delete line how vim

9_How to install phpMyAdmin on Nginx (in 5 minutes)

地址: How to install PhpMyAdmin on Ubuntu running Nginx (LEMP stack) In this post ......
phpMyAdmin install minutes Nginx How

10_How deploy a Django application using Nginx & Gunicorn in Production

地址: How to host Django Application using gunicorn & nginx in Production In this po ......

5_How to install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu_

地址: Installing phpMyAdmin and adding password authentication to MySQL on Ubuntu In th ......
phpMyAdmin install Ubuntu_ Ubuntu How

4_How to Host Multiple Websites on One Server

地址: How to Host Multiple Websites on Ubuntu VPS? An apache2 web server provid ......
Multiple Websites Server Host How

python @property、@setter、@deleter的介绍与使用

@property是一个装饰器,使一个方法可以像属性一样被使用,而不需要在调用的时候带上`()` ## 0x01 @property使用 我们通过一个简单的研发需求为背景,逐步解释各个装饰器的使用 这里领导给了个需求,开发一个类,可以返回一个人的姓,名字以及全名,十分简单嘛 ```python cl ......
property deleter python setter

-webkit-line-clamp 设置行数限制

设定文字最多现实两行,超出后... display: -webkit-box;必须结合的属性,将对象作为弹性伸缩盒子模型显示 。 -webkit-box-orient必须结合的属性,设置或检索伸缩盒对象的子元素的排列方式 。 text-overflow,可以用来多行文本的情况下,用省略号“...”隐 ......
webkit-line-clamp webkit clamp line

pb中继承窗体作为子窗口时需要覆盖父类方法以便取消调用父类;报错:Null object reference at line XXXXX

1、调整子窗口属性并取消调用父类方法 2、报错:Null object reference at line XXXXX,如下: 取消对应事件下的引用父类方法前面的“√” ......
窗体 reference 方法 object XXXXX

How do you display code snippets in MS Word preserving format and syntax highlighting?

How do you display code snippets in MS Word preserving format and syntax highlighting? 回答1 Here is the best way, for me, to add code inside word: Go t ......

wrap a line

ns=${ns:-maestro-platform-system} secret=${secret:-maestro-ca} kubectl get secret -n $ns $secret -o jsonpath='{.data.*}' | base64 -d | openssl x509 -n ......
wrap line

vim 注释快捷键_vim编辑器快捷键

第一种方法 批量插入字符快捷键: Ctrl+v进入VISUAL BLOCK(可视块)模式,按 j (向下选取列)或者 k (向上选取列),再按Shift + i 进入编辑模式然后输入你想要插入的字符(任意字符),再按两次Esc就可以实现批量插入字符,不仅仅实现批量注释而已。 批量删除字符快捷键: C ......
快捷键 编辑器 注释 vim

How to Update Kali Linux 2023.1 to Kali Linux 2023.2 | Kali Linux 2023.2

修改源: sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list 修改为: deb kali-rolling main non-free contribdeb-src ......
Linux 2023 Kali 2023.2 2023.1

Raspberry Pi command line tools vcgencmd All In One

Raspberry Pi command line tools vcgencmd All In One vcgencmd -h vcgencmd --help vcgencmd version vcgencmd commands ......
Raspberry vcgencmd command tools line

vim 快捷键

光标的移动h 向左 i 向右j向下 k向上w 移动到下一个单词b 移动小上一个单词 数字0 移动到行首字符$ 移动到行位g 文章开头G 文章结尾H 屏幕的开头L 屏幕的结尾M 屏幕的中间命令模式的查找向下查找 /要查找的内容/008n 回车,跳转到下一个单词,按n继续查找向上查找 ?要查找的内容 n ......
快捷键 vim

How to fix the loop errors in Python All In One

How to fix the loop errors in Python All In One Python 3 TypeError: string indices must be integers ......
errors Python in loop How

How to check function arguments type in Python All In One

How to check function arguments type in Python All In One Python & argument type check ......
arguments function Python check type

Elasticsearch专题精讲—— REST APIs —— Document APIs —— Delete API

REST APIs —— Document APIs —— Delete API Removes a JSON document from the specified index. 从指定的索引中移除 JSON 文档。 ......
APIs Elasticsearch Document 专题 Delete

How to Find Django ImageField URL

This setup is working for me, maybe it will help you. It is for latest version of Django. Many answers in OS are for older Django versions. URLS: from ......
ImageField Django Find How URL

idea - 文件后面显示 0%classes,0% lines covered -解决

这是因为不小心按了 可以 ctrl+Alt+F6 选择 " no coverage "按钮即可 ......
classes covered 文件 lines idea

How to use variable in Python String All In One

How to use the variable in Python String All In One 如何在 Python 字符串中使用变量 Python 字符串插值 All In One Python 字符串中使用变量的 5 种方式 ......
variable Python String How All

How to use Vim copy line and paste line All In One

How to use Vim copy line and paste line All In One 如何使用 Vim 复制行和粘贴行 ......
line paste copy How All

Notes-task how wirte

多个分区排列任务不行,多了没人看,要集中一个 原来的task分组,内容分组,到后面你自己都不看 现在都搞到1个文件去,内部分组、分内容 多个分区排列任务不行,多了没人看,要集中一个 ......
Notes-task Notes wirte task how

How to fix Linux locale error All In One

How to fix Linux locale error All In One 如何修复 Linux 语言环境错误 fix: vim 中文乱码 bug ......
locale Linux error How All

[CF9D]How many trees?

# 2023-06-01 ## 题目 [题目传送门]( ### 难度&重要性(1~10):5 ### 题目来源 Codeforces,luogu ## 题目算法 dp ## 解题思路 深度最大为 $n\left(1\le n ......
trees CF9D many CF9 How

How to fix the problem that Raspberry Pi cannot use the root user for SSH login All In One

How to fix the problem that Raspberry Pi cannot use the root user for SSH login All In One 如何修复树莓派无法使用 root 用户进行 SSH 登录的问题 ......
Raspberry the problem cannot login


一. 子查询 子查询就是指在一个select语句中嵌套另外一个select语句。同时子查询必须包含括号。MySQL 5.6之前,子查询的性能较差,但是从5.6开始,不存在性能差的问题。 select a from t1 where a > any(select a from t2); 1. sele ......

How to modify the username and password of Raspberry Pi All In One

How to modify the username and password of Raspberry Pi All In One 如何修改树莓派的用户名和密码 ......
Raspberry password username modify How

How to use the shell command to get the version of Linux Distributions All In One

How to use the shell command to get the version of Linux Distributions All In One 如何使用 shell 命令获取 Linux 发行版的版本 hostnamectl cat /etc/os-release lsb_rel... ......
Distributions the command version shell


ctrl+b/f 上下一页 == PgUp/PgDn ctrl+e/y 上下滚动 ctrl+d/u 上下半页 G 最后一行 gg 第一行 /word 向光标之下寻找一个名称为 word 的字符串。 ?word 向光标之上寻找一个字符串名称为 word 的字符串 上面两个命令输入后,点击Enter后, ......
命令 常用 vim vi

File "/usr/bin/yum", line 30 except KeyboardInterrupt, e:

```bash [root@localhost pdserving]# yum install -y tree File "/usr/bin/yum", line 30 except KeyboardInterrupt, e: ^ ``` 原因。python 重新安装过了。 ```bash # 将 ......
KeyboardInterrupt quot except File line


# Vim ![vim-vi-workmodel.png]( - `$ vim wenyy.txt` 用vim建立新文件 - 输入vi wenyy.txt 即 ......