hong kong programming the

爬取过程中出现stale element reference: element is not attached to the page document 错误

Bug实际情况描述如下:当我想爬取信息类型中的6个元素时,使用这样的 1 smallClassList = seleniumService.waitFindElements(bidCrawler.getSmallClassTag()); 2 for (WebElement smallLi : sma ......
element reference attached document 错误

npm ERR! code EPERM npm ERR! syscall mkdir npm ERR! path C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_ca...

npm项目初始化代码 npm init --yes idea代码安装npm npm i experss 我输入的时候报错了,如下图所示 没关系,只需要手动打开C盘的路径文件 找到这个文件,并且把他Ctrl+D删除掉即可 之后在运行这串代码就可以啦 ##明显成功了 ......
npm ERR Program node_ca syscall

qoj6344. The Best Problem of 2021

如果给出的线性基不是最小的,那么无解。 考虑简单转化一下问题。先把线性基消元,求出 $X$ 在线性基中的 $\text{Rank}$,再判一下全选是否无解。令 $X\to \text{Rank}(X)$,问题可以转化为:在 ${0,1,..,X}$ 的子集中选若干个数,使得子集线性基满秩(即秩等于 ......
Problem 6344 2021 Best qoj

CONNECT THE DOTS 挂载操作 jsfuck ftp download 信息收集

主机发现 sudo nmap -sT --min-rate 10000 -p- xx.x.xx.x -oA nmapscan/ports 要提取出所有的端口,进行字符操作 cat nmapscan/ports | grep open | awk -F'/' '{print $1}' | tr '\n ......
download CONNECT jsfuck 信息 DOTS

OEM执行emcli任何参数报错Internal Error: The EM CLI system has encountered an internal error. Details have been added to the OMS log files

OEM执行emcli任何参数报错Internal Error: The EM CLI system has encountered an internal error. Details have been added to the OMS log files 今天卸载oem的一个目标服务器上的age ......
encountered Internal internal 参数 Details

The 2022 ICPC Asia Hangzhou Regional Programming Contest--M题 (字典树)

###https://codeforces.com/gym/104090/problem/K 题意:给你n个字符串,在给你m个字符大小顺序规则。求逆序对数量。 ###1. 常规求这n个字符串的逆序对数量O(n^2)的时间复杂度,必爆,肯定要想办法优化,就往预处理上想。 ###2. 在不同规则下,比较 ......
Programming 字典 Hangzhou Regional Contest

Python报错:Can't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available

参考文章:(32条消息) Can‘t connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available - 关于anaconda中的SSL模块错误_anaconda https报错_Sky_Tree_Delivery的博客-CSDN博客 具体操 ......
available connect because Python module

Accelerating New Drug Development: The Role of Radioisotope Labeling

Isotopes are atoms of the same chemical element with different masses due to the presence of different neutron numbers in the nucleus, and there are l... ......

[Docker] Add a SQLite Console Shortcut with the Dockerfile

With a long-running node server and a database, sometimes it's useful to ssh into the virtual machine to explore the file system, and look at the data ......
Dockerfile Shortcut Console Docker SQLite

Root privileges are required forrunning the Systemback!(转)

在使用systemback对Linux服务器进行镜像备份时发现无法正常打开,报错显示:Root privileges are required forrunning the Systemback!或者Unsafe Window authorization!Please do not use ‘sud ......


主机发现 sudo nmap -sT --min-rate 10000 -p- -oA nmapscan/ports sudo nmap -sT -sC -sV -O -p22,8080 -oA nmapscan/detail sudo nmap ......

关于pandas.ExcelWriter()对象在执行.save()时报错FutureWarning: save is not part of the public API

有时使用pandas将多份数据,写入到Excel中不同的Sheet,可能会用到pandas.ExcelWriter("xxxx.xlsx")对象 这样在结束时,就会对对象进行.save()和close(),当然这也是从大部分网站上看到的使用方法 但是笔者在实际使用过程中,按这个过程,遇到报错: Fu ......
save FutureWarning ExcelWriter 时报 对象

idea创建SpringBoot项目报错For artifact {mysql:mysql-connector-java:null:jar}: The version cannot be em

For artifact {mysql:mysql-connector-java:null:jar}: The version cannot be empty. 报错如图: pom.xml文件如图: 添加版本号: 就好了 ......

cublas runtime error : the GPU program failed to execute 报错

情景 在使用 pytorch 1.0 和 RTX 3060 Laptop 训练 GIN 的时候出现了这个错误 原因 pytorch 1.0 对应的 cuda 10.0 版本太低了,不支持新的 GPU 架构 解决 最终使用了更新版本的 pytorch ......
runtime program execute cublas failed

hdu:surrounding the trees(凸包)

Problem Description There are a lot of trees in an area. A peasant wants to buy a rope to surround all these trees. So at first he must know the minim ......
凸包 surrounding trees hdu the

[Typescript] ts-toolbelt F.Narrow preserve the exactly data for function arguement

Example code: interface Fruit { name: string; price: number; } export const wrapFruit = <TFruits extends Fruit[]>(fruits: TFruits) => { const getFruit ......

