solution p9194 the of

Bias of an estimator

Bias of an estimator Difference between an estimator's expected value from a parameter's true value For broader coverage of this topic, see Bias (stat ......
estimator Bias of an

BigdataAIML-ML-Models for machine learning Explore the ideas behind machine learning models and some key algorithms used for each

最好的机器学习教程系列: By M. Tim Jones, Published December 4, 2017 Models for machine learning Alg ......

CARAFE: Content-Aware ReAssembly of FEatures 可学习的上采样

CARAFE: Content-Aware ReAssembly of FEatures * Authors: [[Jiaqi Wang]], [[Kai Chen]], [[Rui Xu]], [[Ziwei Liu]], [[Chen Change Loy]], [[Dahua Lin]] DO ......

UNetFormer: A UNet-like transformer for efficient semantic segmentation of remote sensing urban scene imagery

UNetFormer: A UNet-like transformer for efficient semantic segmentation of remote sensing urban scene imagery * Authors: [[Libo Wang]], [[Rui Li]], [[ ......

用DE10_NANO_SOC_FB生成dts的时候 提示Component alt_vip_itc_0 of class alt_vip_itc is unknown

当使用DE10_NANO_SOC_FB工程产生dts时提示 Component alt_vip_itc_0 of class alt_vip_itc is unknown: 如果此时生成了dtb, 可以忽略这个提示。 如果没有生成,您可以先在Qsys 中把这两个器件disable 掉, 然后top文 ......
alt_vip_itc NANO_SOC_FB Component alt vip

A Guide to Image and Video based Small Object Detection using Deep Learning : Case Study of Maritime Surveillance

A Guide to Image and Video based Small Object Detection using Deep Learning : Case Study of Maritime Surveillance 基于图像和视频的小对象指南使用深度学习进行检测:的案例研究海上监视 1 ......

"the tx doesn't have the correct nonce":使用hardhat调用ganache上部署的合约遇到的一个错误

完整的报错 >查询存证请求 存证请求内容, datahash:0xaad2171441bd73b773e9a9e062753909360bdfcabbddbe93c6c58b13c5c0feaa, 创建人:0xF7A1938Fecc594aaF126d46fd173cE74A659ad9A, 附加信 ......
quot 合约 the 错误 correct

2023 China Collegiate Programming Contest (CCPC) Guilin Onsite (The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 8: Guilin)

题解: Code: A. Easy Diameter Problem #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const i ......

初中英语优秀范文100篇-030My Life in the Future-我未来的生活

PDF格式公众号回复关键字:SHCZFW030 记忆树 1 I think my life will be colorful and meaningful in the future. 翻译 我认为我未来的生活将会丰富多彩并且有意义。 简化记忆 生活 句子结构 主语(I):这句话的主语是“I”,表示 ......
范文 初中 Future Life 100

POLIR-Management-TYPES of decisions

In a very simple sense, the problems managers encounter can be classified as: routine and familiar; new and unusual. In response, managers will use on ......

一句话解决加载模型时的CUDA out of memory

在加载模型一行后加上max_memory即可,超出显存后会自动移到内存。 model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('your_model', trust_remote_code=True, max_memory={0: "6GiB", "cpu": "10GiB"}) 记 ......
模型 一句话 memory CUDA out

Could not get a resource from the pool 异常定位和解决

最近在服务中经常看到以下错误,进行下定位和问题解决分析: 2023-12-08 00:10:58.248 WARN [terra-sr-server,a9006fd27ccb81d0,a9006fd27ccb81d0,false] 52 [o-14009-exec-38] o.s.b.a.redis ......
resource Could from pool not

[LeetCode] 2415. Reverse Odd Levels of Binary Tree

Given the root of a perfect binary tree, reverse the node values at each odd level of the tree. For example, suppose the node values at level 3 are [2 ......
LeetCode Reverse Binary Levels 2415

The prefix operator (*) asterisk in Python. Python中的星号操作符

今天看Python 3 object-oriented programming一书中看到作者用了这样一个例子: import math class Point: def __init__(self,x,y): self.x = x self.y = y def distance(self,p2): ......
操作符 Python 星号 operator asterisk

SP21690 POWERUP - Power the Power Up 题解

题目传送门 前置知识 扩展欧拉定理 解法 直接对 \(a\) 和 \(b^c\) 分讨,跑一遍扩展欧拉定理就行了。 另外由于本题的特殊规定 \(0^0=1\),故需要在当 \(a=0\) 时,对 \(b^c\) 进行判断。手模几组样例,发现结论挺显然的。 代码 #include<bits/stdc+ ......
题解 Power POWERUP 21690 the

