circular subarray maximum medium

【Apache Druid】Subquery generated results beyond maximum[100000]

# Apache Druid | Subquery generated results beyond maximum[100000] ## 报错信息 在使用了left join时抛出此异常 ```tex Resource limit exceeded Subquery generated resul ......
generated Subquery results maximum Apache

LeetCode 239. Sliding Window Maximum 单调队列

You are given an array of integers `nums`, there is a sliding window of size `k` which is moving from the very left of the array to the very right. Yo ......
队列 LeetCode Sliding Maximum Window

1156. Swap For Longest Repeated Character Substring (Medium)

Description 1156. Swap For Longest Repeated Character Substring (Medium) You are given a string text. You can swap two of the characters in the text. ......
Character Substring Repeated Longest Medium

1798.maximum number of consecutive values you can make

Description 1798.maximum-number-of-consecutive-values-you-can-make Solution Greedy algorithm + dynamic programming First, we sort the array in ascendi ......
consecutive maximum number values 1798

918. Maximum Sum Circular Subarray (Medium)

Description 918. Maximum Sum Circular Subarray (Medium) Given a circular integer array nums of length n, return the maximum possible sum of a non-empt ......
Circular Subarray Maximum Medium 918

pomRelying upon circular references is discouraged and they are prohibited by default.

方框的意思就是: 不鼓励依赖循环引用,并且默认情况下禁止循环引用。更新应用程序以删除bean之间的依赖循环。作为最后的手段,可以通过设置spring.main来自动打破这个循环。允许循环引用为true。 这是由于Spring Boot2.6版本之后关闭了依赖循环引用,从而导致了以上错误。 解决方法 ......

CodeForces 1810G The Maximum Prefix

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [CF 传送门]( "CF 传送门") 感觉是比较 educational 的题。 拿到 ......
CodeForces Maximum Prefix 1810G 1810

nodejs sqlite报错 typeorm[ Expression tree is too large (maximum depth 1000)]

最近在给公司开发一个工具时,使用SQLite,然后突然发现报错: ```js (node:16195) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: QueryFailedError: SQLITE_ERROR: Expression tree is too large (ma ......
Expression maximum typeorm nodejs sqlite

918. 环形子数组的最大和 (Medium)

问题描述 918. 环形子数组的最大和 (Medium) 给定一个长度为 n 的 环形整数数组 nums ,返回nums 的非空 子数组 的最大可能和 。 环形数组 意味着数组的末端将会与开头相连呈环状。形式上, nums[i] 的下一个元素是 nums[(i + 1) % n] , nums[i] ......
环形 数组 Medium 918

ERROR 1709 (HY000): Index column size too large. The maximum column size is 767 bytes.

MySQL版本5.6.35 在一个长度为512字符的字段上创建unique key报错 CREATE DATABASE dpcs_metadata DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8; select * from information_schema.SCHEMATA; + + + ......
column size maximum ERROR Index

[LeetCode] 1349. Maximum Students Taking Exam 参加考试的最大学生数

Given a `m * n` matrix `seats` that represent seats distributions in a classroom. If a seat is broken, it is denoted by `'#'` character otherwise it i ......
LeetCode Students Maximum Taking 学生

CF280D k-Maximum Subsequence Sum

大半个月前做的题,现在才写题解,/qd/qd。 贪心,选出 $k$ 个不相交子段的和的最大值,其实相当于每次把序列最大子段拎出来,加上去,然后取相反数。 证明的话可以考虑模拟费用流,$i\le n$,$S\to i$ 连边,$i\to i+1$ 连边,$i\to T$ 连边,边的流量均为 $1$,$ ......
Subsequence k-Maximum Maximum 280D 280

950. 按递增顺序显示卡牌 (Medium)

问题描述 950. 按递增顺序显示卡牌 (Medium) 牌组中的每张卡牌都对应有一个唯一的整数。你可以按你想要的顺序对这套卡片进行排序。 最初,这些卡牌在牌组里是正面朝下的(即,未显示状态)。 现在,重复执行以下步骤,直到显示所有卡牌为止: 从牌组顶部抽一张牌,显示它,然后将其从牌组中移出。 如果 ......
显示卡 顺序 Medium 950

