foreignkey on_delete delete on

Environment Perception and Motion Strategy for Transformable Legged Wheel Robot on rough terrains

论文发表于2018年。这篇论文介绍了三模式机器人在野外环境下的环境感知和模式切换策略。机器人拥有arc mode、round mode 、claw mode三种模式。图a表示由round mode 变换至arc mode,图b 表示由arc mode 变换为 claw mode。 1.感知 1.1 ......

iis部署.netcore项目不允许put 和post,delete请求

在webconfig中添加红色标记部分 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><configuration> <system.webServer> <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"> <remo ......
netcore 项目 delete post iis

redis集群报错:MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but it is currently not able to persist on disk.

之前在x86架构的服务器部署redis集群,未遇到题中问题;然而在ARM架构的服务器部署redis集群,第一次遇到如此问题。虽然问题已经解决,但不清楚问题的具体原因,在此做个记录。 性能测试过程中,通过pinpoint捕捉到如下报错: MISCONF Redis is configured to s ......

Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'txtMessage' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

Winform TextBox Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'txtMessage' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on. (330条消息) 解决Cros ......

How To Install and Enable SSH Server on Debian 10 How To Install and Enable SSH Server on Debian 10 written by Schkn This tu ......
Install Enable Debian Server How


数据 Oracle delete


links link关键字用于在不同的容器之间创建网络链接。 它允许一个容器能够访问另一个容器的网络连接信息(如IP地址和端口)。 使用方法:在Docker Compose配置文件中,通过links关键字定义容器之间的链接关系。例如: version: '3' services: web: buil ......

SQL 语句中 left join 后用 on 还是 where,区别大了!

SQL 语句中 left join 后用 on 还是 where,区别大了! 数据分析与开发 2023-06-16 11:51 发表于浙江 ↓推荐关注↓ Python开发精选 分享 Python 技术文章、资源、课程、资讯。 14篇原创内容 公众号 转自:jcpp9527 https://blog. ......
语句 还是 where left join

[LeetCode] 1493. Longest Subarray of 1's After Deleting One Element

Given a binary array nums, you should delete one element from it. Return the size of the longest non-empty subarray containing only 1's in the resulti ......
LeetCode Deleting Subarray Element Longest

dsu on tree 学习笔记

# dsu on tree 学习笔记 ## 引入 dsu 是并查集的缩写,然鹅本算法和并查集没啥关系。当然,dsu on tree 也有中文名字:树上启发式合并。也就是说,这个算法是用于处理一些树上信息的合并的。 dsu on tree 和莫队一样,都是优雅的暴力。优雅是因为思想很优雅,暴力是因为所 ......
笔记 tree dsu on

expected unqualified-id on oneapi tbb12

# 230628-expected unqualified-id eton@230628 在编译supra基于debian12 Qt5.15 tbb12 `libtbb12/stable,now 2021.8.0-2 amd64` 的时候遇到下面的问题。 一直找不到实际的问题原因,指导发现下面几个g ......

docker报错:Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint likeshop-nginx

重启docker-compose时,nginx服务报错。 报错信息: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint likeshop-nginx (f0a809481f5 ......


核心代码: // axios 封装 import axios from "axios"; import qs from "qs"; import Crypto from './encryp' import md5 from 'js-md5' const baseURL = '/prod-api' c ......
加密解密 websocket DELETE axios POST

AtCoder Beginner Contest 228 G Digits on Grid

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门]( "AtCoder 传送门") ?这啥啊,不会。 ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest Digits Grid

【五期邹昱夫】CCF-B(IEEE Access'19)Badnets: Evaluating backdooring attacks on deep neural networks

> "Gu, Tianyu, et al. "Badnets: Evaluating backdooring attacks on deep neural networks." IEEE Access 7 (2019): 47230-47244." 本文提出了外包机器学习时选择值得信赖的提供商的重要 ......

【五期邹昱夫】CCF-B(RAID'18)Fine-Pruning: Defending Against Backdooring Attacks on Deep Neural Networks

> "Liu, Kang, Brendan Dolan-Gavitt, and Siddharth Garg. "Fine-pruning: Defending against backdooring attacks on deep neural networks." Research in Att ......

