certificate chain trust of

Overcoming Fear of Failure:Facing Your Fear of Moving Forward

It's almost impossible to go through life without experiencing some kind of failure. People who do so probably live so cautiously that they go nowhere ......
Fear Overcoming Failure Forward Facing

【题解】HDOJ 7304 [2023杭电多校] Out Of Control

题目传送门:[HDOJ 7304 [2023杭电多校] Out Of Control](https://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=7304) # 题意 给长度为 $n$ 的序列 $a_n$ 以及 $k$ ,问容量分别为 $i \in k$ 时,有多少种取 ......
题解 Control HDOJ 7304 2023

Quantitative Approach of Management Science:(better decision making by using quantitative techniques)

Which is the use of **quantitative techniques to improve decision making**. Also known as _management science_. **Better decision making by using quan ......

NET6 EF Error: The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted

Error A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: SSL Provider, error: ......
certificate authority trusted issued Error

【题解】Max to the Right of Min - Codeforces 1849E

**出处:** Educational Codeforces Round 152 **链接:** https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/1849/E **题目大意:** TODO(先去看原题吧) **解题思路:** PS:这里的解题思路跟标准答案不太一样 ......
题解 Codeforces 1849E Right 1849

ChatGPT技巧之Few-Shot Chain of Thought(少样本思维链)

**Few-Shot Chain of Thought(少样本思维链)** 这个技巧使用的关键就是在给AI提供示例的同时解释示例的逻辑。 比如这样 - 这组数字中的奇数加起来得到一个偶数:4、8、9、15、12、2、1。A:将所有奇数相加(9、15、1),得到25。答案是False。 - 这组数字中 ......
样本 Few-Shot 思维 ChatGPT Thought

house of cat

# house of cat ## 概述 ​ 在libc2.24之后,增加了对`vtable`地址合法性的检查,无法直接改`vtable`为后门函数`getshell`,衍生出了一些二次跳转进行攻击的IO链,`house of cat`本质上是对一条简单的函数调用链的利用,需要绕过的检查很少。伪造一 ......
house cat of

Heap 0x05(House of Spirit)

调试思路以及例题来源于:(https://hollk.blog.csdn.net/article/details/109284167) ## House of spirit 似乎是一种特殊却又类似于double free的效果的攻击,之前的double free我们利用的是已有的chunk去free ......
Spirit House Heap 0x05 x05

The importance of experience replay database composition in deep reinforcement learning

![](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/1428973/202307/1428973-20230727110633815-1407402877.png) **发表时间:**2015(Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop, NIPS ......

828. Count Unique Characters of All Substrings of a Given String (Hard)

Description 828. Count Unique Characters of All Substrings of a Given String (Hard) Let's define a function countUniqueChars(s) that returns the numbe ......
Characters Substrings Unique String Count

for...in 循环和 for...of 循环的区别

JavaScript 中的 `for...in` 循环和 `for...of` 循环是两种不同的迭代方式,用于遍历数据结构中的元素。它们具有一些区别: 1. `for...in` 循环: - 用于遍历对象的可枚举属性(包括原型链上的属性)。 - 迭代的是键(属性名),而非值。 - 不保证迭代顺序,因 ......
for in of

The Rising Importance of Automotive Diagnostic Tools in the Repair Industry

The Rising Importance of Automotive Diagnostic Tools in the Repair IndustryIn the ever-evolving automotive world, continuous advancements in technolog ......

map of tuples and unordered_map of tuples

由于c++ map和unordered_map的底层实现不同,因此对tuples 作为key的支持情况也不同。 map是二叉树实现的,因此tuple as key比较容易实现,c++也是支持的。 unordered_map是hash实现的,hash一个tuple就不太容易了,c++貌似不支持,同样值 ......
tuples unordered_map map unordered of

for for…in for…of

for文for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) { console.log(i);} for...of文const array1 = ['a', 'b', 'c']; for (const element of array1) { console.log(element);} for ......

