learniing doing by

To do list

[toc] # 导言 干脆把 To do list 也放到这里了。督促自己学习。很菜。轻喷。 # 2023 May ## 2023.5.29 Mon - 1 速通电学 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV13J411F7gk - 2 dp练习0x10 https://w ......
list To do


package com.karl; public class doWhileDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { /** * do-while循环格式 * do{ * 循环语句; * 迭代语句; * }while(循环条件); * * * * ......
do-while 格式 while do


![](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/1428973/202305/1428973-20230527210049171-1465770587.png) **发表时间:**2022(ICLR 2022) **文章要点:**AlphaZero在搜索次数很少的时候甚至动 ......

connection reset by peer 发生了什么?

一. 概述 在后台应用开发过程中,许多组件会打出日志,connection timeout, connection reset by peer,让人一头雾水。timeout 通常比较好理解,可能是网络不通。那么connection reset by peer 呢? 二. 预备知识 为了理解这个问题, ......
connection reset peer by

[论文阅读] Few-shot Font Generation by Learning Style Difference and Similarity

## Pre title: Few-shot Font Generation by Learning Style Difference and Similarity accepted: Arxiv 2023 paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.10008 code: ......

How to fix CMake error Could not find a package configuration file provided by “boost_filesystem”

CMake Error at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/Boost-1.71.0/BoostConfig.cmake:117 (find_package): Could not find a package configuration file provided ......

docker login harbor x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

# 前言 docker login harbor x509: certificate signed by unknown authority # 解决 打开 `/etc/docker/daemon.json`,如果没有这个文件新增即可 ``` vim /etc/docker/daemon.json ......
certificate authority unknown docker harbor



What is doing __str__ function in Django?

def str(self): is a python method which is called when we use print/str to convert object into a string. It is predefined , however can be customised. ......
function Django doing What str

[ABC143E] Travel by Car

[Travel by Car 的 传送门](https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/AT_abc143_e) > $n\le300$ 可~~凭感觉~~进行一遍 Floyd。 然后选两个点 $i,j$,如果 $i,j$ 间的距离小于等于 $l$,则将 $i,j$ 连一条代价为 ......
Travel 143E ABC 143 Car

mysql高版本(8.0)sql_mode = only_full_group_by的解决办法

1、原理层面 这个错误一般发生在mysql 5.7以及 5.7以上的版本中,其原因是mysql的默认配置中,sql_mode=“ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY” 这个配置严格执行了 ‘SQL92标准’,所以很高网站维护人员在升级mysql版本时,都会修改 sql_mode 的配置,使其能兼容。 ......

ShardingSphere + Pagehelper 组合sql查询中包含 DISTINCT GROUP BY 等关键字和聚合函数时,导致报错

Pagehelper 中配置说明 params:为了支持startPage(Object params)方法,增加了该参数来配置参数映射,用于从对象中根据属性名取值, 可以配置 pageNum,pageSize,count,pageSizeZero,reasonable,不配置映射的用默认值, 默认 ......

Do Transformers Really Perform Badly for Graph Representation

Ying C., Cai T., Luo S., Zheng S., Ke D., Shen Y. and Liu T. Do transformers really perform badly for graph representation? NIPS, 2021. 概 本文提出了一种基于图的 ......

cURL error 60: Peer's certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user

PHP中的curl提供了发送网络请求的一系列函数,我们在使用的时候很方便,但有时也会遇到一些问题。标题的错误我曾经遇到过一次,解决之后没有做相关记录,导致最近遇到该错误时,又花了很多时间去解决。 cURL error 60: Peer's certificate issuer has been ma ......
certificate trusted issuer marked error


https://www.cnblogs.com/JaxYoun/p/13177993.html MySQL之only_full_group_by 开发环境连接的mysql5.6,而测试环境是mysql5.7。开发中有小伙伴写了有关group by的sql语句。在开发环境中运行是正常的,而到了测试环境 ......
only_full_group_by MySQL group only full

mysql 5.7 Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column ...报错

https://www.shuzhiduo.com/A/gGdX3BNp54/ https://blog.csdn.net/wufaqidong1/article/details/126263023 使用mysql在执行一条插入语句时 insert into channel(channel_id, ......

