enable_shared_from_this enable shared from

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement basicsr== (from versions: none)

(py37_gan) C:\Users\Administrator>pip3 install basicsr==WARNING: Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after ......

docker启动容器报错:Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint

安装的docker启动报错如下: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint nacos (2b0f4edff8f640559af9626936d1b38d965302 ......

C++(std::shared_ptr 的成员函数 reset)

std::shared_ptr 是 C++ 标准库提供的智能指针类型之一,用于管理动态分配的资源。reset 是 std::shared_ptr 类的成员函数之一,用于重新分配或重置 std::shared_ptr 所拥有的指针。 以下是 reset 成员函数的基本解释: 函数签名: templat ......
shared_ptr 函数 成员 shared reset

vscode报错Already included file name ‘xxx‘ differs from file name ‘xxx‘ only in casing的解决方法:

场景:我们创建了一个文件是小写开头的,又改成大写开头的。 比如: relationDemo.vue 改成 RelationDemo.vue 原因:缓存的判重逻辑是不区分大小写导致的。在这种情况下,vscode缓存中放的是relationDemo.vue,改了大小写后,vscode试图把Relatio ......
file name xxx included Already


std::shared_ptr 是 C++ 标准库中的一个智能指针类,用于管理动态分配的内存。它提供了一种共享拥有权(shared ownership)的机制,通过引用计数来跟踪指向同一块内存的所有 std::shared_ptr 实例。当最后一个 std::shared_ptr 被销毁时,它会自动 ......
shared_ptr shared std ptr

"firmwarepasswd": MacOS Firmware Password Management: CHECK and DELETE Macbook Pro Firmware Password from the command line.

Abaels-MacBook-Pro:~ abaelhe$ su Password: bash-3.2# firmwarepasswd -check Password Enabled: Yes bash-3.2# firmwarepasswd -delete Delete Firmware Pass ......

15.Please retell the parable of The Blind men and An Elephant. What is the moral of the parable? What can we learn from the parable when it comes to critical thinking?

Round 1: Retelling the Parable and Extracting the Moral Speaker 1 (Student A): Hey everyone! So, let's dive into the parable of "The Blind Men and the ......
parable the What Elephant critical

Redis报错:(error) DENIED Redis is running in protected mode because protected mode is enabled and no password is set for the default user

一、报错内容 (error) DENIED Redis is running in protected mode because protected mode is enabled and no password is set for the default user. In this mode c ......
protected Redis mode is password

Predicting gene expression from histone modifications with self-attention based neural networks and transfer learning

Predicting gene expression from histone modifications with self-attention based neural networks and transfer learning Yuchi Chen 1, Minzhu Xie 1, Jie ......


灵魂拷问std::enable_shared_from_this,揭秘实现原理 引言 在C++编程中,使用智能指针是一种安全管理对象生命周期的方式。std::shared_ptr是一种允许多个指针共享对象所有权的智能指针。然而,当一个对象需要获取对自身的shared_ptr时,传统的方法可能导致未定 ......

unique_ptr 和 shared_ptr

`unique_ptr` 和 `shared_ptr` 是 C++ 标准库中的智能指针,用于管理动态分配的对象的生命周期,以避免内存泄漏和手动资源管理的问题。 1. **`unique_ptr`:** - `std::unique_ptr` 是一个独占所有权的智能指针,确保在任何时候只有一个 `un ......
unique_ptr shared_ptr ptr unique shared

hive执行sql报错 FAILED: Execution Error, return code 3 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.mr.MapredLocalTask

前言: 执行hive sql报错,sql逻辑是两个表左连接并将数据插入新的表中。 报错信息: [ERROR] 2023-12-05 15:49:49.165 +0800 - execute sql error: Error while processing statement: FAILED: Ex ......
hive MapredLocalTask Execution FAILED apache

Mysql: [HY000][1093] You can't specify target table 'dupes' for update in FROM clause

错误原因 在同一语句中。不能先SELECT出同一表的某些值,在Update这个表 实例 错误实例 DELETE FROM dupes WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT MIN(id) FROM dupes GROUP BY name) 正确实例 DELETE FROM dupes WH ......
39 specify clause target update

Disconnected from the target VM, address: '', transport: 'sock

一直能正常运行的本地项目,在IDEA中突然跑不起来 解决步骤: 给application启动类的run方法加上try-catch 打印日志为Failed to determine a suitable driver class,说是数据源有问题 实则是IDEA抽风了 1.尝试删除idea缓存重启In ......
Disconnected transport 39 address target

记Redux下载后,运行examples/todos时,报错Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported 和 Failed to load config "react-app" to extend from.

