cyc_to_led cyc led to

MySQL 切换数据库、用户卡死:“You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A“处理方法【转】

数据量很大的话,常规切换数据库会把里面所有的表遍历一遍,会很慢甚至是卡死。 解决方法:登录的时候直接在最后面加一个 -A 就行了。 [root@localhost ~]# "/usr/local/mysql-8.0.11/bin/mysql" -uroot -p123456 -A 实战演示:我演示的 ......
用户卡 feature quicker startup 数据库

How to fix Fetch TypeError in Node.js All In One

How to fix Fetch TypeError in Node.js All In One TypeError: terminated at Fetch.onAborted (node:internal/deps/undici/undici:11000:53) ......
TypeError Fetch Node How All

How to fix macOS Finder not support semicolon symbol in filename error All In One

How to fix macOS Finder not support semicolon symbol in filename error All In One macOS Finder 不支持文件名中包含 : 分号 bug ❌ ......
semicolon filename support Finder symbol

新版IDEA 出现ClassCastException: com.sun.proxy.$Proxy25 cannot be cast to

报错场景项目中使用lombok或者mapStruct,运行项目时报错运行某些较旧的代码,报错java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.proxy.$Proxy25 cannot be cast to ......
ClassCastException com sun cannot Proxy

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance

访问不了 就是这个路径没有通 有几下几点 最重要的就是 看一下你的路径有没有错 主要就是看一下你服务器的端口号是不是变更了 或者就是你的ip、 第二点 就是看一下你的服务器有没有启动 这两点是最主要的 ......

c gtk3写demo的时候,出现一大串(.text+0xxx): undefined reference to `xxx'错误。

错误内容 (.text+0x4b): undefined reference to `gtk_window_get_type' 环境 开发工具:IDEA GTK: mingw-w64-x86_64-gtk3 解决方法 前提是你已经按照GTK按照教程进行按照过GTK了 第一种 排查cmake的变量是否 ......
reference xxx undefined 错误 时候

How to use Node.js rename files in folder All In One

How to use Node.js rename files in folder All In One fs.rename fs.renameSync fsPromises.rename ......
folder rename files Node How

解决方法:ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

在使用windows系统用pip命令安装ipyparallel时,出现了这种错误: ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\Users ......

QSqlTableModel.insertRecord()报错"No Fields to update"解决记录 && QField构造

问题的出现 当我想向一个Table中插入一条记录时,我本能的想的是:QSqlTableModel是由一条一条的Record组成的,那么我先创建一个Record,并且赋予对应的值,然后再使用QSqlTableModel::insertRecord()插入就好了,代码如下: QSqlRecord rcd ......
quot QSqlTableModel insertRecord amp Fields

How to parse OR AND within text

假设你有一行 String condition = "A or B and C"; 语句,请问怎么做才能变成一行真正的逻辑表达式(能在计算机中运行计算)? Resolution 声明一个List<List<String>>结构; 先分割 or ; 变成 [ A, B and C ] 不包含and的, ......
within parse text How AND

刘贵庆网站已变更 to

由原来的: 改为了: to ......
liuguiqing com 网站 cn to

doris建表报错 errCode = 2, detailMessage = Scale of decimal must between 0 and 9. Scale was set to: 10

doris建表报错 问题背景 当我从Mpp库向doris库中导数据时,需要先创建对应的数据表,将Mpp库中表的建表语句略作修改后,在doris服务器上运行 CREATE TABLE opt_connect_box_v8 ( CNT_BOX_ID char(72) NOT NULL, CNT_BOX_ ......
表报 Scale detailMessage decimal between

多主架构:VLDB技术论文《Taurus MM: bringing multi-master to the cloud》解读

华为《Taurus MM: bringing multi-master to the cloud》论文被国际数据库顶会VLDB 2023录用,这篇论文里讲述了符合云原生数据库特点的超燃技术。 ......

Training language models to follow instructions with human feedback

郑重声明:原文参见标题,如有侵权,请联系作者,将会撤销发布! NeurIPS 2022 ......

