languages coding smart used

Vivado生成bitstream时报错[Opt 31-67] Problem: A LUT3 cell in the design is missing a connection on input pin I1, which is used by the LUT equation

这个原因主要是因为有一个引脚没有用到,解决方法。 1、打开Schematic。 2、根据提示的模块去找,比如说我的报错。 [Opt 31-67] Problem: A LUT3 cell in the design is missing a connection on input pin I1, w ......
connection LUT bitstream the equation

[919] Change the horizontal alignment of a cell to center within a table of a Word document using Python

To change the horizontal alignment of a cell to center within a table of a Word document using Python and the python-docx library, you can set the ali ......
horizontal alignment document Change Python

[920] Copy the font style from one cell in a table of a Word document to another cell using Python

To copy the font style from one cell in a table of a Word document to another cell using Python and the python-docx library, you can access the font p ......
cell document another Python style

[916] Replace text in a Word document using Python

To replace text in a Word document using Python, you can use the python-docx library, which allows you to work with Microsoft Word files (.docx). If y ......
document Replace Python using text

[917] Replace text in a specific table within a Word document using Python

To replace text in a specific table within a Word document using Python, you can use the python-docx library to access and modify the content of the t ......
document specific Replace Python within

VS Code 统计代码行数

安装插件 VS Code 可以通过安装 VS Code Counter 插件来很方便的统计代码行数。 使用 Shift+Ctrl+X 快捷键打开扩展界面,搜索 VS Code Counter 并安装,如下 使用插件统计代码 点击顶部'查看>命令面板'菜单,如下: 工作区选择 VscodeCounte ......
代码 Code VS

vs code 快捷键

官方地址 PDF 下载 ......
快捷键 code vs


一、确认手机的USB调试接口是打开的; 打开开发者模式,暴击手机版本号多次,直到提示已打开开发者模式。 二、使用USB线连接电脑和手机,可以首先执行adb remount(重新挂载系统分区,使系统分区重新可写 )命令; 三、remount成功后,可以使用adb shell命令查看设备是否连接成功; ......
解决方案 方案 手机 use

在Visual Studio Code中进行WSL开发

在Visual Studio Code中轻松进行WSL开发的步骤如下: 1. 安装Visual Studio Code和WSL扩展:首先,从Visual Studio Code官网下载并安装Visual Studio Code。然后,在Visual Studio Code中安装WSL扩展,该扩展可以 ......
Visual Studio Code WSL


1 这是《如是》对一个西川的访谈。在中间一段,回放了西川在中央美院“毕业夜之夜”登台擂鼓朗诵《屈原·少司命》,这种生命力,不是青春的那种火,而是一个成熟的老诗人的内在力量的外显,挺震撼我的,西川的学生们应该是特别有福气的吧 ......

Internet-augmented language models through few-shot prompting for open-domain question answering阅读笔记

Internet-augmented language models through few-shot prompting for open-domain question answering 其实我没怎么正经读过论文,尤其是带实验的,我目前认真读过的(大部头)也就是一些LLM的综述。记录这个文档主 ......

Expanding disk inside Hyper-V using LVM

based on expand the virtual disk," then "Expand").&tex ......
Expanding Hyper-V inside Hyper using

[914] In Python's datetime library, you can format dates using the strftime() method

In Python's datetime library, you can format dates using the strftime() method. This method allows you to create a formatted string representation of ......
datetime strftime library Python format

[913] Updating a Table of Contents (TOC) in a Word document using pywin32 to display numbers

If the python-docx method mentioned earlier doesn't work on your computer, you can try using the pywin32 library, which allows you to interact with Mi ......
Updating Contents document display numbers

代码的艺术-Writing Code Like a Pianist

如何评定一个系统的质量?什么样的系统或者软件可以称之为高质量?本文将从主观和客观的角度,和大家探讨一下,作为程序员,应该如何写出整洁高质量的代码。 ......
Writing Pianist 代码 艺术 Code

Go - Using Templates for Go Web Applications

Problem: You want to use Go’s templating system to create a web application. Solution: Use the html/template package to create a web application. pack ......
Applications Templates Using Go for

Secure Code Warrior C# Basic OWASP Web Top 10 2017 8: Insecure deserialization, 9: Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities, 10: Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

Last but not least. These set challenges consist of 8: Insecure deserialization, 9: Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities, 10: Insufficient Logg ......

Secure Code Warrior C# Basic OWASP Web Top 10 2017 5: Broken Access Control, 6: Security Misconfiguration and 7: XSS vulnerabilities

Learn the ropes or hone your skills in secure programming here. These challenges will give you an understanding of 5: Broken Access Control, 6: Securi ......