1、Redux 下载 下载地址 git clone https://github.com/reactjs/redux.git 进入examples/todos,下载依赖: npm install 2、问题复现及解决 执行命令 npm run start 此时终端报错: Error: error:03 ......
quot unsupported react-app 0308010C examples

hive启动出现Either your MetaData is incorrect, or you need to enable "datanucleus.schema.autoCreateTables"

hive启动出现: Required table missing : "`VERSION`" in Catalog "" Schema "". DataNucleus requires this table to perform its persistence operations. Either ......

1、ImportError: cannot import name 'soft_unicode' from 'markupsafe'解决;2、ImportError: cannot import name 'Callable' from 'traitlets' 解决

不知做了啥操作,spyder和jupyter同时打不开(我印象中啥也没做),出现闪了一下后没反应,不知道报错在哪里。 1、先解决spyder的报错:ImportError: cannot import name 'soft_unicode' from 'markupsafe' 于是我打开Anacon ......
39 ImportError cannot import from

redis集群压测报错Error from server: MOVED

## redis集群压测报错Error from server: MOVED ## 故障描述 redis7集群压测报错 ```sh Summary: throughput summary: 31250.00 requests per second latency summary (msec): av ......
集群 server redis Error MOVED

python网络连接报错:ValueError("Unable to determine SOCKS version from %s" % proxy_url) ValueError: Unable to determine SOCKS version from socks://

python应用proxy网络连接报错: return super().send(request, *args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/home/devil/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib ......
ValueError determine version Unable SOCKS

关于解决vue报错"Problems loading reference 'https://schemastore.azurewebsites.net/schemas/json/package.json': Unable to load schema from...

打开setting时会看到有一条三角形的警告信息 看问题描述:无法从该网站加载 解决方法: 打开设置,找到扩展下的json项 设置之后可以在settings.json文件中看到新增加一项 "json.schemaDownload.enable": false 可以直接在界面上设置: "json.sc ......

ORA-01187 cannot read from file 201 because it failed verification tests..temp01

Description:We get this message in running the Upgrade Express 20-21 export (create_customer_data):ORA-01187: cannot read from file 201 because it fai ......
verification because cannot failed 01187

nmap: error while loading shared libraries: libpcap.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory解决方法

nmap: error while loading shared libraries: libpcap.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory解决方法 nmap运行报错解决方法 在centos7里面直接安装lib ......
shared file directory libraries loading

论文:Predicting Optical Water Quality Indicators from Remote Sensing Using Machine Learning Algorithms in Tropical Highlands of Ethiopia

水刊,中科院都没有收录。不属于sci。 吃一堑长一智,以后先看属于哪个期刊的。总是忘记。 期刊:Hydrology 浪费时间,啥也没有,没有创新点,就一点点的对比工作量。 “Predicting Optical Water Quality Indicators from Remote Sensing ......

[WARNING] The POM for com.alibaba:druid:jar:1.1.21 is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug logging for more details是什么问题

这个警告表明 Maven 在尝试下载或处理 com.alibaba:druid:1.1.21 这个依赖项时遇到了问题。警告的具体内容是说 POM(Project Object Model)文件无效,这可能会导致 Maven 无法正确地处理传递性依赖关系。有几种可能的原因和解决方法: 1.网络问题: ......

mvn spring-boot:run启动项目时报: parse data from Nacos error 错误

spring boot 项目, 通过命令: mvn spring-boot:run 启动时, 在读取nacos配置时, 提示报错如下: c.a.c.n.c.NacosPropertySourceBuilder : parse data from Nacos error,dataId:applicat ......
spring-boot 时报 错误 项目 spring


ddp训练结束后,发现进程不终止,显存和cpu仍在占用,尝试 torch.distributed.destroy_process_group() torch.cuda.empty_cache() if dist.get_rank()==0: exit() 等清理方法均无效,主进程不能退出,程序只能手 ......


std::shared_future是C++11的标准库类,其与std::future的不同是允许多个线程使用,多个线程可以同步共享,同时其又不会阻塞等待异步任务的完成。std::shared_future同样也提供get()方法用于获取异步执行的结果。 #include <iostream> #i ......
shared_future 标准 shared future std

Modern C++ Starter Kits Share

初入 C++ 搬砖,在团队中开发实际上很少亲自从零开始搭建C++的完整项目,99%时候都是使用基础架构团队或者CI/CD团队搭建好的框架。这里分享几个配置C++项目的模版,它们一般会涉及三方库管理、格式校准、单元测试、静态检查、Sanitizer配置、CI/CD配置等方面,内容比较完善。 Build ......
Starter Modern Share Kits

Reference and inspiration from China's strategy for addressing water pollution issues in Africa

According to China's three line one permit measures, we believe that this has a certain reference value for water pollution issues in Africa. The "thr ......

报错 ImportError: cannot import name 'Celery' from partially initialized module 'celery'

# 目录结构问题 原来目录结构: 改为: 把check_result produce_task拿出来 ......
39 ImportError initialized partially Celery