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How fast are your disks? Find out the open source way, with fio Storage benchmarking—much like Wi-Fi benchmarki ......
source disks Find fast your Absent Code attribute in method that is no

Absent Codeattribute in method that is not native or abstract 背景:在导入framework.jar时,报错。一般这种问题就是对应的jar包有问题。 解决方式: 将implementation files('libs\\framework ......
attribute internal android Absent method


对于初学者来说,在对sockaddr_in结构体结构体仍不熟悉的状态下,看到各种htonl、htons、inet_addr等函数肯定各种头大。 首先,我们需要明确,sockaddr_in结构体中的各个成员的数据类型。 struct sockaddr_in { sa_family_t sin_fami ......
sockaddr_in sockaddr 类型 结构 in

docker报错,ERROR: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket

使用docker,避免使用sudo命令 1.本地环境是Ubuntu18.04,docker version 19.03.12 以普通用户启动docker时,会报一下错误 Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemo ......
permission connect docker Docker denied

文章推荐---ChatGPT踩坑(too many signups from the same IP) 这个文章里关于注册写得不错,需要注意的地方有两点。 第一,最好在港澳台地区或类型的地方访问提供的网站,不然无法登录 第二,虚拟短信号码,最好选大国的,小国的我没收到 ......
ChatGPT signups 文章 many from

c++编译报错 error: parse error in template argument list

[ 57%] Building CXX object dnet/CMakeFiles/dnet.dir/dconfig/dconfig_manager.cpp.oIn file included from /home/vi/git/dos/dnet/dconfig/dconfig_manager.c ......
error argument template parse list

some information about the origin of the OPT folder

In the old days, "/opt" was used by UNIX vendors like AT&T, Sun, DEC and 3rd-party vendors to hold "Option" packages; i.e. packages that you might hav ......
information the folder origin about

view PDF in emacs

to view PDF in emacs . ‘gs’ is a hard requirement. It needs to install ghostscript out of emacs. edit .init.el , add the following statement: (setq do ......
emacs view PDF in

如何清理电热水壶的水垢教程 All In One

如何清理电热水壶的水垢教程 All In One 上海市自来水厂的水质太差了 小米电热水壶 2, 1.7L, 1800W ......
水垢 电热水壶 水壶 电热 教程

mysql使用group by 异常on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by


【题解】[ABC248G] GCD cost on the tree

「八云紫」无数次痛苦地询问,为什么我们还活着? ……而「古明地恋」从不会回答。 恋恋闭上了觉之眼。 思路 容斥 + dp. $\gcd$ 相关,考虑 $\mu$ 反演或者 $\varphi$ 反演。 本质上都和容斥差不多,不如直接一步到位考虑容斥。 把权值拆成 $\gcd$ 和对应的方案数两部分,考 ......
题解 248G cost tree ABC

Uva--122 Trees on the level(二叉树的层次遍历)

记录 23:27 2023-4-20 reference:《算法竞赛入门经典第二版》例题6-7 二叉树的层次遍历,这里是直接复制了作者的代码。(之前在我的数据结构学习里面手写过树、二叉树、AVL树(说是手写,其实也 ......
层次 Trees level Uva 122

The Second Type of Uncertainty in Monte Carlo Tree Search

**发表时间:**2020 **文章要点:**MCTS里通常通过计算访问次数来做探索,这个被称作count-derived uncertainty。这篇文章提出了第二种uncertainty,这种uncertainty来源于子树的大小,一个直觉的想法就是,如果一个动作对应下的子树小,那就不用探索那么 ......
Uncertainty Second Search Monte Carlo

Linux shell script redirection All In One

Linux shell script redirection All In One Linux shell 脚本重定向 &>/dev/null oh my zsh plugins vscode vscode.plugin.zsh # Verify if any manual user choice ......
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1094 The Largest Generation

A family hierarchy is usually presented by a pedigree tree where all the nodes on the same level belong to the same generation. Your task is to find t ......
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如何修复 SD 卡写保护错误,导致无法格式化 SD 卡 All In One

如何修复 SD 卡写保护错误,导致无法格式化 SD 卡 All In One Error partitioning: Error: -69830: This operation requires an unmounted disk microSD card / SD card ......
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Ray Tracing In One Weekend

2. Output an Image PPM文件格式 写PPM文件内容 #include <iostream> int main() { // Image const int image_width = 256; const int image_height = 256; // Render std ......
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Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'axios' in 'D:\BaiduSyncdisk\vue-cli-project\dc_vue3\src\utils'

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'axios' in 'D:\BaiduSyncdisk\vue-cli-project\dc_vue3\src\utils' 因:没有安装axios插件 在运行项目的地方npm install --save axios ......
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Git提交时提示The file will have its original line endings in your working directory的解决方法

同事新建了一个仓库,git add的时候总是会提示 warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in public/tinymce/ file will have its original line endings in your workin ......
directory original endings working 方法

Find the sum of the series : 1.n + 2.(n – 1) + 3.(n – 2) + ….. + (n – 1).2 + n.1. ......
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SQLSERVER 交、并、差集,In,Not In,Exist,Not Exist的区别,四种连接(转载)

原文链接: 一、SQLServer 交(intersect)、并(union)、差(except)集合运算SQLServer中通过intersect,union,except ......
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Emmet in VS Code

前言 Emmet可以极大的提高 html 和 css 的编写效率,它提供了一种非常简练的语法规则。 举个例子,我们在编辑器中输入缩写代码:ul>li*6 ,然后按下 Tab 键,即可得到如下代码片段: <ul> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li> ......
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如何使用蓝牙控制树莓派 All In One

如何使用蓝牙控制树莓派 All In One Raspberry Pi & Bluetooth & Node.js $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade # nvm $ sudo apt-get install nodejs $ sudo apt- ......
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Unlock the Power of High-Performance Networking with the IPQ9554

In today's world, reliable and high-speed internet connectivity is essential for everything from online gaming and streaming to remote work and learni ......

Arrange the Numbers UVA - 11481

求 1∼n 的排列 A 中,满足前 m 个数中,刚好有 K 个数使得 A[ i ]=i 的 AA 的个数。 错位排列 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int mod=1e9+7; #define int long long int ......
Arrange Numbers 11481 the UVA

fix Linux apt-get install package HTTPS error All In One

fix Linux apt-get install package HTTPS error All In One errors E: The method driver /usr/libapt/methods/https could not be found. N: Is the package a... ......
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中国台湾 6 大电子代工厂 All In One

中国台湾 6 大电子代工厂 All In One 台湾六大电子代工厂:鸿海(富士康)、和硕(昌硕)、仁宝、英业达、纬创、广达; ......
代工厂 代工 电子 All One

关于报错:Error adding module to project: setSdk: sdk '1.8' type 'JavaSDK' is not registered in ProjectJdkTable

问题描述: Error adding module to project: setSdk: sdk '1.8' type 'JavaSDK' is not registered in ProjectJdkTable (图片来自贴吧,看到有一个人问这个问题,然后自己碰到了但是忘了截图) 说明当前项目在 ......

Raspberry Pi & Experience AI All In One

Raspberry Pi & Experience AI All In One Experience AI is a new educational programme that offers cutting-edge KS3 (ages 11–14) resources on artificial... ......
Experience Raspberry All One amp