Solution Set #4

最近写了不少 AGC,感觉高一的时候做挺合适的,不过高一出于对 ad-hoc 和外星人题的恐惧一直没怎么写。其实古早题还是有不少能做的,希望学弟不要像我一样。 36 2nd ucup Stage 13 Shenyang F Ursa Minor 首先显然用区间内的操作可以组成它们的 gcd 对应的操 ......
Solution Set

docker遇到Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock问题的解决方案

问题背景: 由于服务器没有经常维护,导致应用不能正常运行。排查问题,执行 docker ps 命令时,报如下错误: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon run ......
docker 解决方案 connect 方案 Cannot

Failed to convert property value of type 'java.lang.String' to required type 'java.util.Date' for property 'endTime';

后端springboot项目使用getMapper接受,字段写了转换注解 @JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", timezone = "GMT+8") 还报错Failed to co ......
39 property java type required

[ARC124C] LCM of GCDs 题解

题目跳转 Fake_Solution 前言 [warning]: 本题解的做法是错法,但是正确概率贼高。离谱的是正确率还可以叠加。 正解是记搜,时间复杂度可以证明。正解看文末。 思考 众所周知一个公式: \[a\times b=\operatorname{lcm}(a,b)\times \gcd(a ......
题解 124C GCDs ARC 124

React报错:Warning: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for one of the following reasons: .......

报错截图: 问题可能原因: 我之前是用 npm install,后面有些依赖用的是 cnpm install 解决方法: 用统一的安装方式 删除 node_modules,重新执行 cnpm install 我这里解决问题 ......
component following the function of

Java: OpenWeatherMap json Deserialization of Java Objects

openweathermap.json { "coord": { "lon": 114.0683, "lat":22.5455 } , "weather":[ { "id": 803, "main":"Clouds", "description":"多云", "icon":"04d" } ], "b ......

ICCBDAI2021 第*届计算机大数据与人工智能国际会议 The 2nd International Conference on Computer, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

第二届计算机大数据与人工智能国际会议(ICCBDAI2021) . 01 会议信息 . 【会议简称】:ICCBDAI2021 【会议全称】: The 2nd International Conference on Computer, Big Data and Artificial Intellige ......

The CDB process terminated

在查看【工具】【选项】【kits】中正常后,在【debug】文件夹下运行程序,报缺少dll错误,把dll补齐后,不再报“The CDB process terminated”错误 ......
terminated process The CDB

《Progressive Learning of Category-Consistent Multi-Granularity Features for Fine-Grained Visual Classification》阅读笔记

论文标题 《Progressive Learning of Category-Consistent Multi-Granularity Features for Fine-Grained Visual Classification》 细粒度视觉分类中类别一致多粒度特征的渐进学习 作者 Ruoyi D ......

BIBM 20**年IEEE国际生物信息学与生物医学会议(The IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine,BIBM 2023)。

BIBM会议是生物信息学和生物医学领域的重要研究会议,它汇集了来自计算机科学、生物学、化学、医学、数学和统计学的学术和工业科学家,为传播生物信息学和健康信息学的最新研究提供了一个论坛 2023年12月03至10日前往土耳其伊斯坦布尔参加2023年IEEE国际生物信息学与生物医学会议(The IEEE ......

Python: json Deserialization of Python Objects

openweathermap.json { "coord": { "lon": 114.0683, "lat":22.5455 } , "weather":[ { "id": 803, "main":"Clouds", "description":"多云", "icon":"04d" } ], "b ......
Python Deserialization Objects json of

Centos 报错:The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception 解决办法

yum update yum install wget tar make gcc perl pcre-devel zlib-devel wget tar zxvf openssl-1.1.1l. ......

js (for in)和(for of)区别 语句以任意顺序迭代一个对象的除Symbol以外的可枚举属性,包括继承的可枚举属性。 for...of语句在可迭代对象(包括 Array,Map,Set,String,TypedArray,arguments 对象等等)上创建一个迭代循环,调用自定义迭代钩子,并为每个不同属性的值执行 ......
for js in of

Solution Set 2023.12.14

CF698F Coprime Permutation 考虑 \(p_i = 0\) 的情况下怎么做,首先排列 \(p_i = i\) 一定符合条件,考虑在此基础上生成其他符合要求的排列,考虑什么情况下 \(p_i\) 和 \(p_j\) 可以互换,发现其可以互换当且仅当对于所有 \(x \neq i ......
Solution 2023 Set 12 14

使用Apache POI 导入导出时出现You need to call a different part of POI to process this data (eg XSSF instead of HSSF)Java异常

问题复现 在学习导出功能时使用HSSFWorkbook导出了一个xxx.xlsx格式的文件,然后用XSSFWorkbook的读取方式来拿文件去导入时出现了这个bug 这是当时做导出测试代码 Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); CreationHelper creati ......
POI different instead process Apache