morning four the in

The 2023 ICPC Asia Shenyang Regional Contest C. Swiss Stage 对着图片抄最短路,一开始 BO3 搞成 3 了其实是 2 改半天。 E. Sheep Eat Wolves 看到 100 认为不太能贪心,不用性质就能 dp bfs 做,状态是 \(100*100*2\ ......
Shenyang Regional Contest 2023 ICPC

【HBase】:Could not start ZK with 3 ZK servers in local mode deployment.

Could not start ZK with 3 ZK servers in local mode deployment. Aborting as clients (e.g. shell) will not be able to find this ZK quorum. 控制台报错: 这个错误表明 ......
deployment servers HBase Could local

The solution of CF380C

problem 希望这篇题解不要明年才审完。 标签:线段树 记录 \(Lsum_p\) 为这个区间有多少个 ( 不能匹配,\(Rsum_p\) 为这个区间有多少个 ) 不能匹配。 对于叶子结点如果是 ( 那么 \(Lsum_p\) 为 \(1\),否则 \(Rsum_p\) 为 \(1\)。 如果不 ......
solution 380C The 380 CF

解决psql: error: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting connections on that socket?

pgsql启动后执行psql显示报错: psql: error: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: No such file or directory Is the server ru ......
server socket quot connections connection

The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly,解决

k8s集成jenkins,在进行子工程mvn clean install过程中报截图中错误,经过排除是之前在系统管理->系统配置中,添加的JAVA_HOME环境变量不对,可能目前我使用的jenkins是通过k8sPod生成的,并不是直接在主机上安装的,所以此处填的JAVA_HOME jenkins识 ......

ICPC2021Kunming G Find the Maximum 题解

Question Find the Maximum 给出一个树,每个点有一个权值 \(b_n\),求一条树上路径 \(V\),要求 \(\frac{\sum_{u\in V (-x^2+b_u x)}}{|V|}\) 最大,其中 \(x\) 是自己选择的一个树 Solution 先转化一下 \(\f ......
题解 Kunming Maximum ICPC 2021

IDX10720: Unable to create KeyedHashAlgorithm for algorithmHS256'. the key size must be greater than: '256' bits, key has '152' bits. Arg ParamName Name

概述 这个问题出现是在升级自己项目.NET8版本出现的;升级后重新登陆 jwt创建token 报错,意思是密钥需要超过 256 bit,即 设定得密钥太短了 解决方案:密钥加长 水一篇。。。 ......
39 KeyedHashAlgorithm bits algorithmHS 256

Only the invariant culture is supported in globalization-invariant mode. See for more information

错误信息:全球化不变模式只支持不变文化。看见了解更多信息 修改引用配置即可:<InvariantGlobalization>true</InvariantGlobalization> 改为false Only the ......

cmd黑窗口报错:输入行太长(The input line is too long)

1.情景展示 如上图所示,当我在命令提示符窗口执行命令时,报错: The input line is too long.The syntax of the command is incorrect. 怎么办? 2.具体分析 要运行命令的所在路径太长了,我们只需将需要启动的bat文件所在目录迁移至磁盘 ......
input line long cmd The

使用idea执行testng单元测试时,控制台报 no tests found in the class xxx 异常

我遇到的情况是,使用idea在一个测试类中进行测试的时候,前一个单元测试用例还正常执行,到下一个就报了no test found in the class xxx 原因暂时未知,但目前来看是idea的问题,可以尝试点击File->Invalidate Caches...然后在弹窗点击Invalida ......
控制台 单元 testng found class

.in'ig.status: error: cannot find input file: `

交叉编译 libaac 库,源码下载地址 解压 unzip cd 执行./bootstrap 时出现如下错误 # ./bootstrap -bash: ./boots ......
cannot status error input find

Research in Computational Molecular Biology : 18th Annual International Conference, RECOMB 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, April 2-5, 2014, Proceedings | Clc

Research in Computational Molecular Biology : 18th Annual International Conference, RECOMB 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, April 2-5, 2014, Proceedings | C ......

cocoaPod 执行 pod install 时出现警告:The `XX [Release]` target overrides the `CLANG_ALLOW_NON_MODULAR_INCLUDES_IN_FRAMEWORK_MODULES` build setting defined in `xcconfig'.

最近执行 Pod install 安装命令时,控制台输出警告信息: [!] The `XXX [Debug]` target overrides the `CLANG_ALLOW_NON_MODULAR_INCLUDES_IN_FRAMEWORK_MODULES` build setting def ......

