economist from the to

E---作用域不同的to do不定式

看这句话: A judge has now overruled the city's decision to stop levying fines 翻译一下: 正确的翻译: 一名法官现在驳回了该市停止征收罚款的决定 错误的翻译: 一名法官现在驳回了该市的决定,是为了停止征收罚款 这两种翻译的意思大相 ......
不定式 作用

otImplementedError: "sortBed" does not appear to be installed or on the path, so this method is disabled.

NotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[10], line 5 3 s = pybedtools.BedTool(args.starrseq[0]).filter(lambda x: float(x[9]) > 1. ......

ImportError: cannot import name 'write_connection_file' from 'jupyter_client'

ImportError: cannot import name 'write_connection_file' from 'jupyter_client' (/home/software/anaconda3/envs/mydlenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jupyt ......

ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [Errno 2] 没有那个文件或目录: '/anaconda3/envs/mydlenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/fastjsonschema-2.16.2.dist-info/METADATA

ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [Errno 2] 没有那个文件或目录: '/home/software/anaconda3/envs/mydlenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/fastjsons ......

[CF878E]Numbers on the blackboard

E - Numbers on the blackboard 最后的答案肯定为\(\sum_{l\leq i\leq r} 2^{p_i}\times a_i\) 然后这个\(p\)满足以下限制: \(p_i=0\)(\(i=l\)) \(1\leq p_i\leq p_{i-1}+1\)(\(l<i ......
blackboard Numbers 878E 878 the

问题:vue-cli failed to download repo vuejs-templates/webpack:connect etimedout连接超时,怎么解决 下载之后,解压到本地用户目录下的.vue-templates目录下。 vue init webpack my-login-library 命令的时候,需要带上参数--offline表示离线初始化 ......

Go - Converting an Image to Grayscale

Problem: You want to convert the image to grayscale. Solution: Convert an image to a grid of pixels. Take each pixel in the grid and convert it to a g ......
Converting Grayscale Image Go an

Failed to find "GL/gl.h" in

001、问题:Failed to find "GL/gl.h" in 002、解决方法 [root@pc1 cmake-3.27.7-build]# yum install mesa-lib* 。 参考: ......
quot Failed find to GL

kubernetes PodSecurityPolicy set to runAsNonRoot, container has runAsNonRoot and image has non-numeric user (appuser), cannot verify user is non-root

该错误的唯一原因是。根据源代码中的注释,我们需要设置一个数字用户值。 securityContext: runAsUser: 999 ......

SQLServer报错: Got minus one from a read call

用JDBC连接SqlServer 数据库时,报这个错误。 网上很多都说是数据库的连接已经满了。但我实际查询的时候,数据库连接数并没有满。 后来发现原因了,是代码存在疏忽。我把驱动类写成了Oracle的驱动类。 所以这个错误实际上有一种可能是因为使用了错误的驱动类导致的。 ......
SQLServer minus from call read


keras中to_categorical函数解析 1.to_categorical的功能简单来说,to_categorical就是将类别向量转换为二进制(只有0和1)的矩阵类型表示。其表现为将原有的类别向量转换为独热编码的形式。先上代码看一下效果: from keras.utils.np_utils ......

Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist

一 背景 跑了一份centos容器,想装一下net-tools, 报如下错误 Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorl ......

oracle中to_char(), to_date() ,ROUND(),NVL(), DECODE(), EXTRACT()等函数的使用

1.to_char() 将时间日期按照指定的格式输出,得到的是字符串,而非date类型。 只要被转换的是一个日期,yyyy,mm,dd中间加不加连接符,加什么连接符都可以 date() 将字符串按照指定的格式输出,得到的是日期类型。 第一个参数的yyyy,mm,dd之间有没有连接符。如果有 ......
函数 EXTRACT to_char to_date oracle

Go - Saving an Image to a File

Problem: You have an image and want to save it to a file. Solution: Use the Encode method of the correct file format package (e.g., png.Encode for PNG ......
Saving Image File Go an

Go - Loading an Image from a File

Problem: You want to load an image from an image file. Solution: Use image.Decode to decode data from an image file into an implementation of image.Im ......
Loading Image File from Go

vscode git提交——报please enter the commit message for your changes....