871.minimum number of refueling stops

Description 871.minimum-number-of-refueling-stops Solution Dynamic programming In this problem, the number is finite, and there is a recurrence relati ......
refueling minimum number stops 871

1775.equal sum arrays with minimum number of operations

Description 1775.equal-sum-arrays-with-minmum-number-of-operations Solution hash table + greedy algorithm The general idea of this problem is hash + g ......
operations minimum arrays number equal

1798.maximum number of consecutive values you can make

Description 1798.maximum-number-of-consecutive-values-you-can-make Solution Greedy algorithm + dynamic programming First, we sort the array in ascendi ......
consecutive maximum number values 1798

A Brief History of Big Data Technology Development

Foreword Before writing this article, I wrote about the history of some big data components and some of its evaluations intermittently, but I felt uns ......
Development Technology History Brief Data

Spire.XLS of.net 怎么设置字体样式(普通单元格和带公式的单元格)

普通的设置就直接套用官方文档即可 //创建字体 ExcelFont font1 = workbook.CreateFont(); //设置字体,字形,大小,颜色 font1.FontName = "宋体"; font1.IsBold = true; font1.Size = 10; font1.Kn ......
单元 公式 样式 字体 Spire

Unsupervised Learning of Depth and Ego-Motion from Video(CVPR2017)论文阅读

深度估计问题 从输入的单目或双目图像,计算图像物体与摄像头之间距离(输出距离图),双目的距离估计应该是比较成熟和完善,但往单目上考虑主要还是成本的问题,所以做好单目的深度估计有一定的意义。单目的意思是只有一个摄像头,同一个时间点只有一张图片。就象你闭上一只眼睛,只用一只眼睛看这个世界的事物一样,距离 ......

Behavioral Approach of Management Science: OB(Organizational Behavior)

Managers GTD(get things done) by WWP(working with people). This explains why some writers have chosen to **look at management** by **focusing on the o ......

How to Restore ASM Based OCR After Complete Loss of the CRS Diskgroup on Linux/Unix Systems (Doc ID 1062983.1)

In this Document Goal Solution References APPLIES TO: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later Oracle Database Cloud Schema ......
1062983.1 Diskgroup Complete 1062983 Restore

calico报错son: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field NetConf.mtu of type int].

于是describe查看宿主机的配置文件 查看日志没有相关日志 查看calico的相关配置文件值找到 于是想着直接去修改calico的Configmap发现修改不成功 便去查询宿主机映射的calico挂载文件把标记部分的string给成int去掉双引号,然后重启calico kubectl roll ......
unmarshal NetConf calico cannot string

Obsolete cause running out of memory

I was using Obsolete and set the second parameter as true, and it caused my applicaiton running out of memory in a few seconds. Remvoed the second par ......
Obsolete running memory cause out

CF1466I The Riddle of the Sphinx

### 基本思路 明示了在二进制下考虑问题,我们大体的思路就是从高往低依次确定最大的数二进制下每一位上的值。 以下所述的「前缀」均指一个二进制数从高位到低位的一部分,一个元素的「前 $k$ 位」表示二进制从高位到低位的前 $k$ 位,$res$ 表示当前记录的最大前缀的长度。 先看看操作能干嘛,一是 ......
Riddle Sphinx 1466I 1466 The

题解 链表 (chain)

[题目链接](https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/T355166) 首先考虑没有修改怎么做。 两种做法。 想到询问的形式为保留 $\ge k$ 的连通块个数,那么先将全部数字按照权值排序,然后从后往前做一遍并查集,并同时统计连通块的数量,在询问时只需二分找到第一个 $\ ......
题解 chain

SPOJ 2878 KNIGHTS - Knights of the Round Table

## [SPOJ 2878 KNIGHTS - Knights of the Round Table](https://www.spoj.com/problems/KNIGHTS/) > **注**:本题大多数网上题解是写的洛谷的链接,但洛谷现在无法做判题操作,提示`Unkwon Error`,只好 ......
KNIGHTS Knights Round Table SPOJ

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'state') 或者 Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'commit')

第一步,先检查是否在main.js中引入 store.js 如果检查完都引入了,且还是存在报错,第二步: 在 package.json 将vuex 的版本更换为其它版本,并从新yarn安装,建议vuex 版本为 3.0然后从新启动项目即可解决 ......
properties undefined reading Cannot 39

Impact of SBS/HVA/CRM Modified Asphalt on the Moisture Stability of Recycled Hot-mix Asphalt Mixtures

SBS/HVA/CRM改性沥青对再生沥青混合料水稳定性的影响 Impact of SBS/HVA/CRM Modified Asphalt on the Moisture Stability of Recycled Hot-mix Asphalt Mixtures 武汉工程大学 土木工程与建筑学院 ......
Asphalt Stability Modified Mixtures Moisture

map.xml文件报The content of element type "mapper" must match "(cache-ref|cache|resultMap*|parameterMap*

出现这个问题 是因为 <insert></insert> <delete></delete> <update></update> <select></select> 等标签写的不完整 或者写错位置了 比如<insert></insert>只写了一个,没有写结尾</insert> 或者<insert> ......
quot cache parameterMap cache-ref resultMap