daemon docker the connect

"Academy of Management" and the journal "Academy of Management Perspectives"

Academy of Management 555 Pleasantville Road, Suite N200 Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510-8020, USA Phone: +1 (914) 326-1800 Fax: +1 (914) 326-1900 Academy ......
quot Management Academy Perspectives journal


一、简介 Docker-Compose项目是Docker官方的开源项目,负责实现对Docker容器集群的快速编排。 Docker-Compose将所管理的容器分为三层,分别是工程(project),服务(service)以及容器(container)。Docker-Compose运行目录下的所有文件 ......
docker-compose 容器 compose docker

The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission,iphone手机video标签报错

The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission,在当前上下文中,用户代理或平台不允许该请求 ......
the user permission platform possibly

Docker 树莓派 mysql5.7

创建my.cnf [mysqld] ## server_id=1 ## binlog-ignore-db=mysql ## log-bin=replicas-mysql-bin ## binlog_cache_size=1M ## binlog_format=mixed ## expire_logs ......
树莓 Docker mysql5 mysql

docker异常unable to add return rule in DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-1 chain

docker 重装启动异常 INFO[2021-03-09T15:06:20.839195000+08:00] Loading containers: start. INFO[2021-03-09T15:06:20.885624800+08:00] stopping event stream fol ......

关于.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/example/Merge has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 61.0), this version of 问题的彻底解决

问题描述 之前我是改变了本机上面的JDK的版本17为8; 然后这次我再次尝试MapReduce运行就报错了; 尝试更改IDEA中的环境JDK为8,还是一直显示这个错误~~~ 问题解决 根本问题在pom.xml文件这里,里面有定义我们使用的JDK的版本, 只要将其中的17改为8,然后再运行,就没有问题 ......

[LeetCode] 1334. Find the City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance

There are n cities numbered from 0 to n-1. Given the array edges where edges[i] = [fromi, toi, weighti] represents a bidirectional and weighted edge b ......
the Neighbors Threshold LeetCode Distance

题解 AT_codefestival_2016_final_f【Road of the King】

注意到当前移动到的位置并不重要,重要的是经过的点数和 \(1\) 所在强连通分量大小,因此把它们放进状态里:设 \(f_{i,j,k}\) 表示进行 \(i\) 次移动,经过了 \(j\) 个不同的点,此时 \(1\) 所在的强连通分量大小为 \(k\) 的方案数。 考察下一次移动到的点的情况: 没 ......

windows 10 安装ubuntu+docker(不安装desktop docker)步骤

windows 10 安装ubuntu+docker(不安装desktop docker)步骤1. 安装wsl2,ubuntu 22.04参考网络文档2. powershell 里运行wsl3. sudo -i4. curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-d ......
docker 步骤 windows desktop ubuntu

【pwn】[HGAME 2023 week1]choose_the_seat --数组越界,劫持got表

查一下程序保护情况 发现是partial relro,说明got表是可以修改的,下一步看代码逻辑 看到这一段 puts(&seats[16 * v0]);存在数组越界的漏洞,因为上面的代码没有对v0进行负数的限制,v0可以是负数,我们来看一下seat的数据 可以发现seat上面的数据就是got表,s ......
数组 choose_the_seat choose HGAME week1

pip下载python软件包时报错 Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement requests_toolbelt (from versions: none)

pip下载python软件包时报错,使用了国内源等各种方法,后来才知道是电脑中打开了抓包工具;打开抓包工具后一定要关闭抓包工具,这样下载软件包就下载下来了 关闭抓包工具后,下载成功了 ......

Spring Boot集成Druid异常discard long time none received connection.

为什么要清空空闲60秒以上的连接 猜测,阿里给数据库设置的数据库空闲等待时间是60秒,mysql数据库到了空闲等待时间将关闭空闲的连接,以提升数据库服务器的处理能力。 MySQL的默认空闲等待时间是8小时,就是「wait_timeout」的配置值。如果数据库主动关闭了空闲的连接,而连接池并不知道,... ......
connection received discard Spring Druid

docker 系列

docker 系列 目录docker 系列一. docker 定义1 nameSpnce 命名空间2 cgroup 控制组3 为什么使用容器二. docker 安装三 .docker 初步使用命令3.1 镜像相关3.2 容器相关3.3 第一个项目3.4 存储卷挂载四. dockerfile编写4.1 ......


docker高级篇 一.Docker复杂安装详说 安装mysql主从复制 1.新建主服务器容器实例3307 docker run -p 3307:3306 --name mysql-master \ -v /mydata/mysql-master/log:/var/log/mysql \ -v /m ......

