microservice application monolithic framework

Microservice - What are microservices, and why are microservices?

The concept of microservices is simply breaking a single large potential service into many smaller services that work together, hence, the name. One v ......
microservices Microservice are What and

Metasploit Framework

简介 目前最流行、最强大、最具扩展性的渗透测试平台软件基于Metasploit进行渗透测试和漏洞分析的流程和方法 2003年由HDMore发布第一版,2007年用 ruby 语言重写 框架集成了渗透测试标准(PETS)思想 一定程度上统一了渗透测试和漏洞研究的工作环境 新的攻击代码可以比较容易的加入 ......
Metasploit Framework

Black-Box Attack-Based Security Evaluation Framework forCredit Card Fraud Detection Models

Black-Box Attack-Based Security Evaluation Framework forCredit Card Fraud Detection Models 动机 AI模型容易受到对抗性攻击(对样本添加精心设计的扰动生成对抗性示例) 现有的对抗性攻击可以分为白盒攻击和黑盒攻击 ......

[Ant Design Pro] a brief note when trying a frontend framework

I'm a backend developer and know little about frontend. but recently I tried a frontend building tool, Ant Design Pro. Here is an note when initiating ......
framework frontend Design trying brief

DE-RRD: A Knowledge Distillation Framework for Recommender System

目录概DE-RRDDistillation Experts (DE)Relaxed Ranking Distillation (RRD)代码 Kang S., Hwang J., Kweon W. and Yu H. DE-RRD: A knowledge distillation framewor ......

Go - Run an application using systemd

The systemd tool fits our simple case of requiring the application to start on server boot-up as well as ensuring that the application is restarted in ......
application systemd using Run Go

NET6/Framework 封装邮件发送纯文本/HTML/HTML+图片/附件

发送纯文本 { var bodyBuilder = new BodyBuilder(); bodyBuilder.TextBody = "这是一封纯文本邮件"; message.Body = bodyBuilder.ToMessageBody(); } { var textPart = new Te ......
HTML Framework 附件 文本 邮件

Choosing Between .NET and .NET Framework for Docker Containers

There are two supported frameworks for building server-side containerized Docker applications with .NET: .NET Framework and .NET 7. They share many .N ......
Containers NET Framework Choosing Between

[Design-Data-Intensive-Application] Data Structrure that Power Database

1 Hash Table Index + Append Log advantages Perform > Random Write Concurrent + Crash / recovery disadvantages memory range query 2 SSTable. (Sorted St ......

Framework 调用https

var postObj = new { FolderName = folderName, FileName = fileName, FileContent = fileContent }; var postJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(postObj); va ......
Framework https

Spring Framework RCE CVE-2022-22965 漏洞分析

本文会从几个角度分析漏洞CVE-2022-22965,首先会从payload的构造。每次我都喜欢先分析漏洞的payload,不得不承认实力没达到可以直接分析漏洞地步。 ......
漏洞分析 漏洞 Framework Spring 22965

[Design-Data-Intensive-Application] Scalability

1 scale up better cpu better sever 2 scale out Weibo / post / user / follow 1) post select post from posts join users on p.send_id = u.id join follows ......

[Design-Data-Intensive-Application]- Reliability

1 How to work under failure 1) error & solution error HW-error disk / network / machine SW-error bug (sandbox-> Experiment) human error (Access contro ......

解决Visual Studio 2022中无法编译 .NET Framework 4.5/4.5.1项目(Visual Studio 2022安装.NET Framework 4.5)

最新【一键处理】方法:https://github.com/MrXhh/VSTools/releases1)下载 VS2022Net4NotCompileFix2)右键管理员执行3)重启VS https://github.com/MrXhh/VSTools/releases ......
Framework Visual Studio 2022 NET


2023-09-18 <dependency> <groupId>com.alibaba</groupId> <artifactId>druid-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> <version>1.2.16</version> </dependency> appl ......
druid application springboot yml


参考: https://blog.csdn.net/u012947309/article/details/116736684 ......

ACL2022 paper1 CAKE: A Scalable Commonsense-Aware Framework for Multi-View Knowledge Graph Completion

CAKE:用于多视域知识图谱补全的可扩展常识感知框架 ACL2022 Abstract 知识图谱存储大规模事实三元组,然而不可避免的是图谱仍然具有不完整性。(问题)以往的只是图谱补全模型仅仅依赖于事实域数据进行实体之间缺失关系的预测,忽略了宝贵的常识知识。以往的知识图嵌入技术存在无效负抽样和事实域链 ......

