service failing consul checks

Ubuntu20.04下 vsftpd.service 状态报错code=exited, status=2解决以及简单配置

1、状态报错,启动失败 2、主要原因是ipv4和ipv6不能同时被监听,所以,注释ipv6 3、 重启服务并且登录localhost,输入用户名和密码,显示登录成功 4、配置指定目录,确保对应的值如下 anonymous_enable=NO local_enable=YES write_enable ......
状态 service Ubuntu vsftpd exited

SpringBoot集成Swagger报错:Failed to start bean 'documentationPluginsBootstrapper';

本文章向大家介绍SpringBoot集成Swagger报错:Failed to start bean 'documentationPluginsBootstrapper';,主要包括SpringBoot集成Swagger报错:Failed to start bean 'documentationPl ......

Wordpress:Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.怎么解决?

场景描述:在更新Wordpress版本从Version 6.2.1升级到Version 6.2.2时候,顺带点升级的插件太多了,突然就崩溃报错:Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute。 因为用的是Si ......

32) service locator design pattern

类别: 问题: 方案: 示例: import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ServiceLocatorPatternDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { S ......
service locator pattern design 32

How Do ASP.NET Core Services Validate JWT Signature Signed by AAD?

Table of contents Background Configuration Handle Authentication Validate Token Summary Background If we need to use JWT Bearer tokens issued by AAD ( ......
Signature Services Validate Signed Core

VSCode - Check Keyboard Shortcuts related to commenting

Click the gear icon, then select 'Keyboard Shortcuts': Search 'comment': ......
commenting Shortcuts Keyboard related VSCode

svn: E155015: Commit failed (details follow): svn: E155015: Aborting commit: 'modules/user.js' remains in conflict

这个意思是冲突了,签出来的时候,会有几个文件。 user.mine.js user.r389.js user.js ... 代表了几个版本 然后合并以后,发现签不上去。 % svn resolved user.js “user.js”的冲突状态已解决 这样再签就可以了。 参考:https://www ......
E155015 155015 svn Aborting conflict

python: enforcing type check on function using decorator

def typeassert(*ty_args, **ty_kwargs): """ 利用装饰器对函数参数强制性类型检查 enforcing type check on function using decorator :param ty_args: :param ty_kwargs: :retur ......
enforcing decorator function python check


## 服务器信息 ```sh Consul Server: App Server: ``` ## 安装Consul 在Consul服务器上执行: ```sh ## 下载 wget ......
Others Consul

关于 order-service 的三个问题【Eureka】

问题1:order-service如何得知user-service实例地址? 获取地址信息的流程如下: user-service服务实例启动后,将自己的信息注册到eureka-server(Eureka服务端)。这个叫服务注册 eureka-server保存服务名称到服务实例地址列表的映射关系 or ......
order-service 三个 service Eureka 问题

docker-compose构建kratos微服务项目运行失败,提示:runtime/cgo: pthread_create failed: Operation not permitted

这个问题网上解决方案较少, 我们这边问题定位是docker-compose.yaml配置问题 在配置文件中新增配置如下: privileged: true 设置容器的权限为root 最后解决 ......

503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

# 请求不可用 ## 基本处理步骤 ``` 1.Restart/reboot the servers 2.Check for unexpected automatic maintenance 3.Check on your bandwidth 4.Check server connectivity ......
Temporarily Unavailable Service 503

Nginx [emerg] listen() to, backlog 511 failed (98: Address already in use)

Nginx更新后经常遇到这样的问题,解决方法: 1 2 3 fuser -k 80/tcp && /etc/init.d/nginx start 或 killall -9 nginx && /etc/init.d/nginx start ......
Address backlog already listen failed


# 基于Consul完成腾讯云主机监控 [TOC] ## 背景 - 腾讯云提供tencent-exporter支持获取CVM主机列表及监控信息。但碍于CVM主机过多,使用Tencent-exporter将导致频繁调用腾讯云API,导致额外费用支持。因此在监控CVM云主机使用Consul自动注册监控方 ......
主机 Consul


# Consul部署 [TOC] ## Statefulset ```yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet metadata: name: stag-consul namespace: monitoring spec: serviceName: sta ......

yarn 安装进行时,显现错误 node_modules\gifsicle: Command failed.

## 1.错误显示 ```js [4/5] Building fresh packages... [7/13] ⠠ jpegtran-bin [6/13] ⠠ gifsicle [8/13] ⠠ mozjpeg [4/13] ⠠ gifsicle error E:\IdeaStudyProjects ......

ingress pod service ssl创建 mkdir cert && cd certopenssl genrsa -out ca-key.pem 2048openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ca-key.pem ......
ingress service pod ssl

error: failed to push some refs to如何解决

## 解决办法 ### 方法一 对于error: failed to push some refsto‘远程仓库地址’ #### 1 使用如下命令 git pull --rebase origin master #### 2 然后再进行上传: git push -u origin master ......
failed error push some refs

Error: Failed to download metadata for repo ‘appstream’ – CentOS 8

错误: Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist 解决办法: To migrate from CentOS 8 ......
appstream download metadata CentOS Failed

ERROR: Failed building wheel for mysqlclient Running clean for mysqlclient Failed to build mysqlclient

It seems that there is an error while trying to install the mysqlclient package and it's failing to build the wheel. The error message indicates that ......
mysqlclient Failed for building Running


# Kubernetes中Deployment、ReplicaSet、Pod、Service的概念及关系 - **Pod**:k8s管理的最小单位,包括一个或多个容器,是提供实际业务服务的组件。 - **ReplicaSet**:是Pod的管理控制组件,监控Pod的健康状况,保障Pod按照用户的期望 ......
Kubernetes Deployment ReplicaSet Service Pod

HP 288G9 主机安装Esxi6.7报错Shutting down firmware services Using simple offset' UEFI RTS mapping policy

Shutting down firmware services Using simple offset' UEFI RTS mapping policy 找了好多方法都不行, 尝试1:添加ignoreHeadless=TRUE参数也没救回我电脑,失败 尝试2:BIOS中将PCI 64bit Reso ......
Shutting firmware services 主机 mapping

git【fatal: unable to access 'XXXX': Failed to connect to port 443 after 21087 ms: Couldn't connect to se rver】

依次将如下两条语句复制到git中后,点击回车 git config --global --unset http.proxy git config --global --unset https.proxy win+r打开cmd,将ipconfig/flushdns复制,点击回车,清理DNS缓存 ......
connect to 39 access Failed

send it failed() The virtual circuit was reset by the remote side executing a hard or abortive close. (连接被对方重置)

串口调试助手报错提示 The virtual circuit was reset by the remote side executing a hard or abortive close. for upd socket ,the remote host was unable to deliver ......
executing abortive 对方 circuit virtual

ubuntu failed to activate swap/swapfile

Copy from sudo swapoff /swapfile Once the swap file has been disabled, you are ready t ......
activate swapfile ubuntu failed swap

SQL Server Analysis Services数据挖掘聚类分析职业、地区、餐饮消费水平数据|附代码数据

全文链接: 最近我们被客户要求撰写关于聚类的研究报告,包括一些图形和统计输出。 本文通过 SQL Server Analysis Services数据挖掘的分析模块,帮助客户对一个职业、地区、餐饮消费水平的数据挖掘,并用可视化分析图表显示数据 该结果 ......


做过小程序的朋友们应该都知道,小程序中调用ajax的命令是wx.request,其有两个回调,一个是success,一个是fail,那么什么情况下会走success,什么情况下会走fail呢? 大多数人可能认为,success就是我成功请求到数据了,也就是请求返回的状态码是2XX,而返回4XX,5X ......
request success 结果 程序 fail

nginx: [emerg] socket() [::]:80 failed (97: Address family not supported by protocol)

nginx: [emerg] socket() [::]:80 failed (97: Address family not supported by protocol),遇到这个问题,不用多想,基本都是配置了IPv6监听导致,也就是如下配置 server { listen 80 default_s ......
supported protocol Address failed family

关于flume Closing file: hdfs://PATH/1686250555721.gz.tmp failed. Will retry again in 180 seconds.的问题记录

问题描述:flume每到半夜总是一直报错,关闭某个文件失败,虽然不影响其他日志传输,但是一直有错误日志也很难受,有一种如芒在背的感觉。 部分报错日志: 09 六月 2023 02:55:55,730 INFO [SinkRunner-PollingRunner-DefaultSinkProcesso ......
1686250555721 Closing seconds failed 问题

This is probably because cuDNN failed to initialize, so try looking to see if a warning log message was printed above.

tensors = pywrap_tfe.TFE_Py_Execute(ctx._handle, device_name, op_name,tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.UnknownError: Failed to get convolution ......
initialize probably because looking message