(Windows Hadoop环境配置)IDEA:ERROR util.Shell: Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path

ERROR util.Shell: Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path 出错原因:还没有在windows上配置hadoop环境变量。 解决:在windows上配置hadoop环境变量 参考:windows下缺少 ......
binary the winutils Windows 环境

How to delete a file in Node.js All In One

How to delete a file in Node.js All In One fs.unlink fsPromises.unlink fs.unlinkSync ......
delete Node file How All

How to fix Tailwind CSS colors not work in Next.js All In One

How to fix Tailwind CSS colors not work in Next.js All In One Tailwind CSS & Next.js 13 ......
Tailwind colors Next work How

oracle数据库使用to_timestamp格式化日期数据时,报错: ORA-01821: date format not recognized日期格式化问题

今天偶然发现一个问题: 我使用的数据库是11.2版本的sql语句:SELECT to_timestamp('2023-09-13 15:43:29.943','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.fff') AS mydata FROM dual就会报错,项目出现问题, 但很神奇的时使用or ......
日期 格式 数据 to_timestamp recognized

gorm stdErr = sql: Scan error on column index 0, name "total": converting NULL to float64 is unsupported

前言 使用 gorm 查询时,报错:stdErr = sql: Scan error on column index 0, name "total": converting NULL to float64 is unsupported 代码如下 var total float64 res := db ......
quot unsupported converting column stdErr

kuberlet服务启动报错:"Failed to run kubelet" err="failed to run Kubelet: misconfiguration: kubelet cgroup driver: \"systemd\" is different from docker cgroup driver: \"cgroupfs\""

这是因为kubelet的cgroup和docker的不一致所导致的,“kubelet cgroup驱动为systemd,而docker的为cgroupfs”,有两种决解决方式,方式一:修改docker的cgroup为systemd 修改docker服务的配置文件,“/etc/docker/daemo ......
quot kubelet cgroup driver misconfiguration

ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused

今天从github clone代码的时候突然发现down不下来,很奇怪,百度后找到一个解决方法,特此记录。 在.ssh里添加config config内容如下: User后面是空格+你的邮箱名,这个邮箱名和.gitconfig中的email相同。 配置后,我们 ssh -T git@github.c ......
Connection connect refused github host


AP8106 系列产品是一种低功耗、高效率、低纹波、工作频率高的 PFM 同步升压 DC-DC 变换器。 AP8106 系列产品仅需要三个元器,就可完成将低输入的电池电压变换升压到所需的工作电压。 ......
高效率 芯片 8106 LED AP

How to fix Node.js fs.readFileSync toString Error All In One

How to fix Node.js fs.readFileSync toString Error All In One ......
readFileSync toString Error Node How

How to clone git repository with specific revision/changeset?

How to clone git repository with specific revision/changeset? 回答1 UPDATE 2 Since Git 2.5.0 the feature described below can be enabled on server side w ......
repository changeset specific revision clone Script to Calculate Values Recommended Linux HugePages-HugeTLB Configuration_DocID401749.1

Oracle Linux-Shell Script to Calculate Values Recommended Linux HugePages-HugeTLB Configuration_DocID401749.1 ######################################## ......

Failed to connect to server: hadoop/ip:9000: try once and fail.

hadoop 连接失败,报如下错误! Connection refused at Method) at ......
connect Failed server hadoop 9000

Breaking Changes When Upgrading from EF Core 6 to 7: What You Need to Know

Entity Framework Core (EF Core) is a popular Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework used by .NET developers for database operations. With the relea ......
Upgrading Breaking Changes When Core

k8s集群-spring cloud 集成seata的时候:can not register RM,err:can not connect to services-server.

背景说明 seate和其他微服务在k8s集群中部署,都在同一个命名空间。注册到nacos的同一个命名空间 seate是官方提供,无改动 k8s中部署情况: 报错提示 core服务的报错内容: 2023-09-12 11:07:06.524 ERROR 7 [eoutChecker_2_1] i.s. ......
services-server 集群 can not register

Screen fragments should never be restored. Follow instructions from to properly configure your main activity.

Screen fragments should never be restored. Follow instructions from ......

Failed to start LSB: Bring up/down错误解决方法

[[email protected] ~]# systemctl status network.service ● network.service – LSB: Bring up/down networking Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/network; ba ......
错误 方法 Failed Bring start