mooncake pat_a 1070 pat

PAT_A1070 Mooncake

Mooncake is a Chinese bakery product traditionally eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Many types of fillings and crusts can be found in traditional ......
Mooncake PAT_A 1070 PAT

PAT_B1033 旧键盘打字

旧键盘上坏了几个键,于是在敲一段文字的时候,对应的字符就不会出现。现在给出应该输入的一段文字、以及坏掉的那些键,打出的结果文字会是怎样? 输入格式: 输入在 2 行中分别给出坏掉的那些键、以及应该输入的文字。其中对应英文字母的坏键以大写给出;每段文字是不超过 105 个字符的串。可用的字符包括字母 ......
键盘 PAT_B 1033 PAT

PAT 甲级:1002 A+B for Polynomials,测试点说明

1002 A+B for Polynomials 25分 题解:(类似于把两个多项式合并同类项:指数相同的项把系数相加),最后输出新多项式的项数、各项。 需要注意的测试点: 1.输出的新项格式要与输入的一致:[项数] [指数1] [系数1] [指数2] [系数2] ...;且指数递减 2.指数是整型 ......
甲级 Polynomials 1002 PAT for

PAT乙级真题:1110 区块反转

【1110 区块反转 分值:25 乙级】 题目描述: 给定一个单链表 L,我们将每 K 个结点看成一个区块(链表最后若不足 K 个结点,也看成一个区块),请编写程序将 L 中所有区块的链接反转。 例如:给定 L 为 1→2→3→4→5→6→7→8,K 为 3,则输出应该为 7→8→4→5→6→1→2 ......
区块 真题 1110 PAT


PAT单位排行 1. 题目地址 2. 题目解析 3. 题解 4. 代码 #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <al ......
单位 PAT

【Azure Batch】在中国区批处理服务(Mooncake Batch Account)上实验自动池(Auto Pool)的创建/删除

问题描述 在Azure Batch的介绍文档中,提出了自动池的概念, 它可以在任务完成后,自动删除Pool资源,详细介绍: & ......
Batch Mooncake Account Azure Auto

1141 PAT Ranking of Institutions(附测试点5分析)

题目: After each PAT, the PAT Center will announce the ranking of institutions based on their students' performances. Now you are asked to generate the ......
Institutions Ranking 1141 PAT of

P1070 [NOIP2009 普及组] 道路游戏

[传送门]( 思考最朴素做法 $f_{i,j,p}$表示在第$i$个时刻终点为$j$且机器人走了$p$步获得的最大金币数,则有: $$f_{i,j,p}=r_{w(j-1),i}+\begin{cases}f_{i-1,w ......
道路 P1070 1070 NOIP 2009

PAT-甲级-1007 Maximum Subsequence Sum C++

Given a sequence of K integers { N1​, N2​, ..., N​K }. A continuous subsequence is defined to be { Ni​, Ni+1​, ..., Nj​ } where 1≤i≤j≤K. The Maximum S ......
甲级 Subsequence Maximum 1007 PAT

PAT-甲级-1005 Spell It Right C++

Given a non-negative integer N, your task is to compute the sum of all the digits of N, and output every digit of the sum in English. Input Specificat ......
甲级 Spell Right 1005 PAT

PAT-甲级-1004 Counting Leaves C++

A family hierarchy is usually presented by a pedigree tree. Your job is to count those family members who have no child. Input Specification: Each inp ......
甲级 Counting Leaves 1004 PAT

攀拓(PAT)- 程序设计(乙级)2023年夏季考试仿真卷题解

#B-1 唯手熟尔 思路:getchar一个读入到string中进行判断 代码: ``` #include using i64 = long long; #pragma GCC optimize(2) #define IOS std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false), std ......
题解 程序设计 程序 2023 PAT

1070. 产品销售分析 III

1070. 产品销售分析 III SQL架构 销售表 Sales: + + + | Column Name | Type | + + + | sale_id | int | | product_id | int | | year | int | | quantity | int | | price ......
产品销售 产品 1070 III

[WP] 攻防世界 CSFJ1070 steg没有py

#「附件」 下载附件,解压后是一张图片 Do_you_like_misc.png #「思路」 题目是 steg没有py,猜测是某种python库,搜索一下steg py。 > ​stegpy​​是一种将编码信息隐写在图像和音频文件中的程序。使用Python编写。 那就根据教程安装 https://b ......
世界 CSFJ 1070 steg WP

PAT Advanced 1012. The Best Rank

# PAT Advanced 1012. The Best Rank ## 1. Problem Description: To evaluate the performance of our first year CS majored students, we consider their gra ......
Advanced 1012 Best Rank PAT

