ergodicity liouville theorem and

Mahmoud and a Dictionary CF766D

给一些单词,它们可能是同义或者反义,给出一些关系定义,从前面的定义开始建立关系,如果有的关系定义和之前的冲突输出NO,否则输出YES。 然后查询q次单词x和单词y的关系。 扩展域并查集 1~n 存朋友,n+1~2n 存敌人 #include <iostream> #include <map> usi ......
Dictionary Mahmoud 766D 766 and

What's the difference between {% tag variable%} and {{variable}}

What's the difference between {% tag variable%} and {{variable}} In Django templates, {% tag variable %} and {{ variable }} are two different types of ......
variable difference between What the

CF1172E Nauuo and ODT

题面传送门 还是见识太少了。 直接算颜色个数不好算,因为是和式,所以考虑计算某个颜色的贡献。 对于某个时刻,有一些位置是当前时刻,那么设所有没有这些位置的联通块平方和为 $S$ ,则贡献为 $n^2-S$。 因为总共有效的修改只有 $O(m)$ 个,因此我们需要支持:改变一个点的状态,查询为 $1$ ......
1172E Nauuo 1172 and ODT

pytest踩坑--运行报错DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated since Python 3.3 ,and in 3.9 it will stop working

问题现象: 使用pytest运行用例时,用例执行完毕总会提示以下警告 警告意思:弃用警告:从collections中导入ABCs已被弃用,并在python3.9中将停止工作,可使用collections.abc代替它进行使用 但我代码中并未使用这个库,也没有导入这个库。就很纳闷 解决: 百度了一下解 ......

WABCO DIAGNOSTIC KIT (WDI) WABCO Trailer and Truck Diagnostic Interface

Wabco Diagnostic Kit is a universal diagnostic tool designed for maintenance of trailers, trucks and buses. Wabco Diagnostic tool supports most popula ......

Pencils and Boxes CF985E

给出nn个整数a1,a2,...,an,现在需要对其进行分组,使其满足以下条件: 每个数都必须恰好分入一组中 每一组中必须至少包含K个数 在每一组中,整数的权值之差的绝对值<=D。 请判断是否存在满足条件的分组方案,若有请输出"YES",否则输出"NO"。 直接的贪心是错误的,但要魔改一下,双指针+ ......
Pencils Boxes 985E 985 and

Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured

一、问题背景 利用Nacos作为配置中心和注册中心,将数据库配置放在项目的yml文件时正常输出,放在Nacos配置中出现如下问题 二、报错截图如下 三、我的项目配置如下 #微服务配置 spring: application: name: content-api # 服务名content-api-de ......

[NC 记录] CF1172D Nauuo and Portals

在随机跳一点 CF 的紫题做。为什么随机一跳就是 CNR。 感觉这能 *2900 有点震撼。不过我不是也没独立做出来嘛。 尝试只为行或列构造,很容易想到直接逐一交换,但是这样会破坏另一维的结构。 怎么做呢,怎么做呢。你忽然注意到这是个方阵诶,可以试着递归弄掉一行一列。 那每次只能放第一行与第一列并起 ......
Portals 1172D Nauuo 1172 and

【ACM算法竞赛日常训练】DAY3题解与分析【旅游】【tokitsukaze and Soldier】

DAY3共2题: 旅游 tokitsukaze and Soldier 🎈 作者:Eriktse 🎈 简介:19岁,211计算机在读,现役ACM银牌选手🏆力争以通俗易懂的方式讲解算法!❤️欢迎关注我,一起交流C++/Python算法。(优质好文持续更新中……)🚀 🎈 原文链接(阅读原文获得 ......
题解 算法 tokitsukaze Soldier DAY3

Tensflow & Numpy to implement Linear Regresssion and Logistic Regression

Optional Lab - Neurons and Layers¶ In this lab we will explore the inner workings of neurons/units and layers. In particular, the lab will draw parall ......

Appropriation and Appreciation------learning journals 4

There are many cultures in this world, but some cultures are rarely known, even if they are known to a certain extent, leading to the existence of ste ......

A Survey of Diversification Techniques in Search and Recommendation

Wu H., Zhang Y., Ma C., Lyu F., Diaz F. and Liu X. A survey of diversification techniques in search and recommendation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.1446 ......

How to log in when using gin's non-separated front-end and back-end systems

Person: How to log in when using gin's non-separated front-end and back-end systems? ChatGPT: When using Gin as the back-end system and a non-separate ......