如图: 其大意就是:在提交之前,需要给此次提交添加一些备注信息 1. git命令操作 git命令为:git commit -m "备注信息" 2. vscode操作 1)点击 + :暂存更改 2)在消息输入框中添加 备注信息(关键地方) 3)一定要输入 备注信息 后,再点击 提交,不然就会报“ple ......
changes message vscode commit please

[902] Get the current file's directory of CMD batch scripts

In a batch file, you can use the %~dp0 special variable to get the directory of the currently executing batch file. Here's how you can do it: @echo of ......
directory current scripts batch file

[898] Convert the data type of a DataFrame column

In Pandas, you can convert the data type of a DataFrame column to a string data type using the .astype() method. Here's how to do it: import pandas as ......
DataFrame Convert column data type

[895] Sort the rows of a DataFrame

In Pandas, the sort_values() method is used to sort the rows of a DataFrame by one or more columns. This method allows you to specify which column(s) ......
DataFrame Sort rows 895 the

Go - Finding the Shortest Path on a Graph

Problem: You want to find the shortest path between two nodes on a weighted graph. Solution: Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest path betwee ......
Shortest Finding Graph Path the

ImportError: cannot import name 'tokenizer_from_json' from 'tensorflow.python.keras.preprocessing.text'

ImportError: cannot import name 'tokenizer_from_json' from 'tensorflow.python.keras.preprocessing.text' (/home/software/anaconda3/envs/mydlenv/lib/pyt ......

UnknownError: Failed to get convolution algorithm. This is probably because cuDNN failed to initialize

/home/software/anaconda3/envs/mydlenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/ UserWarning: An interactive session is alr ......

$Mind the Gap$队伍实录

正式比赛 2023: ICPC Nanjing:未开始 CCPC Shenzhen:未开始 ICPC Jinan:未开始 交题圣经 " 语言别交错 long long 有没有开 空间够不够 大小够不够 自己的样例试过没 格式'\n'有没有 板子有没有写错 " 比赛战术 训练实录 2023.10.10 ......
队伍 Mind Gap the

AES key — encoded in the machine readable zone of a European ePassport

AES key — encoded in the machine readable zone of a European ePassport 题目地址 AES key — encoded in the machine readable zone of a European ePassport 解题过 ......
ePassport European readable encoded machine

【Https异常】This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS解决方法

参考: 一、问题出现场景 项目从http升级到https后,jsp页面存在发送http请求的情况下就会出现该异常。因为HTTPS 是 HTTP over Secure Socket Laye ......
request blocked content 方法 served

Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12514

1.问题 在使用Oracle SQL Developer时,遇到以下问题: 状态: 失败 -测试失败: Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12514, TNS:listener does not current ......
connection following the Listener refused

Grafana导入 json 文件的 dashboard 错误 Templating Failed to upgrade legacy queries Datasource xxx not found

前言 编辑或者修改后的 dashboard 保存为 json 文件,在其他环境导入使用,报错 Failed to upgrade legacy queries Datasource xxxxxxx was not found,无法显示监控数据 问题原因为:从其他 grafana 导出的 dashbo ......

论文阅读(二)—— Text2Video-Zero: Text-to-Image Diffusion Models are Zero-Shot Video Generators

![image]( ![image]( ......

论文阅读(一)——Adding Conditional Control to Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

![image]( ![image]( ......

状态: 失败 -测试失败: IO 错误: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection (CONNECTION_ID=BMRc/8PgR2+0i4PK2tnHQA==)

1.问题 问题如标题所示,在使用Oracle SQL Developer连接时发现错误: 状态: 失败 -测试失败: IO 错误: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection (CONNECTION_ID=BMRc/8PgR2+0i4 ......