PAT Advanced 1011. World Cup Betting

# PAT Advanced 1011. World Cup Betting ## 1. Problem Description: With the 2010 FIFA World Cup running, football fans the world over were becoming inc ......
Advanced Betting World 1011 PAT

PAT Advanced 1010. Radix

# PAT Advanced 1010. Radix ## 1. Problem Description: Given a pair of positive integers, for example, 6 and 110, can this equation 6 = 110 be true? Th ......
Advanced Radix 1010 PAT

PAT Advanced 1008. Elevator

PAT Advanced 1008. Elevator 1. Problem Description: The highest building in our city has only one elevator. A request list is made up with $N$ positiv ......
Advanced Elevator 1008 PAT

PAT Advanced 1007. Maximum Subsequence Sum

PAT Advanced 1007. Maximum Subsequence Sum 1. Problem Description: Given a sequence of $K$ integers { $N_1, N_2, ..., N_K$ }. A continuous subsequence ......
Subsequence Advanced Maximum 1007 PAT

PAT Advanced 1006. Sign In and Sign Out

PAT Advanced 1006. Sign In and Sign Out 1. Problem Description: At the beginning of every day, the first person who signs in the computer room will un ......
Sign Advanced 1006 PAT Out

PAT Advanced 1005. Spell It Right

PAT Advanced 1005. Spell It Right 1. Problem Description: Given a non-negative integer $N$, your task is to compute the sum of all the digits of $N$, ......
Advanced Spell Right 1005 PAT

PAT Advanced 1004. Counting Leaves

PAT Advanced 1004. Counting Leaves 1. Problem Description: A family hierarchy is usually presented by a pedigree tree. Your job is to count those fami ......
Advanced Counting Leaves 1004 PAT

PAT Advanced 1003. Emergency

PAT Advanced 1003. Emergency 1. Problem Description: As an emergency rescue team leader of a city, you are given a special map of your country. The ma ......
Emergency Advanced 1003 PAT

菜鸟记录:c语言实现PAT甲级1005--Spell It Right

非常简单的一题了,但还是交了两三次,原因:对数组的理解不足;对数字和字符之间的转换不够敏感。这将在下文中细说。 Given a non-negative integer N, your task is to compute the sum of all the digits of N, and ou ......
甲级 语言 Spell Right 1005

PAT Advanced 1002. A+B for Polynomials

PAT Advanced 1002. A+B for Polynomials 1. Problem Description: This time, you are supposed to find $A+B$ where $A$ and $B$ are two polynomials. 2. Inp ......
Polynomials Advanced 1002 PAT for

PAT Advanced 1001. A+B Format

PAT Advanced 1001. A+B Format 0. 写在前面: 没想到这么快就回来了(才不是因为C++ Primer, 5th太厚了doge),之前陆续看了一半的C++ Primer 5th,但真的看不动了。。。类的构造,模板这些真的顶不住,而且我确信如果继续看另一半,看完的这一半也会 ......
Advanced Format 1001 PAT

迁移学习(PAT)《Pairwise Adversarial Training for Unsupervised Class-imbalanced Domain Adaptation》

论文信息 论文标题:Pairwise Adversarial Training for Unsupervised Class-imbalanced Domain Adaptation论文作者:Weili Shi, Ronghang Zhu, Sheng Li论文来源:KDD 2022论文地址:dow ......

PAT-basic-1034 有理数四则运算

一、题目 本题要求编写程序,计算 2 个有理数的和、差、积、商。 输入格式: 输入在一行中按照 a1/b1 a2/b2 的格式给出两个分数形式的有理数,其中分子和分母全是整型范围内的整数,负号只可能出现在分子前,分母不为 0。 输出格式: 分别在 4 行中按照 有理数1 运算符 有理数2 = 结果  ......
有理数 四则 PAT-basic basic 1034

PAT-basic-1021 个位数统计

一、题目 给定一个 k 位整数 N=dk−1​10k−1+⋯+d1​101+d0​ (0≤di​≤9, i=0,⋯,k−1, dk−1​>0),请编写程序统计每种不同的个位数字出现的次数。例如:给定 N=100311,则有 2 个 0,3 个 1,和 1 个 3。 输入格式: 每个输入包含 1 个测 ......
个位数 个位 PAT-basic basic 1021

PAT-basic-1040 有几个PAT

一、题目 字符串 APPAPT 中包含了两个单词 PAT,其中第一个 PAT 是第 2 位(P),第 4 位(A),第 6 位(T);第二个 PAT 是第 3 位(P),第 4 位(A),第 6 位(T)。 现给定字符串,问一共可以形成多少个 PAT? 输入格式: 输入只有一行,包含一个字符串,长度 ......
PAT-basic PAT basic 1040