Secure Code Warrior C# Basic OWASP Web Top 10 2017 1: Injection Flaws and 2: Broken Authentication vulnerabilities 3: Sensitive Data Exposure and 4: XXE vulnerabilities

Let's continue with some other very common application weaknesses. This set of levels will focus on 3: Sensitive Data Exposure and 4: XXE vulnerabilit ......

Secure Code Warrior C# Basic OWASP Web Top 10 2017 1: Injection Flaws and 2: Broken Authentication vulnerabilities

Let's start with the most critical application weaknesses. These challenges get you the foundations of 1: Injection Flaws and 2: Broken Authentication ......

How to export objects to a csv file using pure JavaScript All In One

How to export objects to a CSV file using pure JavaScript All In One 如何使用纯 JavaScript 将对象导出到 csv 文件 ......
JavaScript objects export using to

5.9 Shannon-Fano-Elias Coding

Define the modified cdf \(\overline{F}(x)\) based on the standard cdf \(F(x)\): \[\overline{F}(x)=\sum_{a<x}p(a)+\frac{1}{2}p(x)=F(x-1)-\frac{1}{2}p(x ......
Shannon-Fano-Elias Shannon Coding Elias Fano

Siemens 西门子触摸屏SMART LINE如何通过下拉栏指定画面跳转?

在跟学员的交流中发现有一些同学对于西门子去切换页面这一块有些需求,并且提到了有时画面很多用传统按钮切换的方法但有很多不好排版。针对这个问题有没有一些好的其他的方式实现多画面的一个切换呢。那在这里给大家介绍另外一种方式是通过下拉栏去切换画面。 01 前提条件 由于本篇文章主要介绍的是通过下拉栏切换对应 ......
触摸屏 画面 Siemens SMART LINE

2023 Visual Studio Code 插件推荐:18 个提高开发效率的常用插件

Visual Studio Code (简称VSCode) 是一款强大的开源代码编辑器,它拥有众多功能强大的扩展插件,使得开发者可以根据自己的需求来定制编辑器的功能和外观。在本文中,我们将分享一些非常实用的 VSCode 插件,这些插件将提高您的开发效率,使编码变得更加愉快。 1. Chinese ......
插件 效率 常用 Visual Studio

Microsoft Visual Studio Code 安装配置教程 (C/C++)

Microsoft Visual Studio Code 安装教程 前言 由于看不习惯 Dev-C++ 等古老的 IDE,所以决定装 VS Code(可是现在感觉 VS 更好) 所以我就把安装过程记录了下来。 0x01 下载 下载 0x02 安装 前面的不用讲了吧。。。毕竟全是中文的。。。 0x03 ......
Microsoft 教程 Visual Studio Code

Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder-Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation

Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder-Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation 关键词:GRU、Encoder-Decoder 📜 研究主题 提出了Encoder-Decoder结构,采用两 ......

vs code出现preLaunchTask已终止,退出代码为1以及无法控制台输入的解决办法汇总

可以参考如下几篇博客: 控制台无法输入: VSCode控制台不能输入解决办法_vscode控制台无法输入-CSDN博客 vs code出现preLaunchTask已终止,退出代码为1: vscode配置c/c++编译环境(最终解决办法)_未配置编译器。除非设置自己的配置,否则 intellisen ......
控制台 preLaunchTask 代码 办法 code

Secure Code Warrior OWASP Web Top 10 2021 A1-A2 1: Broken Access Control and 2: Cryptographic Failures

Let’s start with the most critical application weaknesses. These challenges get you the foundations of 1: Broken Access Control and 2: Cryptographic F ......

C# using 语句 - 确保正确使用可释放对象

原文如下 using 语句 - 确保正确使用可释放对象 - C# | Microsoft Learn using 语句可确保正确使用 IDisposable 实例: var numbers = new List<int>(); using (StreamReader reader = File.Op ......
语句 对象 using

Siemens 西门子触摸屏smart line屏幕如何添加指示灯

很多学员一开始接触西门子触摸屏的时候,在做指示灯的功能的时候会发现它与其它平时接触到的触摸屏不一样,找不到跟它们一样的指示灯元件功能。 其实这里是西门子触摸屏与其它地方不同之处之一,西门子触摸屏很多东西是以事件或者变量更改状态的方式去做的。通过这些事件或者是变量去更改状态去实现一些功能,而不是像其它 ......
指示灯 触摸屏 指示 屏幕 Siemens