divisors two

Longest Divisors Interval

Smiling & Weeping 总有一个人, 一直住在心底, 却消失在生活里。 Given a positive integer n, find the maximum size of an interval [l,r] of positive integers such that, for e ......
Divisors Interval Longest

CF1855B Longest Divisors Interval 题解

原题链接:https://codeforces.com/contest/1855/problem/B 题意:给定一个正整数 n, 找到满足该条件的区间 [l, r] 的长度的最大值:对于任意 l <= i <= r,n 均为 i 的倍数(多组数据)。 思路:如果 n 是奇数,答案显然是 1,因为任意 ......
题解 Divisors Interval Longest 1855B

CF1855B Longest Divisors Interval 题解

## 题意: 给定一个数 $n$,求一个连续区间 $[l,r]$ 使得 $n$ 是区间内每个数的倍数,最大化这个区间的长度(多组数据)。 ## 思路: 逆向思考一波,( 如果一个数 $x$ 不是 $n$ 的因数,那么 $x$ 的倍数不能在区间内。 举个例子,比如 $ n $ 是13,3不是13的因数 ......
题解 Divisors Interval Longest 1855B

【文献阅读】Optimization and perform criteria of a Stokes polarimeter based on two variable retarders

minimize the noise transmitted through the matrix 主要用三个参数衡量 indicator the condition number (CN) the Equally Weighted Variance (EWV) the error associat ......


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html-two html two


ArrayList扩容机制 扩容一半(默认方式): 当容量不足时,ArrayList将容量扩大为原来的1.5倍,即将原来的容量除以2,然后加上原来的容量。 如果新创建的集合有带初始值,默认就是传入的大小,在初始化时就会用传入的大小不会扩容,当大小不够后再去扩容。 在方法中定义的局部变量在该方法被执行 ......
java-base-two java base two

ABC222D-Between Two Arrays(前缀和优化dp)

题意:给定两个递增数列A和B,构造一个ai <= ci <= bi 的递增数列C,询问满足条件的C的个数。 普通dp会超时,用前缀和优化 n=int(input()) a=list(map(int,input().split())) b=list(map(int,input().split())) ......
前缀 D-Between Between Arrays ABC

Two ways to subsetting rows in a data.table

Q: In the flights dataset, subsetting all the rows in which the planes take off from LGA and land in TPA. By i flights[origin == "LGA" & dest == "TPA" ......
subsetting table ways rows data


<!-- 1 过 2 过 3 过 4 过 5 过 --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <!--表格--> <table bo ......

E. Two Chess Pieces -- (codeforces) 树形DP

###原题链接:[https://codeforces.com/contest/1774/problem/E](https://codeforces.com/contest/1774/problem/E) ###题意:两颗棋子,给出两颗棋子必须要去的顶点,且给出两颗棋子的相隔距离不能大于d,算出两颗 ......
树形 codeforces Pieces Chess Two

CF1601F Two Sorts 题解--zhengjun

[link](https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/CF1601F) 这里提供一种不用 meet in middle 的方法,速度比较可观。 #### 发现性质 开始简单的推一下式子。 $\sum (i-a_i)\bmod p=\sum (rk_i-i+p\times\l ......
题解 zhengjun 1601F Sorts 1601

[Algorithm] Two crystal balls problem

You're given two identical crystal balls and a 100-story building. The balls are incredibly tough, but there exists some floor in the building, above ......
Algorithm crystal problem balls Two

题解-Codeforces Round 805 (Div. 3) E. Split Into Two Sets

# 题解-Codeforces Round 805 (Div. 3) E. Split Into Two Sets (原题链接)[[Problem - E - Codeforces](https://codeforces.com/contest/1702/problem/E)] ## 思路 **知识 ......
题解 Codeforces Round Split Into

每日一题 力扣 445 https://leetcode.cn/problems/add-two-numbers-ii/

可以直接用栈去做就行,逆序想到栈的做法 然后算完一个就直接赋值给答案数组 我用的是常见 public ListNode addTwoNumbers(ListNode l1, ListNode l2) { int sizeA=0; int sizeB=0; ListNode start=l1; Lis ......

cpp: Two-level pointer and double dimensional array

/*****************************************************************//** * \file ConsoleTextFileDemoApp.cpp c++ 14 * \brief * * * \author geovindu * \da ......
dimensional Two-level pointer double array

Codeforces 1648F - Two Avenues

为啥会有人觉得这是板子题啊/tuu 先对图边双连通分量缩个点,然后考虑对两条边分情况讨论: - 两个桥边,显然答案就是经过这两个桥的路径数量之和,排序取前两大的即可。 - 一个桥边加一个非桥边,答案是经过那个桥边的路径数量,显然桥边数量 $\ge 2$ 肯定不用考虑这种情况,桥边数量 $=1$ 另外 ......
Codeforces Avenues 1648F 1648 Two