950. Reveal Cards In Increasing Order (Medium)

Description 950. Reveal Cards In Increasing Order (Medium) You are given an integer array deck. There is a deck of cards where every card has a unique ......
Increasing Reveal Medium Cards Order

[LeetCode] 2461. Maximum Sum of Distinct Subarrays With Length K

You are given an integer array nums and an integer k. Find the maximum subarray sum of all the subarrays of nums that meet the following conditions: T ......
Subarrays LeetCode Distinct Maximum Length

2069. 模拟行走机器人 II (Medium)

问题描述 2069. 模拟行走机器人 II (Medium) 给你一个在 XY 平面上的 width x height 的网格图, 左下角 的格子为 (0, 0) , 右上角 的格子 为 (width - 1, height - 1) 。网格图中相邻格子为四个基本方向之一( "North", "Ea ......
机器人 机器 Medium 2069 II

2069. Walking Robot Simulation II (Medium)

Description 2069. Walking Robot Simulation II (Medium) A width x height grid is on an XY-plane with the bottom-left cell at (0, 0) and the top-right c ......
Simulation Walking Medium Robot 2069

[Typescript] 149 Medium - Triangular number

Given a number N, find the Nth triangular number, i.e. 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + N /* _____________ Your Code Here _____________ */ export type NumberToArray< ......
Typescript Triangular Medium number 149

[Typescript Challenge] 148 Medium - CartesianProduct

Given 2 sets (unions), return its Cartesian product in a set of tuples, e.g. CartesianProduct<1 | 2, 'a' | 'b'> // [1, 'a'] | [2, 'a'] | [1, 'b'] | [2 ......

[Javascript] How to fix iphone safari auto zoom in problem without `maximum-scale=1.0`

Solution 1: consider change font-size to 16px or above Soution 2: using javascript if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') > -1 ) { document .querySe ......

[Typescript Challenges] 147 Medium - MergeAll

Merge variadic number of types into a new type. If the keys overlap, its values should be merged into an union. For example: type Foo = { a: 1; b: 2 } ......
Typescript Challenges MergeAll Medium 147

[Typescript Challenges] 146 Medium - CheckRepeatedTuple

Implement type CheckRepeatedChars<T> which will return whether type T contains duplicated member For example: type CheckRepeatedTuple<[1, 2, 3]> // fa ......

[Typescript Challenges] 145 Medium - Public Type

Remove the key starting with _ from given type T. /* _____________ Your Code Here _____________ */ type PublicType<T extends object> = { [Key in keyof ......
Typescript Challenges Medium Public Type

excel 导出 The maximum length of cell contents (text) is 32767 characters

**导出excel功能,报错。错误日志提示::The maximum length of cell contents (text) is 32767 characters** ![]( ......
characters contents maximum length excel

{{$slots}}报错TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON的解决办法

## 解决办法 不要使用`{{$slots}}`,因里边使用了JSON.stringify格式化数据,而 JSON.stringify 是不能用于有循环引用的对象。 查看他的值可以用按钮触发打印`点击查看$slots` ~~~js viewSlots(){ console.log(this.$slo ......

PAT-甲级-1007 Maximum Subsequence Sum C++

Given a sequence of K integers { N1​, N2​, ..., N​K }. A continuous subsequence is defined to be { Ni​, Ni+1​, ..., Nj​ } where 1≤i≤j≤K. The Maximum S ......
甲级 Subsequence Maximum 1007 PAT

[LeetCode] 2542. Maximum Subsequence Score

You are given two 0-indexed integer arrays nums1 and nums2 of equal length n and a positive integer k. You must choose a subsequence of indices from n ......
Subsequence LeetCode Maximum Score 2542

django python migrate 后报错字段长度超了 django.db.utils.OperationalError: (1118 'Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535.

现象: 在 将CharField字段的maxlength=修改后,执行ython migrate 报错django.db.utils.OperationalError: (1118 'Row size too large. The maximum row siz ......
django OperationalError size 字段 长度

Maximum Sum

Maximum Sum time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output You are given an array a1,a2 ......
Maximum Sum

python引入selenium报错ImportError: cannot import name 'webdriver' from partially initialized module 'selenium' (most likely due to a circular import)

背景: 新建一个名为:selenium.py的脚本文件,代码如下: from selenium import webdriver browser = webdriver.Chrome() browser.get('') 实现,我们已经通过pip insta ......
selenium import 39 ImportError initialized