daemon docker the connect

The measures of solving water issues

(1)Proper Sewage TreatmentAs a way of reducing the pollution load to zero, there is a need for the more advanced engineered cleaning process. Some dev ......
measures solving issues water The

git提交或克隆报错fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/xxx/': Failed to connect to github.com port 443 after 21087 ms: Couldn't connect to server

1.问题原因 报错信息: fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/xxx/autowrite.git/': OpenSSL SSL_read: Connection was reset, errno 10054 又或者 fatal: unable to ......
connect github to com 39

Fight Hard for Ecological Protection and Governance of the Yellow River to Address the Water Contamination

1.Effective measure aimed at addressing the water contamination: We will fight hard for ecological protection and governance of the Yellow River. We w ......

安装本地化docker registry,使其他机器能够发布容器

sudo docker pull registry:latest docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:latest http://localhost:5000/v2/_catalog, 检查运行成功 此时在子机3号上访问: http ......
容器 registry 机器 docker

The 2023 ICPC Nanjing Regional Contest G,F

G. 背包 我们要是选一个集合出来 并且免除k个宝石的话 我们一定是选最贵的k个宝石免费 这样我们的做法就是对wi排序 然后前面的做背包 后面直接贪心选vi最大的k个 这样是一定包含了最优解的 当然你可以用二分bit 也可以直接维护另一个dp int n,tr1[200010],tr2[200010 ......
Regional Contest Nanjing 2023 ICPC

The solution of soil erosion

Solution of soil erosion (1) Engineering measures: building terraces, damming and silting land, using earthwork and concrete works, fish scale pits, e ......
solution erosion soil The of

docker 部署笔记 linux

在Linux上安装Docker和Docker-compose可以按照以下步骤进行: 安装Docker: 首先,需要确保Linux内核版本在3.10以上。可以通过运行 uname -r 命令来查看内核版本。 如果内核版本满足要求,可以使用yum源来安装Docker。首先,运行 yum remove d ......
笔记 docker linux

cf1325D. Ehab the Xorcist(位运算trick)

https://codeforces.com/contest/1325/problem/D 有一个非常经典的结论 a+b=(a^b)+2(a&b) 这个题就可以往上面靠,首先我们观察一下,对于两个数的情况,如果(v-u) mod 2=1,必然无解,试着将它扩展一下,也是对的,因为最低一位没有进位。 ......
Xorcist trick 1325 Ehab the

Kattis - A Complex Problem (The 2023 ICPC Rocky Mountain Regional Contest)

Intro This was one of the problems I didn't do during the regional contest. One of my teammates solved it. Observation There are few things to note. F ......
Mountain Regional Complex Contest Problem

The governance measures of marine oil pollution

The governance measures (1). Preventive measures. Prevention is one of the most effective control methods, including the following aspects: a. Strengt ......
governance pollution measures marine The

kubeadm部署的k8s证书过期问题 k8s问题排查:the existing bootstrap client certificate in /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf is expired

解决问题: 估计跟移动有关,下面那个没解决问题,是因为在原有文件的基础上修改的吧?而这里直接是移走,重新生成了新的。不太清楚是不是这个原因。 $ cd /etc/kubernetes/pki/ $ mv {apiserver.crt,apiserver-etcd-client.key,apiserv ......
问题 certificate kubernetes k8s bootstrap

The PRC's Policy of Tackling Water Pollution

THE POLICY CONTEXT The industrial water management system in the PRC is spread over two phases (see Figure 1). The first phase is "before-process", wh ......
Pollution Tackling Policy Water The

the use of photovoltaic to prevent and control desertification

Land desertification is one of the main causes of sandstorm disaster. With the further intensification of global warming, desertification is becoming ......

Get environmentally friendly, biodegradable plastics into the market

Now digital techs empower plastic pollution combat in China, and our new material combined with non-enzymic hydrolysis, water dissolution and biodegra ......


