deep dive evan with

ACL Mask Value in Linux: Explained with Examples (Access Control Lists Mask)

``` ......
Mask Explained Examples Control Access

vue watch deep 用法

### 简单案例 ``` watch deep obj:{{obj}} 调用watch次数:{{times}} 改变对象 ``` ![]( ......
watch deep vue

VSCode - Replace Tab with Spaces

Press F1. Input 'indentation to spaces'. Set a KeyBinding to the command 'Convert Indentation to Spaces': Exit and re-open VSCode to make the setting ......
Replace VSCode Spaces with Tab

Log in Leetcode in Vscode With Cookies" #标题

Install leetcode plug-in in vscode It's easy by search in Extension. Log in with cookies If you want to login leetcode in vscode leetcode plug-in by g ......
Leetcode Cookies 标题 Vscode in

Vue-watch-deep 深度监听

首先明确一个概念,Vue 是可以监听到 多层级数据改变的,且可以在页面上做出对应展示。但是 Vue 提供的 watch 方法,默认是不提供 深度监听的( deep 默认为 false,也就是不开启深度监听) (刚挂载的时候是不执行的,只有挂载完成之后的变化才会执行。如果我们想要初次挂载的时候就l执行 ......
Vue-watch-deep 深度 watch deep Vue

解决 This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

在执行 npm run serve 运行项目的时候报错:dengzemiaodeMacBook-Pro:lianshan_vue dengzemiao$ npm run serve......npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLEnpm ERR! errno 1npm ERR! lians ......
additional probably logging problem likely

【pyqt】报错TypeError: decorated slot has no signature compatible with RecorderPlayerProxy.sig_mode_update[object]

一、场景 运行pyqt报错TypeError: decorated slot has no signature compatible with RecorderPlayerProxy.sig_mode_update[object] 二、代码 @Slot(int) def update_mode(se ......


2023年6月13日15:19:16 ### NOLOCK使用场景 ``` 针对那些被频繁操作(插入、更新、删除)的表,使用NOLOCK是非常比较适合的,但要考虑到脏读的情况。 不经常修改的数据表,省掉锁定表的时间来大大加快查询速度。 数据量非常大的数据表,可以考虑牺牲数据安全性来提升查询的效率; ......
sqlserver laravel 办法 链接 NOLOCK

解决:pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL

在使用pip进行软件包安装的时候出现问题: WARNING: pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL, however the ssl module in Python is not available.解决: mkdir -p ~ ......
configured locations require with that

Jpro Toolbar Perform a Comprehensive Electronic Inspection With Visual PM Inspection

JPRO helps perform a comprehensive electronic inspection of the truck, but it’s important to pair this with a visual PM inspection. Using checklists a ......


```HTML ``` ......
侦听器 deep

[GPT] Unable to negotiate with xx.xx.xx.xx port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss

这个错误通常发生在 SSH 客户端无法找到与 SSH服务器 匹配的主机密钥类型时。 这可能是因为SSH服务器配置为使用SSH客户端不支持的主机密钥类型。 要解决此问题,您需要将缺少的主机密钥类型添加到SSH客户端的配置文件中。以下是实现步骤: 使用文本编辑器打开SSH客户端配置文件。文件位置可能因操 ......
xx negotiate ssh matching ssh-rsa

Vue跨域配置异常采坑:Request failed with status code 401

本地用Express作为服务端,前端Vue项目配置跨域代理,调用服务端api接口始终报错“Request failed with status code 401”。原来发现是端口3000被占用了,被VSCode的一个插件占用了,修改为其他端口解决。 ......
Request failed status code with

My First CRUD App With Fast API

Image by author It’s the day before my fast API live stream. I decided to create a guide for the stream and turn it into a blog post. So, here it is. ......
First CRUD Fast With App

Shellcode Execution in a Local Process with QueueUserAPC and NtTestAlert(nim学习系列)

# Shellcode Execution in a Local Process with QueueUserAPC and NtTestAlert ## APC队列 异步过程调用(APC)队列是一个与线程关联的队列,用于存储要在该线程上下文中异步执行的函数。操作系统内核会跟踪每个线程的 APC 队 ......