Adding API Key Authentication to a FastAPI application

https://joshdimella.com/blog/adding-api-key-auth-to-fast-api Step 1: Define a List of Valid API Keys API_KEYS = [ "9d207bf0-10f5-4d8f-a479-22ff5aeff8d ......

Scintilla applications

Scintilla is a widely used text editing component that serves as the foundation for various text editors and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs ......
applications Scintilla

axios_对于请求头content-type:application/json的请求, 请求体是数组的该怎么发

在博客园的请求/ajax/GetPostStat中, 发现这个post请求发送的是一个数组 export const reqGetArticleCountData = id => instance.post('/ajax/GetPostStat', { data: JSON.stringify([i ......

Laravel 执行流程(三)之 探索 Application 构造函数

备注:纯手打的学习笔记,如有错误之处请指正,谢谢。希望大家学的开心!说明:本来应该是说 Container 类(下)的,不过经过学习,直接看这个类实在不好理解,一会是绑定,一会共享实例,真心不知道说的什么.... 还是先从程序的入口处,顺藤摸瓜,用到的时候再结合上下文理解,比较容易消化,希望理解,抱 ......
Application 函数 流程 Laravel

Excel导出时文件中没有内容,表格是空的,并且后台抛出了下面的错误:No converter for [class com.common.dto.CommonResult] with preset Content-Type 'application/vnd.ms-excel;charset=utf-8'

【问题描述】 Excel导出时文件中没有内容,表格是空的,并且后台抛出了下面的错误: 2023-09-14 09:48:59.876 WARN 7 [http-nio-8096-exec-3] .m.m.a.ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver : Failure in ......

使用 SAP Business Application Studio Data Editor 生成 Mock Data

SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) 是 SAP 提供的一种综合性云平台,用于构建、扩展和集成企业应用程序。它为企业提供了一个强大的工具集,以支持数字转型和业务创新。在 BTP 上,Business Application Studio (BAS) 是一个云集 ......
Data Application Business Editor Studio


https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44343246/article/details/109768335 [DESCRIPTION] 客户有需求在没有屏和TP的情况下,如果有其他蓝牙对此设备进行配对,希望能自动完成配对动作,而不需要弹出需要用户确认的对话框。 1 Android ......
Framework Setting BT

application 'vueApp' died in status NOT_MOUNTED: [qiankun]: Target container with #vue not existed after vueApp mounted!

这是第一次微前端很常见的提示,尤其是第一次写前端的时候碰到的 解决1:主应用的 App.vue标签上的id="app"去掉,这是报错的根本解决2: // 在子应用挂在的时候处理 function render(props = {}) { const { container } = props; in ......

【Spring boot】 全局配置文件application.properties

默认使用以下 2 种全局的配置文件,在 Spring Boot 启动时被自动读取 application.properties application.yml properties的语法如下: 使用properties的key=value形式 使用层级递进关系。 从最高层到最低层逐个低级,中间使用点 ......
全局 application properties 文件 Spring

.Net Framework使用Autofac实现依赖注入

.Net Framework使用Autofac实现依赖注入 前言 最近也是找了快2周的工作了,收到的面试邀请也就几个,然后有个面试题目是用asp.net mvc + Entityframework 做一个学生信息增删改查系统。因为题目要求了用Entityframework 也就是EF 那也就不上co ......
Framework Autofac Net

.NET Framework 4.7.2下 Hangfire 的集成(转载)

原文地址:.NET Framework 4.7.2下 Hangfire 的集成 - Sam Xiao - 博客园 (cnblogs.com) .NET Framework 4.7.2下 Hangfire 的集成 参考资料: 开源的.NET定时任务组件Hangfire解析:https://www.cn ......
Framework Hangfire NET

IDEA2023.2以上版本没有“添加框架支持”(Add Framework Support)选项解决办法

问题: IDEA升级2023.2以上版本后,想创建JavaWeb项目,无法在“新建项目”后,通过鼠标右键“添加框架支持”(Add Framework Support)的方式添加Web支持。 解决办法: 选中模块,双击shift(或“帮助”菜单-->查找),选择操作,中文版搜索“添加框架支持”,英文版 ......
Framework 框架 Support 版本 办法


2023-09-10 目录结构 logback.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <configuration> </configuration> application.yml spring: datasource: driver-class-n ......
冗余 mybatisplus application 条件 常用