husky——The '.husky/pre-commit' hook was ignored because it's not set as executable

前言 系统:mac hint: The '.husky/pre-commit' hook was ignored because it's not set as executable. hint: You can disable this warning with `git config advic ......
husky executable pre-commit 39 because

docker Nginx ssl 配置

nginx版本:1.21.1 证书获取阿里云:_xxxx.xxxxx.com.pem、_xxxx.xxxxx.key 域名:xxxx.xxxxx.com 一、ssl 443端口 二、非443端口 nginx.conf server { # 监听端口,切记,12000 后面必须加ssl listen ......
docker Nginx ssl

26. 干货系列从零用Rust编写正反向代理,如何发布Rust项目到Docker

Docker在服务端的应用中已经非常广泛,所以服务端项目支持Docker将是必不可少的存在,此篇讲述如何讲一个Rust项目发布到Docker的公共镜像里,以供他人使用 ......
干货 Rust 项目 Docker 26

java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information

问题描述 报错原因 在测试过程中,没有开启Redis 解决方案 开启Redis , 再重新运行代码即可解决 ......

nginx / 引发的400 The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port

问题: 使用nginx反向代理并将所有80转到443,访问 https://域名/login 出现问题如下,访问 https://域名/login/ 正常显示,但是点击登录无法发送请求仅仅刷新验证码。求解答 <html> <head> <title> 400 The plain HTTP reque ......
request nginx HTTPS plain HTTP

RuntimeError: The scheduler seems to be running under uWSGI, but threads have been disabled. You must run uWSGI with the --enable-threads option for the scheduler to work报错

解释 RuntimeError: The scheduler seems to be running under uWSGI, but threads have been disabled. You must run uWSGI with the --enable-threads option fo ......

x86机器上运行arm64 docker

Docker Hub 上可以找到各种非 x86_64 平台的镜像,但是在x86上直接运行会报错: panic: standard_init_linux.go:175: exec user process caused “exec format error” [recovered] 在 x86_64 ......
机器 docker x86 arm 86

docker 部署 rabbitmq集群

rabbitmq集群: pull: docker pull rabbitmq 普通模式(默认): what: 集群中各节点有相同的队列结构, 但消息只会存在于集群中的一个节点。 对于消费者来说, 若消息进入 A 节点的 Queue 中, 当从 B 节点拉取时, RabbitMQ 会将消息从 A 中取 ......
集群 rabbitmq docker


该脚本支持centos7和centos8系统 #!/bin/bash #一键安装docker-ce和docker-compose,本脚本适用于CentOS7和8 function os7_install_docker () { rpm -qa | grep docker &> /etc/null i ......
docker docker-composed 脚本 composed

【论文阅读笔记】【OCR-文本识别】 CLIPTER: Looking at the Bigger Picture in Scene Text Recognition

CLIPTER ICCV 2023 读论文思考的问题 论文试图解决什么问题? 现有的文本识别方法只关注于局部截取的文本区域,识别模型并没有利用全图的上下文信息,导致其可能对有挑战性的文本的识别效果较差 能否以某种方式使识别器利用上global feature的信息? 文章提出了什么样的解决方法? 提 ......
Recognition 文本 CLIPTER Looking Picture

A Protection Measure-the river chief system

The river and lake chief system, namely the river chief system, is an ecological civilization construction system innovation in which the party and go ......
Measure-the Protection Measure system river


title: >- [GitHub] fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/': Failed to connect to github.com port 443: Operation timed out tags: [github,git] cat ......


Docker的基本概念 镜像(Image),容器(Container)和仓库(Repository)。 镜像(Image):Docker 镜像是一个只读的模板,可以用来创建 Docker 容器。它包含一个完整的操作系统环境,里面可以安装运行应用程序所需的所有内容,包括代码、运行时环境、系统工具、系统 ......
容器 基础 Docker

The prevention of water contamination

In order to prevent and control water contamination, China has formulated many policies and laws, such as the Water Pollution Prevention and Control L ......
contamination prevention water The of

使用反编译软件jd-gui.exe,打开提示:The application requires a Java Runtime Environment 1.8.0

jd-gui.exe,打开提示:The application requires a Java Runtime Environment 1.8.0 但是已经是java1.8版本了 这时候修改注册表win+R 输入 regedit 打开注册表 找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE ......

The measures of China's air pollution

The expiring action plan The earlier Air Pollution Action Plan, released in September 2013, may have been China’s most influential environmental polic ......
pollution measures China The air