mysterious string anya and

06 Rasterization (Antialiasing and Z-Buffering)

关键点 MSAA/FXAA/TAA Z-Buffering 1. Antialiasing 反走样 1.1 Sampling Artifacts Jaggies Moire Patterns 摩尔纹 Wagon Wheel Effect 1.2 Blurring(Pre-Filtering) 模糊 ......

Linux input and ouput command < symbol & > symbol All In One

Linux input and ouput command < symbol & > symbol All In One left input / right output < 向左侧输入 > 向右侧输出 pbcopy pbpaste 剪切板 ......
symbol command Linux input ouput

error and except

import logging logging.basicConfig(filename="std.log", format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', filemode='w') logger=logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logg ......
except error and


re.findall():函数返回包含所有匹配项的列表。返回string中所有与pattern相匹配的全部字串,返回形式为数组。 示例代码1:【打印所有的匹配项】 import re s = "Long live the people's Republic of China" ret = ......
findall pattern string re

完善SQL二进制到IP地址字符串转换(Perfecting SQL binary to IP Address string conversion)

我们使用二进制(16)字段来存储IP地址。 我们这样做,因为它可以同时拥有IPv4和IPv6地址,并且很容易与.Net IPAddress类一起使用。 但是,为了报告目的,我创建了以下SQL函数将二进制地址转换为IP地址字符串。 CREATE FUNCTION fn_ConvertBinaryIPA ......

Salt formation: an effective means to improve the physical and chemical properties of drug molecules and enhance the druggability of drugs

Salt formation is one of the effective means to improve the physicochemical properties of drug molecules and enhance drug-forming properties. ......


背景:原正常代码,更改类名后,重新运行 报错:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List; 解决:mvn clean 后 compile,再运行,正常 ......
Ljava String List lang util


Array对象 new Array() var arr = new Array(2);//创建长度为2的空数组 检测参数是否是数组 创建数组 var arr =new Array(5); 检测参数是否是数组 instanceof/Array.isArray(params) /** * @param ......
String Array

Graphs with Python: Overview and Best Libraries

Graphs with Python: Overview and Best Libraries Graph analysis, interactive visualizations, and graph machine learning A graph is a relatively old mat ......
Libraries Overview Graphs Python Best

Understanding the different flavors of Clang C and C++ compilers in Windows This article will explain the different flavors of Clang C and C++ comp ......

How to Disable Suspend and Hibernation Modes In Linux

How to Disable Suspend and Hibernation Modes In Linux Disable Suspend and Hibernation in Linux sudo systemctl mask hiberna ......
Hibernation Disable Suspend Modes Linux

感觉和知觉(Perception and Consciousness)的区分和学习

感觉和知觉(Perception and Consciousness) consciousness 是知觉,这个应该是被动对环境的反应和内在的意识 Perception 对对外的感觉,主动对外界的思考的探索 前缀per- 表示“完全,贯穿,自始至终,向前”。forth, ford 是其同源词。 词根 ......
Consciousness 知觉 Perception 感觉 and

Java byte[] 和 String互相转换

Java byte[] 和 String互相转换 原文链接: 通过用例学习Java中的byte数组和String互相转换,这种转换可能在很多情况需要,比如IO操作,生成加密hash码 ......
String Java byte

C# Byte数组转化String详解(c# byte转化为string)

C# Byte数组转化String详解(c# byte转化为string) 原文链接: C#编程过程中将Byte数组转化String是咱们常常碰到的问题,那么怎么处理C# Byte数组转化String呢?那么咱们来看看详细的涉及到的办法以 ......
数组 String string Byte byte


C#中byte数组与string类型之间的转换 原文链接: string类型转换为byte[]: string str = "Test"; byte[] bytTemp = ......
数组 之间 类型 string byte


一、JDK 8 版本下 JVM 对象的分配、布局、访问(概述) 1、对象的创建过程 (1)前言 Java 是一门面向对象的编程语言,程序运行过程中在任意时刻都可能有对象被创建。开发中常用 new 关键字、反射等方式创建对象, JVM 底层是如何处理的呢? (2)对象的创建的几种常见方式 使用 new ......
字符串 字符 String JVM

Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks(SENet)

结构和代码如下(参考:b站视频:YOLOv5 v6.1添加SE,CA,CBAM,ECA注意力机制教学,即插即用): Global pooling:每个channel上面的所有点做平均,这样每个channel都输出一个数。所以左图中,HxWxC变成了1x1xC。(参考:关于global average ......

Python script get date and time All In One

Python script get date and time All In One Python shell script print current datetime to log file ......
Python script date time All


下载得到exe文件,然后题目提示要用逆向来写,把它拖入ida中 发现well done,打开反编译 这一行代码 1 if ( v4 == 122 && String[3] == 'x' && String[5] == 122 && String[4] == 121 ) 把符合条件的密码输入 ......

intellij idea 中On 'Update' action 下无Update classes and resources选项

intellij idea 中使用tomcat发布项目时,On ‘Update’ action 下无Update classes and resources选项,这时在tomcat设置中Deployment要使用exploded模式的war包。只有exploded模式下才会有update class ......
Update resources intellij classes action

【论文阅读笔记】iCaRL: Incremental Classifier and Representation Learning

Author: Alexander Kolesnikov Key_words: nearest-mean-of-exemplar rule, prioritized exampler selection,representation learning Create_time: September 1 ......

php的TP框架保存数据报错: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1366 Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x90\xA3\xF0\x9F...' for column

这一般情况就是保存表情字符导致的字符长度问题 原因可能: (需要改字符集为 utf8mb4 排序规则为 utf8mb4_general_ci) 1. 数据表字段不是utf8mb4 2.项目目录下文件 .env 里配置 mysql CHARSET = utf8 需要该为 CHARSET = utf8m ......
Incorrect xF0 x9F 框架 SQLSTATE

Zeros and Ones UVA - 12063

给出n、k(n≤64,k≤100),有多少个n位(无前导0)二进制数的1和0一样多,且值为k的倍数? f[i][j][k] #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> using names ......
Zeros 12063 Ones UVA and

迁移学习()《Attract, Perturb, and Explore: Learning a Feature Alignment Network for Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation》

论文信息 论文标题:Attract, Perturb, and Explore: Learning a Feature Alignment Network for Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation论文作者:Taekyung Kim论文来源:2020 ECCV论文地址 ......

Using OFFSET and FETCH to limit the rows returned sql server分页查询

Using OFFSET and FETCH to limit the rows returned We recommend that you use the OFFSET and FETCH clauses instead of the TOP clause to implement a quer ......
returned OFFSET server Using FETCH

[LeetCode] 2390. Removing Stars From a String

You are given a string s, which contains stars *. In one operation, you can: Choose a star in s. Remove the closest non-star character to its left, as ......
LeetCode Removing String Stars 2390

install vim-latexsuite and set .vimrc

(4/4) 正在安装 vim-latexsuite [#######] 100%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Set the following lines ......
vim-latexsuite latexsuite install vimrc and

转:C# Byte[] string转换

01,C# string类型转成byte[]: Byte[] byteArray = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes ( str ); 02, C# byte[]转成string: stringstr = System.Text.Encoding.Defa ......
string Byte


20230407:tensorflow transformer tf.name_scope: 这个函数会规定对象和操作属于那个范围,但是不会对“对象”的“作用域”产生任何影响,也就是不是全局变和局部变量的概念. 这个东西有很多种用法: with tf.name_scope("loss"): #这个名 ......
bert_and_torch 20230406 torch bert and