APaaS 企业级低代码平台 All In One

APaaS 企业级低代码平台 All In One Application Platform as a Service / 应用程序平台即服务 PaaS Platform as a Service / 平台即服务 FaaS Function as a Service / 函数即服务 ServerL... ......
代码 APaaS 平台 企业 All

Shell - Input and run multiple lines in terminal

zzh@ZZHPC:/zdata/Github/zimplebank$ ( > ls -1 db/migration/*.up.sql | while read file > do > echo $file > done > ) db/migration/000000_init_schema.up. ......
multiple terminal Shell Input lines

D - Money in Hand

有点像完全背包,但也不是因为有数量的限制,是01背包的变式,每个硬币选与不选,最后看看能不能达到x。 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int t[100],w[100],dp[10005]; int main(){ int n,m; cin> ......
Money Hand in

Shape search in Visio doesn't work

from This problem is as old as Visio itself I guess :- Visio shape search depends on Windows search ( ......
search Shape Visio doesn work

初中英语优秀范文100篇-040My View on the Internet-网络之我见

初中英语优秀范文100篇-040My View on the Internet-网络之我见 PDF格式公众号回复关键字:SHCZFW040 记忆树 1 Now many of my classmates like to surf the Internet in their free time. 翻译 ......
范文 Internet 初中 网络 View

macOS Sonoma All In One

macOS Sonoma All In One macOS Sonoma 14.2.1 ......
Sonoma macOS All One In

【五期李伟平】CCF-A(TMC'22)Enabling Long-Term Cooperation in Cross-Silo Federated Learning: A Repeated Game Perspective

Zhang, Ning , Q. Ma , and X. Chen . "Enabling Long-Term Cooperation in Cross-Silo Federated Learning: A Repeated Game Perspective." (2022). 针对重复执行跨筒仓联 ......

idea在build阶段出现错误以下错误:java: Internal error in the mapping processor: java.lang.NullPointerException,导致项目无法启动。

解决方案: 打开idea的File --> Setting --> Build,Execution,Deployment --> Compiler --> User-local build 加上参数: -Djps.track.ap.dependencies=false ......

【Python】if not in list 多条件判断

用于判断一个变量是否等于多个值,或者一个值是否在列表中; 比如,判断x是否等于25,26,27 x = 25 if x not in [25,26,27]: print("不在列表中") else: print("在列表中")##结果:在列表中 当然,字符串也是可以的: if x not in [" ......
条件 Python list not in

dapper的select * .... where id in写法

var tIds=new ListZ<long>(); _services.QueryAsync<Tree>("select * from tree where id in @ids", new { ids = tIds.ToArray()})) ......
写法 dapper select where id

面试官:MySQL 到底是 join 性能好,还是 in 一下更快呢?被问懵逼了…

来源: 先总结: 数据量小的时候,用join更划算 数据量大的时候,join的成本更高,但相对来说join的速度会更快 数据量过大的时候,in的数据量过多,会有无法执行SQL的问题,待解决 事情是这样的,去年入职的新 ......
更快 性能 还是 MySQL join

完美解决SqlServer2012启动报错(cannot find one or more components.Please reinstall the application。)

原因:默认安装在C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0文件夹,以支持sql server2012.(我之前不小心把这个文件夹删除了)。 解决方案:下载了visual studio 2010 Isolated shell 完美解决问题,下 ......

About this book (Entity Framework in Action,Second edtion)

Entity Framework in Action,第二版,是关于快速、正确地编写 EF Core 数据库代码,并最终实现优异的性能。为了帮助解决“简单、正确、快速”方面,我提供了许多示例以及大量的提示和技巧。在此过程中,我介绍了 EF Core 的内部工作原理,因为当事情没有按照你认为的方式工作 ......
Framework Entity Action Second edtion

[LeetCode] 2660. Determine the Winner of a Bowling Game

You are given two 0-indexed integer arrays player1 and player2, that represent the number of pins that player 1 and player 2 hit in a bowling game, re ......
Determine LeetCode Bowling Winner 2660

关于启动JFinal时出现Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/jfinal/server/jetty/ServerFactory

报错—— 因为进行了多次改动,并不清楚到底是哪个改动引起的所以干脆写下了所有要注意的点—— 1.在通过idea运行JFinal时要将最后一位的数字改成0 JFinal.start("src/main/webapp", 8080, "/",0); 2.注意jetty-server的版本,我最开始的版本 ......

小米汽车 All In One

小米汽车 All In One demos 道路机动车辆生产企业及产品信息查询系统 ......
小米 汽车 All One In
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