operations dynamics automate finance

One Dynamics One Platform : Analytics - Delta Lake Synapse Link

Update September 2023 : The F&O part is now in General Avaibility (GA) Hope you had a good summer holiday, starting next season's articles, it was tim ......
One Analytics Dynamics Platform Synapse

Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations with Power Automate

Hello Dynamics Community, Update 1st December 2021 / I will really suggest to read my recent article (2 years after his one about a game changer on th ......
Operations Dynamics Automate Finance Power

One Dynamics One Platform - Dataverse C# Plugin for Dynamics 365 F&O

Hello the Community, back from the D365 FO Summit 2023 in Lisboa, after 3 years it was really good to meet in-person again after Covid ! Thanks all th ......
Dynamics One Dataverse Platform Plugin

CDS Virtual Entities with Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Hello the Community. Hope you are doing well ! Before really start to explain how it works and how this feature can help you, I will start by presenti ......
Operations Entities Dynamics Virtual Finance

Dynamics 365 Finance Operations Data Event Catalog - Power Platform Convergence

Dynamics 365 Finance Operations Data Event Catalog - Power Platform Convergence Hello the Community, long time no post, but so much to talk about now ......

Redis - (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value

zzh@ZZHPC:~$ docker exec -it redis redis-cli> SET bike:1 "Process 134" OK> GET bike:1 "Process 134"> HSET ......
Operation WRONGTYPE against holding Redis

Learning Dynamic Query Combinations for Transformer-based Object** Detection and Segmentation论文阅读笔记

Motivation & Intro 基于DETR的目标检测范式(语义分割的Maskformer也与之相似)通常会用到一系列固定的query,这些query是图像中目标对象位置和语义的全局先验。如果能够根据图像的语义信息调整query,就可以捕捉特定场景中物体位置和类别的分布。例如,当高级语义显示图 ......

28-面向 K8 编程:如何通过 Operator 扩展 Kubernete API?

你好,我是正范。在上一讲,我们学习了如何通过一个 YAML 文件来定义一个 CRD,即扩展 API。这种扩展 API 跟 Kubernetes 内置的其他 API 同等地位,都可以通过 kubectl 或者 REST 接口访问,在使用过程中不会有任何差异。 但只是定义一个 CRD 并没有什么作用。虽 ......
Kubernete Operator API 28 K8

the ObjectARX system dynamic linker object

ObjectARX Reference Guide > Macros > AcRx Macros > acrxDynamicLinker Macro acrxDynamicLinkerC++ define acrxDynamicLinker \ AcRxDynamicLinker::cast(acr ......
ObjectARX dynamic system linker object


金蝶KIS专业版全模块精讲 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV19Y4y1X7DD?p=5&vd_source=8b9de621639420a0ceb703aceed712f7 第2节、公共基础设置 新增部门 新增用户 第5节、固定资产 ......
模块 Finance 专业 KIS

Jax框架的static与Traced Operations —— Static vs Traced Operations

相关: Jax框架的jit编译是否可以使用循环结构,如果使用循环结构需要注意什么 Jax的static和Traced都是指jit编译的函数内的对象的属性的,jit装饰的函数其输入参数和输出参数都是Traced类型的(除了使用@partial装饰符提前指定为static的),而jit装饰的函数内的所有 ......
Operations Traced 框架 static Static

php startup : Uable to load dynamic library

今天配置系统的时候,出现了这个错误php startup : Uable to load dynamic library,字面意思就是无法加载某某扩展 这好办,按照排查步骤走1、找到php.ini配置文件,查看下报错的扩展, 2、去扩展文件夹下查找下是否有对应的扩展文件。 3、重载下php配置 轻松 ......
dynamic library startup Uable load

Dynamics 365 导入Excel报错:Server was unable to process request.

Dynamics 365 导入Excel报错:Server was unable to process request. F12查看调用,发现是调用GetImportMapXml报错,于是到高级设置-数据管理-导入去试试,提示字段Industry未找到,后来找一下字段Industry,居然又3个,一 ......
Dynamics process request Server unable

System.InvalidOperationException: Synchronous operations are disallowed. Call ReadAsync or set AllowSynchronousIO to true instead

报错: System.InvalidOperationException: Synchronous operations are disallowed. Call ReadAsync or set AllowSynchronousIO to true instead 产生原因: 在做 net6 we ......