What is static and dynamic libraries

What is static and dynamic libraries 他们有什么相同点吗? 都是库文件。对于调用库文件的使用者来说,不管是静态库还是动态库,调用的方式都是一样的,没什么区别。 Differences between static and dynamic libraries 动态库 ......
libraries dynamic static What and

Measuring the diversity of recommendations: a preference-aware approach for evaluating and adjusting diversity

Meymandpour R. and Davis J. G. Measuring the diversity of recommendations: a preference-aware approach for evaluating and adjusting diversity. Knowled ......

Python - difference between '../../' and '/../../' when they are concatenated to a path

scnzzh: ~/aaa >cat import os.path print(os.path.dirname(__file__)) abs_file_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) print(abs_file_di ......
39 concatenated difference between Python

PHP输出视频流 本地and在线视频

废话不多说 直接上代码 这个是支持在线读取远程视频文件的,分段读取 已测试支持ios 及ios uc浏览器,代码中的算法还可以优化,需要的朋友 请自行修改,视频地址可能会失效,到时候换成你需要的就行了。 该带码经过测试,在2h2g 的服务器上支持多人在线观看,同时不消化内存(具体多少人自行测试吧。免 ......
视频流 视频 在线视频 PHP and

GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated 报错处理

1055 - Expression #16 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 报错处理 源码想移植到新的机器,MySQL 使用PHPStudy 安装 升级到5.7.26 。一切准备就绪 ......
nonaggregated contains clause GROUP and

and or 混用

and or 混用 and 优先级 > or 1,SELECT * from managers WHERE `name` = 'admin' OR 1=1 and `password`='admin1111' 相当于 SELECT * from managers WHERE `name` = 'ad ......
and or

JavaScript ES modules import and export with trailing commas All In One

JavaScript ES modules import and export with trailing commas All In One JavaScript 最佳实践 export + trailing commas ......
JavaScript trailing modules import export

03.Forecasting the realized volatility of stock price index A hybrid model integrating CEEMDAN and LSTM

Forecasting the realized volatility of stock price index A hybrid model integrating CEEMDAN and LSTM 预测股票价格指数的实际波动率 CEEMDAN 和 LSTM 的混合模型 波动率:波动率是金融资产价 ......

MongoDB ObjectId() function not work and fix solution All In One

MongoDB ObjectId() function not work and fix solution All In One ......
ObjectId function solution MongoDB work

CF1168C And Reachability 题解 线性dp

题目链接 题目大意 给定一个数组 $a$,从下标 $x$ 能够转移到下标 $y$ 要满足 $x \lt y$ 且 $a_{p_i}, &, a_{p_{i+1}} > 0$,其中 $&$ 表示逻辑与。多 ......
题解 线性 Reachability 1168C 1168

create PO and Post

static void CreatePO(Args _args) { NumberSeq numberSeq; Purchtable Purchtable; PurchLine PurchLine; PurchParmTable purchParmTable; PurchFormLetter pur ......
create Post and PO

what's the difference between const and constexpr in C++?

Both const and constexpr are used to define constants in C++, but they have different meanings and use cases. const is used to declare a variable as c ......
difference constexpr between const what

【CF1515E Phoenix and Computers】(插入法dp)

原题链接 题意 给定 $n$,$M$。你有 $n$ 台电脑排成一排,你需要依次开启所有电脑。 你可以手动开启一台电脑。在任意时刻,若电脑 $i-1$ 与电脑 $i+1$ 都已经开启 $(1<i<n)$,电脑 $i$ 将立刻被自动开启。你不能再开启已经开启的电脑。 求你有多少种开启电脑的方案。两个方案 ......
Computers Phoenix 1515E 1515 and

Codeforces Round 760 (Div. 3) D. Array and Operations(贪心) 题目大意: 给定一个长度为n的数组a,我们可以进行m次操作: 每次操作可以任意选择两个不同的下标的数字x和y,并把它两删除,替换成x/y(但是x/y不可以再被选择进行除数运算了)。 问我们这样剩下来的数列的最 ......
Codeforces Operations Array Round 760

Red and Black HDU - 1312 (连通块的大小)

题意:求某点所在连通块的大小。 分析:由某点进行dfs,每次标记该点,并计数。 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; const int N = 110, INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; strin ......
大小 Black 1312 Red HDU

MinIO上传文件The difference between the request time and the server's time is too large.异常

问题 向MinIO上传文件时,抛出异常:The difference between the request time and the server‘s time is too large. 使用date命令修改CentOS时间后,异常依然存在。 相关Linux命令 查看系统时间:date 查看硬件 ......
time difference the between request

Implementation Matters in Deep Policy Gradients: A Case Study on PPO and TRPO

郑重声明:原文参见标题,如有侵权,请联系作者,将会撤销发布! Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2020 ......