Linux系统端 1、安装docker,此过程略。附上在阿里云服务器上部署docker和docker-compose的链接:如何部署并使用Docker_云服务器 ECS-阿里云帮助中心 (aliyun.com) 2、安装完docker后,随便找一个目录(本例的路径是/ocos/docker/cert ......
项目 docker IDEA

The 10th Jimei University Programming Contest

外校打星队伍,排名22/450,还算凑合吧。 A. A+B问题 直接枚举进制 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using vi = vector<int>; void solve() { string str; vi a, b, s; ci ......
Programming University Contest Jimei The

The methods for Global Warming

The methods for deal with Global Warming: China's emission reduction measures to address climate change: mainly through market means, supplemented by ......
methods Warming Global The for

docker 移植标准用法(移植到没有网络的环境)

制作自定义镜像docker ps #查看镜像 docker exec -it id bash # 进入容器进行自动修改操作,安装软件 通过容器提交制作镜像## -a 是作者 ,-m 是提交的记录信息 $ docker commit -a "OxyeMa" -m "myOnlyoffice" 容器id ......
环境 标准 docker 网络

How does China solve the water pollution?

How does China solve the water pollution? One River, One Plan and One Map With the continuous development of China's economy and society, sudden water ......
pollution China solve water does


1.先关闭容器 root1@ubuntu22:~$ docker stop 091 2.再停止docker服务 root1@ubuntu22:~$ sudo stop docker 3.进入配容器置文件目录修改hostconfig.json文件 root@ubuntu22:/var/lib/dock ......
宿主机 宿主 端口 容器 docker


docker-compose.yaml关键字 在docker-compose.yaml文件中,定义了Docker Compose服务的配置。以下是一些常用的docker-compose.yaml文件中的参数介绍: version:指定Docker Compose文件的版本号,定义了使用的Docker ......


docker pull locustio/locust docker run -d --name mylocust -p 8089:8089 -v /d/GisLocust/locustfiles:/mnt/locust locustio/locust -f /mnt/locust/locust_d ......
单个 脚本 docker locust


1,打包 2,创建dockerFile文件 FROM anapsix/alpine-java:8_server-jre_unlimited MAINTAINER Lion Li RUN mkdir -p /hnapg/basedata/logs \ /hnapg/basedata/temp \ /h ......
镜像 docker tcp

The use of green energy can effectively solve the problem of air pollution

The use of green energy can effectively solve the problem of air pollution 一、the operation of green energy Green energy refers to a way of producing a ......
effectively pollution problem energy green


导出 docker save -o <保存路径>/myimage.tar myimage:latest 导入 docker load -i <路径>/myimage.tar 导出 docker export <容器ID> > mycontainer.tar 导入 docker import myco ......
镜像 docker

podman 容器管理 docker替代,进阶版本?

简介 Docker 的一个缺点是它有一个中央守护进程,它以 root 用户的身份运行,这对安全有影响。但这正是 Podman 的用武之地。 padman完全兼容docker命令和镜像。 Podman 是一个 无守护进程容器引擎,用于开发、管理和在你的 Linux 系统上以 root 或无 root ......
容器 版本 podman docker

docker redis

docker run --restart=always -p 6379:6379 --name redis -d redis:latest --requirepass 123456 docker run --restart=always \ -p 6379:6379 \ --name redis \ ......
docker redis


1、进入容器: docker container exec -it 容器id /bin/bash ① 直接进入容器中的mongodb:sudo docker exec -it mongo mongosh ② docker exec -it containerName /bin/bash 2、容器开机 ......
命令 常用 docker Linux


1、Docker官网安装地址 https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/centos/#prerequisites 2、离线安装下载地址 https://download.docker.com/linux/static/stable/x86_64/ 3、使用yum ......
centos7 centos docker 系统 linux


docker 容器之间的隔离实现 docker容器之间隔离: 命名空间 控制组 网络虚拟化 联合文件系统 命名空间 pid namespace: 进程隔离 net namespace: 管理网络接口 ipc namespace: 管理进程通信资源 mnt namespace: 管理文件系统挂载 ut ......