animals do not respon... ......
Evaluation Exploring Humanized Models Safety

[ERROR] [MY-012263] [InnoDB] The Auto-extending innodb_system data file './ibdata1' is of a different sizethan specified in the .cnf file: initial 65536 pages, max 0 (relevant if non-zero) pages!

实际my.cnf发现里面的innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:1G:autoextend 设置得太大,我这机器容量小,所以调到12M , innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend ......

Mixed Content: xxx This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS

1.情景展示 这是教师资格证,准考证的下载界面。 当我们去点击“下载准考证”的时候,你将发现点击该按钮并没有反应。 按F12,打开开发者工具。 该网站,会自动进入断点调试模式,目的是为了:禁止前端开发者查看网页代码之类的吧。 我们要想看看,为什么无法下载准考证,就不能够被它拦住。 解决办法: 第一步 ......
Content request blocked content served

安装SQL Server累积版本更新包,提示“Not Clustered or the Cluster service is up and online”和 There are no SQL Server Instances or shared features that can be updated on this computer

1. Not Clustered or the Cluster service is up and online 起因是服务器SQL Server之前有开启SQL Server AlwaysOn High availability feature and installed Failover Clu ......
Server SQL Clustered Instances features

解决Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement思路

安装python第三方库的时候会提示报错缺少依赖库,报错如下: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement 模块名 (from automat) (from versions: none)ERROR: No match ......
requirement satisfies 思路 version Could

git文件时出现gnutls_handshake() failed: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.

使用 git config --global --unset https. git config --global --unset http. 重置github代理 ......

ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts

报错原因: ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the f ......
dependency the currently behaviour conflicts

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linker cmake from add CLI

typora:The beta version of typora is expired, please download and install a newer version

该解决方案摘录自:摘录 问题描述 typora安装后提示 The beta version of typora is expired, please download and install a newer version 解决方案 按Windows+R打开运行窗口,输入regedit,点确定,打开 ......
version typora download expired install

关于Kubernetes-v1.23.6-初始化时报错[kubelet-check] It seems like the kubelet isn't running or healthy

笔者今天在对k8s,v1.23.6版本的的master节点使用如下命令进行初始化时 [root@k8s-master qq-5201351]# kubeadm init \ > --apiserver-advertise-address \ > --image-repos ......

ocidll forced to load library,initialization error could not initialize make sure you have the 64 bits oracle client installed

是因为你使用pl/sql是64位的,但是软件只找到了32位的oracle 客户端 多次尝试,我的pl/sql是64位,但是这里需要对应的使用64位,我的方案是下载 这个版本的软件 这样配 ......

安装msi软件报错:The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package.The error code is 2503

因为安装权限不足 以管理员身份运行cmd 运行安装命令 msiexec /package "E:\xxx\charles-proxy-4.6.4-win64.msi" ......
error encountered installing unexpected The

使用nacos配置,启动服务时一直报 Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run your application with 'debug' enabled. APPLICATION FAILED TO START

报错日志如下: Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run your application with 'debug' enabled.-2023-05-05 09:46:02.328 [TID ......

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cv2 (from versions: none)

现象 导入cv2时,报如下的错误 ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cv2 (from versions: none) 解决方案 win+R打开命令行,输入 pip install opencv-python ......
requirement satisfies versions version ERROR

The plugin distribution bundles IDE packages 'com.intellij.uiDesigner.core',

错误描述: The plugin distribution bundles IDE packages 'com.intellij.uiDesigner.core', 'com.intellij.uiDesigner'. Bundling IDE packages is considered bad ......

Jenkins 执行Docker build错误Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket...

问题: 解决方法: 这个报错为权限问题 1.把jenkins用户,加到docker用户组 #如果没有docker用户组,先创建用户组: groupadd docker #添加jenkins用户到用户组: sudo usermod -a -G docker jenkins -a<追加> 必须与-G选项 ......
Docker permission 错误 Jenkins connect

XCPC真题(1):Bits Reverse | Empty Squares | Wall Painting

🎈 作者:Eriktse 🎈 简介:19岁,211计算机在读,现役ACM银牌选手🏆力争以通俗易懂的方式讲解算法!❤️欢迎关注我,一起交流C++/Python算法。(优质好文持续更新中……)🚀 🎈 阅读原文获得更好阅读体验: ......
真题 Painting Reverse Squares Empty

flask--app.add_url_rule()函数 和 类视图详解

flask--app.add_url_rule()函数 和 类视图详解 app.add_url_rule()函数 在flask中,我们知道给一个函数添加url的时候,只需要使用装饰器@app.route('')装饰对应的函数就可以了。为什么这个装饰器就可以给函数视图 添加url规则呢?查看app.r ......
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CI3报错The URI you submitted has disallowed characters

报错: An Error Was Encountered The URI you submitted has disallowed characters. 遇到错误 您提交的URI包含不允许的字符。 解决方法: 1、打开application/config/config.php 2、找到$confi ......
disallowed characters submitted CI3 The

爬取过程中出现stale element reference: element is not attached to the page document 错误

Bug实际情况描述如下:当我想爬取信息类型中的6个元素时,使用这样的 1 smallClassList = seleniumService.waitFindElements(bidCrawler.getSmallClassTag()); 2 for (WebElement smallLi : sma ......
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qoj6344. The Best Problem of 2021

如果给出的线性基不是最小的,那么无解。 考虑简单转化一下问题。先把线性基消元,求出 $X$ 在线性基中的 $\text{Rank}$,再判一下全选是否无解。令 $X\to \text{Rank}(X)$,问题可以转化为:在 ${0,1,..,X}$ 的子集中选若干个数,使得子集线性基满秩(即秩等于 ......
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OEM执行emcli任何参数报错Internal Error: The EM CLI system has encountered an internal error. Details have been added to the OMS log files

OEM执行emcli任何参数报错Internal Error: The EM CLI system has encountered an internal error. Details have been added to the OMS log files 今天卸载oem的一个目标服务器上的age ......
encountered Internal internal 参数 Details