powers super 11752 the


### 子类调用父类的方法的三种方式: - 父类名.方法名(self) - super(子类名,self).父类方法名() - super().父类方法名 注意:super()通过子类调用当前父类的方法,super默认会调用第一个父类的方法(适用于单继承的多层继承 如下代码: ```python # ......
类名 方式 方法 python super

Nginx_启动时报错:Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl stat

一、报错如下Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status nginx.service" and "journalctl -xe" for d ......
systemctl 时报 because control service

2018 ICPC Asia Qingdao (The 1st Universal Cup, Stage 9)

![image](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/2794497/202305/2794497-20230522180936589-2071634768.png) # E 看完题想到二分答案直接一步步贪心,没多想直接和队友说了下,感觉贪心会有点问题,放了一会后冷静分 ......
Universal Qingdao Stage 2018 ICPC

RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (7375) must match the size of tensor b (6776) at non-singleton dimension 0

报错的代码位置: 1. 1 File "F:\recommend experience\doing\modeldemo.py"中的: 2 3 self.user_dgi_feat = self.dgi.encoder(self.user_feat_sp_tensor).detach() 2. Fil ......

踩坑:nacos启动报错提示需要设置JDK环境 ,报错:ERROR: Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment, We need java(x64)! jdk8 or later is better! !!

换了个Windows11的新电脑,因为个人工作、学习需要,就重新下载了Nacos并解压使用,结果就踩了个坑,使用下面命令启动Nacos服务端时: startup.cmd -m standalone 直接在黑窗口提示:ERROR: Please set the JAVA_HOME variable i ......
environment JAVA_HOME variable 环境 Please

CF1824D LuoTianyi and the Function【线段树】

给定长为 $n$ 的数组 $a$,如下定义 $g(i,j)$:当 $i \leq j$ 时,$g(i,j)$ 是满足 $\{ a_p : i \leq p \leq j \} \subseteq \{a_q : x \leq q \leq j\}$ 的最大整数 $x$。否则 $g(i,j) = 0$ ......
线段 LuoTianyi Function 1824D 1824

Minio预览图片报错:The Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.

一、错误信息 <Error> <Code>InvalidAccessKeyId</Code> <Message>The Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.</Message> <Key>34e20ef0681345c1b ......
provided records Access 图片 Minio

Check the tbs' usage in PDB and CDB

check out the tbs's usage in PDB and CDB , run in CDB set line 200 pages 999 column name for a10 column tablespace_name for a15 column "MAXSIZE (GB)" ......
Check usage CDB the tbs

Oracle migrate the users into another DB instance

-- ###############OnSource################### create or replace procedure pr_user_ddl as cursor get_username is select username from dba_users where u ......
instance migrate another Oracle users

permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fd dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied

001、普通用户操作docker遇到如下问题 permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get "http://%2Fvar%2Frun% ......
permission connect denied docker sock

Uva--699 The Falling Leaves,(二叉树的递归遍历)

**记录** 10:46 2023-5-20 http://uva.onlinejudge.org/external/6/699.html reference:《算法竞赛入门经典第二版》例题6-10 二叉树的层次遍历,边读边写(这些题给我感觉是非常灵活),对每个节点需要的数据就是在sum数组的位置 ......
Falling Leaves Uva 699 The

1094 The Largest Generation

题目: A family hierarchy is usually presented by a pedigree tree where all the nodes on the same level belong to the same generation. Your task is to fi ......
Generation Largest 1094 The

Redirect the Output of systemd Service to a File

By default stdout and stderr of a systemd unit are sent to syslog. 以filebeat service 为例: [Unit] Description=filebeat StartLimitIntervalSec=0 [Service] ......
Redirect Service systemd Output File

generate a 3D chart in Python using the CSV data

Here's an example of how you could use Matplotlib to create a 3D scatter plot from your CSV data: import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ......
generate Python chart using data

Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535.

问题描述 新建表或者修改表varchar字段长度的时候,出现这个错误 Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. This includes stora ......
size counting maximum BLOBs 65535

How to use pip3 install the latest version package All In One

How to use pip3 install the latest version package All In One 如何使用pip3安装最新版本包 ......
install package version latest pip3

cURL error 60: Peer's certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user

PHP中的curl提供了发送网络请求的一系列函数,我们在使用的时候很方便,但有时也会遇到一些问题。标题的错误我曾经遇到过一次,解决之后没有做相关记录,导致最近遇到该错误时,又花了很多时间去解决。 cURL error 60: Peer's certificate issuer has been ma ......
certificate trusted issuer marked error