【已解决】可视化ValueError Cannot mask with non-boolean array containing NA NaN values

> bug:raise ValueError(na_msg) > ValueError: Cannot mask with non-boolean array containing NA / NaN values ![image-20230609104001525](https://img2023. ......

How To Add A Form Splitter with AX2012 and D365FO

Learn how to add a form splitter to resize areas of a form in Microsoft Dynamics AX and D365 F&O. This improves the usability of the form, and increas ......
Splitter 2012 Form D365 with

Vue学习笔记之gyp: No Xcode or CLT version detected! gyp ERR! stack Error: `gyp` failed with exit code: 1

0x00 现象 MacOS在执行npm install下载项目的依赖包的时候出现的gyp报错,报错内容如下: No receipt for '' found at '/'. No receipt for ' ......
gyp detected version 笔记 failed

Nginx conf for fastapi backend project with variables

# 带变量的nginx后端项目配置 不同的api项目,挂载不同的域名,只需在配置夹里,修改文件名(建议文件名和域名保持一致)、修改端口号、修改第5行第22行backend_api后面的编号、修改第11行的项目名、可能还需要修改第12行的文件夹名、修改第14行的域名 $ cat /etc/nginx/ ......
variables backend fastapi project Nginx

Celery with FastAPI and TortoiseORM

API server using: `fastapi+tortoise-orm+postgresql+redis+supervisor+nginx` There are some period tasks and async tasks that will run in `celery+rabbit ......
TortoiseORM FastAPI Celery with and

nature-deep learning

Title:Deep learning Authors:Yann LeCun Yoshua Bengio & Geoffrey Hinton doi:10.1038/nature14539 # 1. 概述 使用多处理层学习数据不同层次的抽象表示,在语音识别、视觉识别、目标检测,以及药物发明、基因学等 ......
nature-deep learning nature deep

Backtrader - numpy.core._exceptions.MemoryError: Unable to allocate 77.2 GiB for an array with shape (10368000003,) and data type float64

1.0 Error numpy.core._exceptions.MemoryError: Unable to allocate 77.2 GiB for an array with shape (10368000003,) and data type float64 錯誤提示 2.0 原因 沒有任 ......

Deep One-Class Classification

# Deep One-Class Classifification Deep SVDD (Deep Support Vector Data Description)训练一个神经网络,最小化包含数据表征的超球的体积(如图1所示) ![image-20230606193307205](https://i ......
Classification One-Class Class Deep One

解决使用yarn安装依赖出现“The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "^14.18.0 || ^16.14.0 || >=18.0.0". Got "17.9.0"”的问题

# 1、问题描述 某天在使用`yarn`安装依赖的时候,突然出现如下错误导致安装依赖终止: **The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "^14.18.0 || ^16.14.0 || >=18.0.0 ......
quot incompatible Expected version engine

docker: Error response from daemon: could not select device driver "" with capabilities: [[gpu]].

docker 19之后的版本 1. nano sudo curl -s -L | \ sudo apt-key add -distribution=$(. /etc/ ......
quot capabilities response docker daemon

net core-Scheduling Background Jobs With Quartz

一 安装包 Install-Package Quartz.Extensions.Hosting 二 注入依赖关系 services.AddQuartz(configure => { configure.UseMicrosoftDependencyInjectionJobFactory(); }); ......

第五节 5with管理文件操作上下文

在Python中,进行文件操作时,需要打开文件、读写文件、关闭文件等过程。如果代码有错误或者忘记关闭文件就会导致程序出错或文件资源泄露问题。为了更方便、更安全地进行文件操作,Python提供了with语句来管理文件的操作上下文。 使用with语句可以确保在任何情况下,文件都会被正确地关闭,即使出现异 ......
上下文 管理文件 上下 文件 5with

Python: async with

import asyncio import sys class AsyncContextManager: async def __aenter__(self): return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): pri ......
Python async with

ORA-01555:snapshot too old: rollback segment number X with name "XXXX" too small

## ORA-01555:snapshot too old: rollback segment number X with name "XXXX" too small 在查询快照的时候 ``` select * from testtable as of timestamp to_timestamp( ......
quot too snapshot rollback segment