Vue报错之 Property or method "XXX" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render

原因1:真的没定义, 原因2:定义了,但是需要检查大小写是否一致 ......
quot referenced Property instance defined

new 和 delete 运算符

下面是使用 new 运算符来为任意的数据类型动态分配内存的通用语法: new data-type; 在这里,data-type 可以是包括数组在内的任意内置的数据类型,也可以是包括类或结构在内的用户自定义的任何数据类型。让我们先来看下内置的数据类型。例如,我们可以定义一个指向 double 类型的指 ......
运算符 delete new

[LeetCode] 1186. Maximum Subarray Sum with One Deletion

Given an array of integers, return the maximum sum for a non-empty subarray (contiguous elements) with at most one element deletion. In other words, y ......
LeetCode Deletion Subarray Maximum 1186

【mysql】parseTime=true 参数说明以及如何在 GORM 中使用它避免 Scan error on column...: unsupported Scan 错误的方法。

什么是 parseTime=true 参数 parseTime=true 是一个 MySQL 数据库连接参数,它告诉 MySQL 驱动程序将日期时间类型的值解析为 time.Time 类型。在 MySQL 中,日期时间类型的值可以表示为字符串,例如 2022-07-01 13:30:00。默认情况下 ......
Scan unsupported parseTime 错误 参数


Wake-on-LAN(WoL)是一种网络协议,允许通过局域网上的电脑发送特定的网络包来唤醒处于休眠或关机状态的计算机。然而,Wake-on-LAN并没有明确的版本概念,因为它是一个通用的协议,不受特定厂商或组织的控制。因此,没有针对Wake-on-LAN的具体版本和功能更新。 Wake-on-LA ......
网络 局域 Wake-on-LAN 状态 计算机

利用chatgpt解决单主机多实例模式Redis主从配置的报错问题:Error condition on socket for SYNC: Connection refused

今天在配置redis主从配置时,从实例报错:Error condition on socket for SYNC: Connection refused 我是在单体机上配置三个实例,实现redis的一主二从。 1.首先,创建三个文件夹,名字分别叫7001、7002、7003(我喜欢将应用安装在tmp ......
主从 Connection condition 实例 主机

Freertos学习01-Task Creat & Delete

## 一、Freertos介绍 FreeRTOS是一个开源的实时操作系统内核,它是由英国的Real Time Engineers Ltd.开发的。它提供了一些基本的内核功能,如任务管理、时间管理、信号量、队列和软件定时器等,可以帮助开发人员更容易地构建嵌入式系统。FreeRTOS是一个非常流行的实时 ......
Freertos Delete Creat Task amp

Docker install on Debian 10

# Docker ## Installation ```bash # Debian 10 (Buster) # Doc: apt-get install sudo sudo apt-get remove d ......
install Docker Debian 10 on


感谢,原文链接: # MySQL删除数据的方式都有哪些? 咱们常用的三种删除方式:通过 delete、truncate、drop 关键字进行删除;这三种都可以用来删除数据,但场景不同 ......
truncate delete drop

Delete vector contents and free up memory in C++

Delete vector contents and free up memory in C++ This post will discuss how to delete the vector’s contents and free up the memory allocated by the ve ......
contents Delete vector memory free

Proj. CAR Paper Reading: CodeBPE: Investigating Subtokenization Options for Large Language Model Pretraining on Source Code

## Abstract 本文:探索LLM在source code上pretrain时的subtokenization效果。 subtokenization: split long tokens into smaller subtokens, in order to ensure the relati ......

es ctags for code on win

# setup ```ps1 # dep: tar, 7z, pwsh, java $theGrokRoot="D:/sevtest/opengrok" $theTomcatRoot="D:/sevtest/tomcat" $theGrokFile="./opengrok-1.12.11.tar.g ......
ctags code for win es

删除一个文件夹 Recursively delete a directory tree 递归

Lib\ Recursively delete a directory tree def rmtree(path, ignore_errors=False, onerror=None): """Recursively delete a directory tree. If igno ......