The First Collision for Full SHA-1阅读笔记

论文链接: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-63688-7_19. 论文给出了第一个SHA-1的实际碰撞. 攻击步骤 找到合适的扰动向量. 构造非线性部分差分路径. 确定每步的条件. 扰动向量选择 采用联合局部碰撞分析(JLCA)技术. 不考虑一条差分路径的概率, ......
Collision 笔记 First Full The

良心分享,不需要CSDN的下载积分。centos 7安装vmware-tools时,遇the path "" is not valid path to the gcc binary和the path "" is not a valid path to the 3.10.0-327.e17.x86_64 kernel headers问题解决

看到CSDN有下载还得要积分,真是缺德啊。centos官网有的下载的只是比较难找。 在这里分享给大家,大家给个关注哦 1. 通过 uname -r 确认自己的版本 例如:提示: 3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64 2. 找到相应rpm包 kernel-devel-3.10.0-327.el7 ......
path quot the valid vmware-tools

How to use the Raspberry Pi and Python to control a DHT11 wet and temperate module All In One

How to use the Raspberry Pi and Python to control a DHT11 wet and temperate module All In One 如何使用树莓派和 Python 来控制温湿度模块 ......
Raspberry and temperate control Python

问题记录之mysql:Job for mysqld.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status mysqld.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

今天服务器连接mysql发现一直超时(查出的原因是磁盘满了)清了磁盘以后,mysqld.service 还是无法启动 执行命令及报错如下:(注意,因为磁盘满的问题,我的mysql并不是正常途径关闭的) 控制进程以错误代码退出导致无法以正常的方式启动它了, 错误说明:Job for mysqld.se ......
quot service mysqld journalctl for

Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements解决办法

mysql5.7.x安装以后,想修改随机生成的密码为简单容易记忆的密码,如root,123456等,这时候通过修改密码的几种方式都不行,出现密码不符合当前安全策略要求。为了解决这种问题,可以修改几个值,他们是关于密码验证的设置。我们通过随机生成的密码,登录数据库,查看密码验证相关变量:mysql> ......
requirements password current satisfy 办法


Power_Quality_Harmonic:基于MATLAB/Simulink的电能质量谐波交互,基于数值建模方法生成高达15阶的电能质量谐波,可视化频域中的谐波并计算总谐波失真,可以设置每个谐波次数的幅度和相位。仿真条件:MATLAB/Simulink R2015bID:547566006816 ......

SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows

[root@storage1 ~]# mount /dev/sdj3 /mnt/data-dir/ntfs_mst_post_read_fixup_warn: magic: 0xffffffff size: 1024 usa_ofs: 65535 usa_count: 65535: Invalid ......
SoftRAID FakeRAID hardware Windows chkdsk

Power Quality Disturbance:基于MATLAB/Simulink的各种电能质量扰动仿真模型,包括配电线路故障、感应电机

Power Quality Disturbance:基于MATLAB/Simulink的各种电能质量扰动仿真模型,包括配电线路故障、感应电机启动、变压器励磁、单相/三相非线性负载等模型,可用于模拟各种电能质量扰动和分析研究。附带一份详细的说明文档对各模型进行说明,便于理解。仿真条件:MATLAB/S ......
电能 Disturbance 电机 Simulink 模型


Direct_Power_Control_of_DFIG:基于MATLAB/Simulink的双馈异步感应发电机的直接功率控制仿真模型。仿真条件:MATLAB/Simulink R2015bID:6470654414626940 ......

IBM Power 740 7 单用户引导模式

2、单用户引导模式 在 AIX 上要进入单用户引导模式,只需把钥匙拨到维护(SERVICE)位置,然后系统上电即可。 系统首先显示的是诊断操作指令(Diagnostic Operating Instructions)的屏幕。在这幅屏幕按回车进入功能选择(Function Selection)菜单。类 ......
模式 Power IBM 740

IBM Power 740 面板操作查看IP地址

转载:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44654338/article/details/127444877 通过进入Power小机液晶控制面板上的功能30, 就能读出HMC端口的IP地址。 具体步骤如下: a. 为服务器接通电源,直到控制面板上的显示不再变化,且电源指示灯缓 ......
面板 地址 Power IBM 740

CF1824A LuoTianYi and the Show

题意 有 $n$ 个人、编号为 $1$ 至 $m$ 的 $m$ 个座位与三种坐座位的方式: 坐在最左边的人的左边,当 $1$ 号座位也不为空时就不坐了,当没有人坐在座位上时坐在 $m$ 号座位上; 坐在最右边的人的右边,当 $m$ 号座位也不为空时就不坐了,当没有人坐在座位上时坐在 $1$ 号座位上 ......
LuoTianYi 1824A 1824 Show and

使用EventBus 3.0 报 Subscriber class com.example.test.MainActivity and its super classes have no public methods with the @Subscribe annotation

代码如下: public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanc ......