increasing decreasing 1864a and

Understanding the different flavors of Clang C and C++ compilers in Windows This article will explain the different flavors of Clang C and C++ comp ......

How to Disable Suspend and Hibernation Modes In Linux

How to Disable Suspend and Hibernation Modes In Linux Disable Suspend and Hibernation in Linux sudo systemctl mask hiberna ......
Hibernation Disable Suspend Modes Linux

感觉和知觉(Perception and Consciousness)的区分和学习

感觉和知觉(Perception and Consciousness) consciousness 是知觉,这个应该是被动对环境的反应和内在的意识 Perception 对对外的感觉,主动对外界的思考的探索 前缀per- 表示“完全,贯穿,自始至终,向前”。forth, ford 是其同源词。 词根 ......
Consciousness 知觉 Perception 感觉 and

Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks(SENet)

结构和代码如下(参考:b站视频:YOLOv5 v6.1添加SE,CA,CBAM,ECA注意力机制教学,即插即用): Global pooling:每个channel上面的所有点做平均,这样每个channel都输出一个数。所以左图中,HxWxC变成了1x1xC。(参考:关于global average ......

Python script get date and time All In One

Python script get date and time All In One Python shell script print current datetime to log file ......
Python script date time All

intellij idea 中On 'Update' action 下无Update classes and resources选项

intellij idea 中使用tomcat发布项目时,On ‘Update’ action 下无Update classes and resources选项,这时在tomcat设置中Deployment要使用exploded模式的war包。只有exploded模式下才会有update class ......
Update resources intellij classes action

【论文阅读笔记】iCaRL: Incremental Classifier and Representation Learning

Author: Alexander Kolesnikov Key_words: nearest-mean-of-exemplar rule, prioritized exampler selection,representation learning Create_time: September 1 ......

Zeros and Ones UVA - 12063

给出n、k(n≤64,k≤100),有多少个n位(无前导0)二进制数的1和0一样多,且值为k的倍数? f[i][j][k] #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> using names ......
Zeros 12063 Ones UVA and

迁移学习()《Attract, Perturb, and Explore: Learning a Feature Alignment Network for Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation》

论文信息 论文标题:Attract, Perturb, and Explore: Learning a Feature Alignment Network for Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation论文作者:Taekyung Kim论文来源:2020 ECCV论文地址 ......

Using OFFSET and FETCH to limit the rows returned sql server分页查询

Using OFFSET and FETCH to limit the rows returned We recommend that you use the OFFSET and FETCH clauses instead of the TOP clause to implement a quer ......
returned OFFSET server Using FETCH

install vim-latexsuite and set .vimrc

(4/4) 正在安装 vim-latexsuite [#######] 100%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Set the following lines ......
vim-latexsuite latexsuite install vimrc and


20230407:tensorflow transformer tf.name_scope: 这个函数会规定对象和操作属于那个范围,但是不会对“对象”的“作用域”产生任何影响,也就是不是全局变和局部变量的概念. 这个东西有很多种用法: with tf.name_scope("loss"): #这个名 ......
bert_and_torch 20230406 torch bert and

每日学习记录20230220_tibble gseDO and limma

20230220:tibble gseDO and limma R的tibble格式数据需要转成dataframe才能去除格式,得到某一列纯粹的数据 gseDO是DOSE包里面的函数,用于 Disease Ontology (DO) 分析和富集分析 Q:为什么将FPKM转换为TPM去做转录组差异分析 ......
20230220 tibble gseDO limma and

Codeforces Round 864 (Div. 2) E. Li Hua and Array

Codeforces Round 864 (Div. 2E. Li Hua and Array)(暴力修改线段树+lca和数论的结合) Example input 5 4 8 1 6 3 7 2 1 5 2 3 4 1 1 3 2 3 4 output 10 2 1 Solution 首先你得知道什 ......
Codeforces Array Round 864 Div

Check SID and SQL query associated with OS Process ID(PID) in Oracle

check Session id from OS process id in Oracle SELECT b.spid, a.sid, a.serial#, a.username, a.osuser FROM v$session a, v$process b WHERE a.paddr = ......
associated Process Oracle Check query

springboot 打包后的端口 jar and war

WAR包发布项目:端口号是目标发布服务器tomcat的默认端口号(8080)或在tomcat的配置文件(server.xml)中设置的端口号。 JAR包发布项目:端口号是application.yml或application.properties里配置的端口号,也就是这些文件配置了内嵌服务器tomc ......
端口 springboot jar and war

B. Plus and Multiply

B. Plus and Multiply 手模拟了一下 发现式子是: $a^x + by = n $ 由于$a^x$是指数增长,直接枚举它的幂次即可,注意对$a=1$的情况特判 // AC one more times #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace ......
Multiply Plus and

B. Phoenix and Beauty

B. Phoenix and Beauty 要求所有长度为$k$的子数组之和相同,观察样例可以发现,当原数组中不同的元素个数小于等于$k$时可以满足条件,同时输出的数组长度$m$很大,可以从这里入手 构造一个有所有元素的数组,当这个数组长度不足时,补其他元素进去,答案即为 $\frac{10000} ......
Phoenix Beauty and

语义通信论文阅读(2):Semantic Communications: Overview, Open Issues, and Future Research Directions

(语义通信论文阅读:Semantic Communications: Overview, Open Issues, and Future Research Directions) 语义通信:概述、开放问题和未来研究方向 文章刊源:IEEE Wireless Communication(1区,IF=1 ......

CF1797E Li Hua and Array

个人思路: 线性筛求出来 $\phi(x)$,然后 $x$ 成为 $\phi(x)$ 的儿子,建树。 然后接下来就和 $\phi$ 没关系了,令第 $i$ 个数初始直接对应点在 $a_i$ 上。 1 操作相当于区间跳到父亲 2 操作相当于求区间内所有点到 LCA 的距离之和。 1 暴力删就行了,维护 ......
1797E Array 1797 Hua and

nohup: ignoring input and redirecting stderr to stdout

把后面的 “&” 改成 “2>&1 &”,把启动命令改成如下: nohup java -jar eureka-server.jar > ../logs/eureka-server.out 2>&1 & 再次执行,问题解决。 解释如下: 2>表示把标准错误(stderr)重定向,标准输出(stdout ......
redirecting ignoring stderr stdout nohup

Do you know the bitwise sum sample demonstrated in "Neural Networks and Deep Learning" by autor Michael Nielsen?

Do you know the bitwise sum sample demonstrated in "Neural Networks and Deep Learning" by autor Michael Nielsen? Yes, I am familiar with the bitwise s ......
quot demonstrated Networks Learning bitwise

语义通信论文阅读(1):Beyond Transmitting Bits: Context, Semantics, and Task-Oriented Communications

@(语义通信论文阅读:Beyond Transmitting Bits: Context, Semantics, and Task-Oriented Communications) ![在这里插入图片描述]( ......

Vulnhub之Me and Mygirlfriend详细测试过程

Me and Mygirlfriend 作者:jason huawen 靶机信息 名称: Me and My Girlfriend: 1 地址:,409/ 识别目标主机IP地址 ─(kali㉿k ......
Mygirlfriend 过程 Vulnhub and

macOS Wi-Fi Scanner and Analyzer All In One

macOS Wi-Fi Scanner and Analyzer All In One macOS Wi-Fi 扫描仪和分析仪 ......
Analyzer Scanner macOS Wi-Fi All


毕设、柳花和情书 Datetime: 2023-04-04T17:56+08:00 Categories: Fragment Tags: Diary 发现自己没法记住纯音乐,有歌词的歌比较容易记忆,音节会构成旋律,但是纯音乐不一样,听了就忘,有点为此沮丧。 但是有两首可以记得的,一首是永远同在,一首 ......

TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation

python 报错 TabError:缩进中不一致地使用制表符和空格 解决方法该bug的原因是,各行存在不同的缩进空格,未统一化。只需将出错的代码行及其前边的所有行,全选中,统一还原靠左边,然后再统一执行缩进快捷键即可! ......

delphi 资源文件管理 Resources and Images

1、 把PNG图片放到项目中; 2、 点击主菜单“Project”→“ Resources and Images”,弹出下面的对话框 它会自动识别项目中的图片、音频等文件自动添加进来,如果没有识别出来或者是自定义文件类型的话,就点击【Add】按钮手动添加,然后选择合适的资源类型ResourceTyp ......
Resources 文件 delphi Images 资源

【题解】CF472G Design Tutorial: Increase the Constraints

《正解分块 + FFT 跑 1min,__builtin_popcount 暴力跑 10s》 《没人写正解,CF 也不卡》 思路 正解:分块 + FFT 乱搞:__builtin_popcount 首先我们知道哈明距离可以用一种 $O(|字符集| |S|)$ 的算法求。 具体考虑枚举字符集中的每一个 ......
题解 Constraints Tutorial Increase Design

19 An efficient and privacy-preserving aggregation scheme for secure smart grid communications

![](![]( ......