The 2022 ICPC Asia Nanjing Regional Contest

写了题解没写代码的:BDGHK A 题解 先求出没有洞的话,最终留下来的袋鼠是哪个矩形。再看洞相对袋鼠是怎么移动的,这个洞会留下来一个移动轨迹。check 一个点是不是答案,就是看这个移动轨迹和袋鼠矩形的交的大小。那么每次是对移动轨迹进行一个二维数点。移动轨迹坐标必须在 $[-n,n]$ 和 $[- ......
Regional Contest Nanjing 2022 ICPC

E325: ATTENTION Found a swap file by the name "/etc/ssh/.sshd_config.swp"

今天使用vim /etc/ssh/.sshd_config命令报下面这个错误 查询后发现是上次修改内容没有保存,意外退出造成的,生成了一个.swp文件。我按了一下回车就回到编辑页面了,没有保存上次的编辑。其他解决方法还原上次编辑结果,使用命令vim -r 文件名 命令恢复上次编辑结果,使用 rm - ......
quot sshd_config ATTENTION config Found

Luogu P2973 [USACO10HOL]Driving Out the Piggies G

发现答案其实与这个点炸弹经过的次数有关,因为只要知道了这个点炸弹经过次数 $w$,这个点答案就能算出:$w\times \frac{p}{q}$ 就想到设 $f_u$ 为 $u$ 点炸弹经过次数 $u$ 点经过次数便可以由有连边的 $v$ 点推来,要满足 $v$ 点此时炸弹没爆炸且 $deg_v$ ......
Driving Piggies Luogu P2973 USACO

IDEA报错:Unsupported characters for the charset 'ISO-8859-1'

IDEA报错:Unsupported characters for the charset 'ISO-8859-1' 解决方法 File->Settings->Editor->File Encodings 将Properties Files (*.properties)下的Default encod ......
Unsupported characters charset IDEA 39

2023 Hubei Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest题解 C F H I J K M

补题链接:https://codeforces.com/gym/104337 原文链接:https://www.eriktse.com/algorithm/1136.html M. Different Billing 签到题,写几个柿子然后枚举B或C即可。 #include <bits/stdc++ ......

Looking in indexes: https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement mediapipe (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found f

命令行输入: pip install mediapipe 报错: Looking in indexes: https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requi ......

Elasticsearch专题精讲——Installing Elasticsearch ——Install ECK using the Helm chart

Install ECK using the Helm chart Starting from ECK 1.3.0, a Helm chart is available to install ECK. It is available from the Elastic Helm repository a ......

2023 Hubei Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest

链接:https://codeforces.com/gym/104337 C 画个图看看,复杂度 $O(1)$。 C++ Code #include "bits/stdc++.h" using namespace std; using i64 = long long; int main() { io ......

Object-oriented Programming

Object-oriented Programming Source: What Is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)? A Complete Guide What is OOP Object-oriented programming is a programmi ......

The Org2Blog Project README.org

About {#about id="org_gcr_2019-03-06T17-15-24-06-00_cosmicality:B5FB31EA-EA25-4675-90B0-AE0167BAE092"} Blog from Org mode to WordPress. Table of Conte ......
Org2Blog Project README 2Blog Blog

The GitHub Project xm-rpc-el/xml-rpc-el README.org

Commentary: This is an XML-RPC client implementation in elisp, capable of both synchronous and asynchronous method calls (using the url package's asyn ......
xml-rpc-el xm-rpc-el rpc Project GitHub

Tool-CMake-How CMake simplifies the build process by Bruno Abinader

Tool-CMake-How CMake simplifies the build process by Bruno Abinader https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/community/-/wikis/home https://brunoabinader.gith ......

Cheems. Would you like going to the dock later to order some French fries?

Prologue " So, where are we going? " " I'm going to the dock later to order some French fries. " " No, you misunderstood... I mean, what is the ultima ......
Cheems French Would going fries

4、题目:Creativity in Electrical Engineering Degree Programs: Where Is the Content?

期刊信息 (1)作者:Adams,Scott (2)期刊:IEEE Transactions on Education, 2019/11, 62-4: 288-296 (3)DOI:10.1109/TE.2019.2912834 (4)ISSN:0018-9359 (5)IF:2.74 (Q2) 研 ......