[转]Power Automate - Run flows on a schedule

Run flows on a schedule in Power Automate - Power Automate | Microsoft Learn In this article Create a recurring flow Configure advanced options Create ......
Automate schedule Power flows Run

RDFNET: Regional dynamic FISTA-Net

文章大致思路 使用 deep convolution neural networks, 1.考虑了不同区域具有不同的characteristics(特性),因此作者使用不同的mapping functions 来动态调整不同区域的变换——稀疏表示。 2.将FISTA迭代求解过程unflod成分层次的 ......
FISTA-Net Regional dynamic RDFNET FISTA

kendoui grid动态创建列Dynamic Columns

Create Grids with Dynamic Columns and Data Types Create Grids with Dynamic Columns and Data TypesEnvironmentProduct Progress? Kendo UI? Grid for jQuer ......
kendoui Dynamic Columns 动态 grid

Warning: [antd: Modal] Static function can not consume context like dynamic theme. Please use 'App' component instead.

react 的model.confirm报错,它意味着你在使用动态主题(Dynamic Theme)时不能在静态函数中使用上下文,需要使用contextHolder const [modal, contextHolder] = Modal.useModal(); React.useEffect(() ......
component function Warning consume context

CF1638E Colorful Operations

题意 给定一个长度为 \(n\) 的数组,初始每个数的颜色为 \(1\),值为 \(0\)。 维护以下操作: 将 \(l \to r\) 的颜色替换成 \(c\)。 将数组中颜色为 \(c\) 的元素的值加上 \(x\)。 输出 \(a_i\) 的值。 \(n, q \le 10 ^ 6\) Sol ......
Operations Colorful 1638E 1638 CF

k8s operator开发2 code-gen

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/inais/inference kubebuilder init --domain inais --repo inference kubebuilder create api --group inference --version v1alpha1 --ki ......
code-gen operator code k8s gen

error: missing binary operator before token "(" 44 | #if __GLIBC_PREREQ(2,15) && defined(_GNU_SOURCE)

手痒,在centos7上面,升级了glibc,然后导致正常程序编译都出现了问题。 这是编译的报错: /opt/rh/devtoolset-9/root/usr/include/c++/9/x86_64-redhat-linux/bits/os_defines.h:44:19: error: miss ......
quot GLIBC_PREREQ GNU_SOURCE amp operator

(4)Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling

在之前我们知道,芯片中的功耗正比于电压的平方和时钟频率,如下图所示:如果单纯的降低频率,实际上只是任务时间延长了,但如果同时降低电压和频率,那么功耗也会得到降低,这就是今天所介绍的动态电压频率降低技术(DVFS,Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling) DVFS( ......
Frequency Dynamic Voltage Scaling and

Go - Keywords, Operators and Punctuation

Keywords The following keywords are reserved and may not be used as identifiers. break default func interface select case defer go map struct chan els ......
Punctuation Operators Keywords and Go

操作系统os operation System

OS是计算机系统的核心和灵魂,是计算机系统必不可少的组成部分;它也是计算机教学的核心内容,是计算机相关专业的核心课程。 OS是硬件的首次扩充,又是最核心的系统软件,OS课程具有承上启下的重要作用,既能对先行课程:程序设计、计算机组成原理和数据结构等进行总结和提高;同时也为后继专业课程的学习打下良好基 ......
operation System 系统

CF681C-Heap Operations

题外话: 下面机房 + 红名大佬 changwenxuan 已经写得很详细了,但是我觉得有些部分讲的比较粗糙,所以写了这篇题解。 原题链接 题目解析: 「insert \(x\)」 操作:直接将 \(x\) 加入小根堆。 「getMin \(x\)」 操作:表示在完整的堆操作里,堆中最小值为 x,注 ......
Operations C-Heap Heap 681 CF

day21 Prometheus Operator优化配置 -Prometheus Operator自定义监控对象(7.13-7.14)

7.13-Prometheus Operator优化配置 1、数据持久化 1.1 prometheus数据持久化 默认Prometheus和Grafana不做数据持久化,那么服务重启以后配置的Dashboard、账号密码、监控数据等信息将会丢失,所以做数据持久化也是很有必要的。原始的数据是以 emp ......
Prometheus Operator 对象 7.13 7.14

Thoughts and ideas about how to apply LLMs in specific domains like clinic/law/finance

Applying LLMs in Specific Domains As a university student who has just completed fine-tuning TinyLLaMA-1b with clinical instruction data using the QLo ......
Thoughts specific domains finance clinic

ISO C++17 does not allow dynamic exception specifications

错误描述 提示C++17不支持动态异常规格。 解决步骤: 1、安装低版本的g++及gcc(如g++-9及gcc-9) sudo apt-get install gcc-9sudo apt-get install g++-9 2、设置默认编辑器 sudo update-alternatives --i ......
specifications exception dynamic allow does

[引]Power Automate Use variables and the % notation

Variable manipulation and the % notation - Power Automate | Microsoft Learn 变量操作和 % 表示法 - Power Automate | Microsoft Learn In this articleHardcoded va ......
variables Automate notation Power Use

hdfs报错:There are 0 datanode(s) running and 0 node(s) are excluded in this operation

namenode的日志还是打印There are 0 datanode(s) running and 0 node(s) are excluded in this operation.吗 报错信息如下所示。其中,【X】是当前正在运行的DataNode数量,【Y】是被排除在此操作之外的DataNode ......
are operation datanode excluded running
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