What does .NET's String.Normalize do?

What does .NET's String.Normalize do? 回答1 One difference between form C and form D is how letters with accents are represented: form C uses a single l ......
Normalize String What does NET


BY组态是什么? BY组态面向工业物联网系统复杂的功能要求,通过“搭积木”的方式,拖拽组件到画布上,实现工业物联网可视化的web开发系统。 BY组态适用领域 能源电力、物联网、智能制造、智慧城市、智慧农业、智慧水利、智慧矿山、智慧建筑、原型设计、钢铁、石油、化工等领域。 BY组态适用场景 工业web ......
组态 组态软件 软件 web

AtCoder Beginner Contest 206(Sponsored by Panasonic)(E,F)

AtCoder Beginner Contest 206(Sponsored by Panasonic)(E,F) E(容斥,gcd) E 这个题大意就是给出一个$l$和一个$r$,寻找满足以下条件的一对数$(x,y)$的数量 $gcd(x,y)!=1$ $gcd!=x$并且$gcd!=y$(从这一 ......
Sponsored Panasonic Beginner AtCoder Contest

X-Powered-By: ARR/3.0 是什么

背景: 项目调用了一个内部接口,查看接口返回的内容,看到X-Powered-By: ARR/3.0,出于好奇百查了一下 Application Request Routing (ARR) is a feature in IIS that allows you to set up a web farm ......
X-Powered-By Powered ARR 3.0 By

解决git错误: error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

在我本地上进行git pull的时候,出现这个错误: error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge: config/config.php 这是因为,本地上有一个文件,没有被git管理,但 ......

Setup passwordless between servers by manual

陷阱 Linux7开始,默认在selinux级别上都有所增强,特别对于.ssh文件的 上下文 属性必须是ssh_home_t,否则导致其他权限都正确的情况下,passwordless ssh还是会失败。 1. Config the ssh - /etc/ssh/ssh_config # - ensu ......
passwordless between servers manual Setup

ssh远程连接报错ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

被远程主机拒绝 此类报错为 原因1:ssh连接数量过多导致 如果问题是偶尔能登录一次,大多不能登录,建议往第一点方向排查 [root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config |grep MaxSessions#MaxSessions 10[root@localh ......

Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'file:///xxx/%C3%A7%C2%9C' from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'file:///xxx/%C3%A7%C2%9C' from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy: Cross origin requests are only supported fo ......
origin 39 XMLHttpRequest supported requests

Nacos修改权重报错caused: errCode: 500, errMsg: do metadata operation failed ;caused: com.alibaba.nacos.con

今天修改Nacos权重时报错如下: caused: errCode: 500, caused: errCode: 500, errMsg: do metadata operation failed ;caused: com.alibaba.nacos.con。 解决方案: 停掉nacos服务 将na ......
caused 权重 operation metadata alibaba

while do while for 增强for

while for do


Web组态可视化软件之BY组态可视化平台介绍 关于组态软件,首先要从组态的概念开始说起。 什么是组态 组态(Configure)的概念来自于20世纪70年代中期出现的第一代集散控制系统(Distributed Control System),可以理解为“配置”、“设定”、“设置”等,是指通过人机开发 ......
组态 平台 软件 Web

CC BY-SA 4.0原文及翻译

CC BY-SA 4.0原文及翻译 英文参考链接 中文参考链接 原文: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) This is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the licen ......
原文 BY-SA 4.0 CC BY

Linux shell command ls sort by date All In One

Linux shell command ls sort by date All In One ls 按时间排序,最新的排在最前面 $ ls -t $ ls --time # reverse $ ls -tr ......
command Linux shell date sort

E325: ATTENTION Found a swap file by the name "/etc/ssh/.sshd_config.swp"

今天使用vim /etc/ssh/.sshd_config命令报下面这个错误 查询后发现是上次修改内容没有保存,意外退出造成的,生成了一个.swp文件。我按了一下回车就回到编辑页面了,没有保存上次的编辑。其他解决方法还原上次编辑结果,使用命令vim -r 文件名 命令恢复上次编辑结果,使用 rm - ......
quot sshd_config ATTENTION config Found