[LeetCode] 1071. Greatest Common Divisor of Strings

For two strings s and t, we say "t divides s" if and only if s = t + ... + t (i.e., t is concatenated with itself one or more times). Given two string ......
LeetCode Greatest Divisor Strings Common

CF1144G Two Merged Sequences

# CF1144G Two Merged Sequences ## 题意 现在给你一个长度为$n$的序列 你要把它拆成一个严格递增序列和一个严格递减序列 如果不可行输出$NO$ 如果可行输出$YES$并输出每个数属于递增序列还是递减序列 ## 题解 感觉脑子瓦特了,感觉这个 $dp$ 的状态设计是比 ......
Sequences Merged 1144G 1144 Two

1595. Minimum Cost to Connect Two Groups of Points] (Hard)

Description 1595. Minimum Cost to Connect Two Groups of Points (Hard) You are given two groups of points where the first group has size1 points, the s ......
Minimum Connect Groups Points 1595

[数论]Divisor and Gcd

## Divisor and Gcd ### 1、算术基本定理:n的质因数分解唯一 一些常见结论: 1.素数无限 2.$\lim_{n\rightarrow+\infty}n\prod\dfrac{n}{\frac{n}{\ln{n}}}$(Π(n)表示 ab|c$ 3.$a|bc,(a,b) = ......
数论 Divisor and Gcd

F. Two Bracket Sequences(记忆化搜索,状态选择)

## 题目 ## 题意 给两个括号字符串,找到一个括号序列合法的超字符串 ## 思路 - [类似方法](https://leetcode.cn/problems/shortest-common-supersequence/solutions/2194615/cong-di-gui-dao-di-tu ......
Sequences 状态 记忆 Bracket Two

算法刷题记录:P1518 [USACO2.4]两只塔姆沃斯牛 The Tamworth Two

###题目链接: https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/P1518 ###题目分析 这道模拟题很典型了,给定了一个**固定的移动方式,去模拟即可**, 该题说:如果牛和农夫永远不会相遇输出0,我没想到很好的方法,不推荐我这样的写法。 算勉强AC吧。 ###AC代码 ``` ......
算法 Tamworth USACO2 P1518 USACO

【leetcode】21. Merge Two Sorted Lists

将两个升序链表合并为一个新的 **升序** 链表并返回。新链表是通过拼接给定的两个链表的所有节点组成的。 **示例 1:** ![](https://assets.leetcode.com/uploads/2020/10/03/merge_ex1.jpg) **输入:**l1 = \[1,2,4\] ......
leetcode Sorted Merge Lists Two

KingbaseES V8R3 集群运维案例--kingbase_monitor.sh启动”two master“案例

**案例说明:** KingbaseES V8R3集群,执行kingbase_monitor.sh启动集群,出现“two master”节点的故障,启动集群失败;通过手工sys_ctl启动各节点数据库服务后,并手工重启kingbasecluster(restartcluster.sh)服务,集群运行 ......

[LeetCode] 1347. Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram 制造字母异位词的最小步骤数

You are given two strings of the same length `s` and `t`. In one step you can choose **any character** of `t` and replace it with **another character* ......
字母 LeetCode 步骤 Anagram Minimum

策马踏雪翩然过,携来人间万千烟火 ---May Part Two

# May Solution Set Part Two ### ARC160E Make Biconnected 被加粗专门强调的性质是每个点的度数最多为 $3$。 那么这一定是一棵二叉树。不妨对于每一个点考虑。 删去他,最多把整棵树分为三个连通块。至少要在三个连通块中连两条边。 选一个叶子做根。 ......
来人 烟火 Part May Two

w-two different charts

You can't compare together. But you don't need to compare the 2 charts together-you can describe them separately. describe specific numbers for each c ......
different charts w-two two

CF1398E Two Types of Spells 题解 set

题目链接:[https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/1398/E](https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/1398/E) ### 题目大意 你有一个集合,初始为空。 有两种类型的元素,一种是普通元素,一种是强化 ......
题解 Spells 1398E Types 1398

CodeForces 1837F Editorial for Two

[洛谷传送门](https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/CF1837F "洛谷传送门") [CF 传送门](https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/1837/F "CF 传送门") 这是一个常规 $\log^2$ 做法。 最大值最 ......
CodeForces Editorial 1837F 1837 for

AtCoder Regular Contest 132 D Between Two Binary Strings

[洛谷传送门](https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/AT_arc132_d "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门](https://atcoder.jp/contests/arc132/tasks/arc132_d "AtCoder 传送门") 提供一个 dp 思 ......
AtCoder Regular Contest Between Strings