the leetcode circular losers

AtCoder World Tour 2022 B The Greatest Two

原题面: 题面翻译: 一个长度为 \(n\) 的排列 \(p\),每次可以把一个长 \(k\) 区间的最大与次大值交换,问操作任意次数后可以得到的排列数量对 \(998244353\) ......
Greatest AtCoder World 2022 Tour

Introducing the incident management

Forward Today, we talk about the significance of incident management. Firstly, we start it by some simple concepts. What exactly the incident is? Or w ......
Introducing management incident the

【LeetCode 2701. 连续递增交易】MySQL用户变量编程得到严格递增连续子序列的开始位置,结束位置,长度等统计信息

题目地址 代码 # Write your MySQL query statement below with t1 as( select * # ......
位置 序列 变量 长度 LeetCode

A connection was successfully established with the server but then an error

在使用EFCore生成数据库的时候,报上面的错误! 解决方法: 加(Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;)即可: "ConnectionStrings": { "DefaultConnection": "Data Source=LAPTOP;Initia ......

【Leetcode 2474. 购买量严格增加的客户】MySQL用户变量编程解决严格递增连续子序列问题

题目地址 代码 # Write your MySQL query statement below with t1 as( se ......
购买量 序列 变量 Leetcode 客户

【LeetCode 2494. 合并在同一个大厅重叠的活动】MySQL用户变量编程解决区间合并问题

题目地址 代码 # Write your MySQL query statement below with t2 as( select * # 只需要改动这 ......
区间 变量 大厅 LeetCode 用户

An improved LSTM-based model for identifying high working intensity load segments of the tractor load spectrum

一区top Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 题目: “基于改进 lstm 的拖拉机载荷谱高工作强度载荷段识别模型” (pdf) “An improved LSTM-based model for identifying high working in ......

【LeetCode1747. 应该被禁止的 Leetflex 账户】MySQL用户变量编程;尝试维护一个multiset

题目地址 代码 with t1 as( select account_id,ip_address, login as tick, "login" as mytype ......
变量 账户 LeetCode Leetflex multiset

【Leetcode1949. 坚定的友谊】使用MySQL在无向图中寻找{"CompleteTripartite", {1, 1, 3}}这个pattern

题目地址 思路 就是在无向图中寻找这个pattern: (* Mathematica *) GraphData[{"CompleteTripartite", {1, 1, 3}}] SQL写还是比较麻烦。 ......

web项目启动时dubbo报错: No provider available for the service com.davidhu.shopguide.api.service.UserEventService from the url zookeeper ://localhost:2181/org.apache.du

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to check the status of the service com.davidhu.shopguide.api.service.UserEventService. No provider ......

初中英语优秀范文100篇-056I have the courage to accept the challenge-我有勇气接受挑战

PDF格式公众号回复关键字:SHCZFW056 记忆树 1 Every year there is a singing competition in our school. 翻译 每一年,我们学校都会举行一场歌唱比赛。 简化记忆 比赛 句子结构 主语 ("Every year"):表示时间状语的短语 ......
范文 challenge the 勇气 初中

【LeetCode 2142. 每辆车的乘客人数 I】乘客到站等车,车到站载客。MySQL用户变量编程完成

题目地址 思路 将所有关键时刻作为tick。(同一时刻车和人同时到,默认人在车前到) 之后按照tick升序,使用MySQL用户变量编程完成 ......
乘客 变量 LeetCode 人数 用户

org.springframework.kafka.listener.ListenerExecutionFailedException: Listener method could not be invoked with the incoming message

问题描述 kafka在yml文件中未开启批量消费时,程序正常运行;但一开启正常消费后,就直接报错;排查问题的过程中一直觉得是配置文件里的问题,最后发现是消费者接受的参数类型错误 问题本质 消费者开启批量消费数据后,不能用单个实体类接收参数,而应该用list 解决方法 修改消费者函数参数类型 ......

redis报错MISCONF Errors writing to the AOF file: No space left on device,磁盘满无法写入数据报错

查询报错远程调用接口异常,F12查看网络和标投和预览到是mgr的接口此错误#根据报错提示:Error in execution; nested excepti on is io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandExecutionException: MISCONF Errors w ......
磁盘 MISCONF writing 数据 Errors

【LeetCode 】练习str_to_date函数;over(rows between CURRENT ROW AND 2 following)实现【当月和接下来2个月】滑动窗口

题目地址 代码 -- CTE生成2020年每月的最后一天 WITH RECURSIVE months AS ( SELECT LAST_DAY('2019-12- ......

leetcode 15.三数之和

leetcode 15.三数之和 第十五题:三数之和 1.排序 + 双指针: 和两数之和不同,但可以转化为类似的思路,即确定一个数,去找数组中是否有另外两个数之和等于它的相反数。本题的难点在于如何去除重复解,如果是无序数组,则需要对每个值所在的位置进行记录并进行比较。但如果是有序数组且相加结果为0, ......
之和 leetcode 15

[LeetCode] 2085. Count Common Words With One Occurrence

Given two string arrays words1 and words2, return the number of strings that appear exactly once in each of the two arrays. Example 1: Input: words1 = ......
Occurrence LeetCode Common Count Words

【LeetCode 1635. Hopper 公司查询 I】with recursive生成2020年每月的最后一天

题目地址 代码 -- CTE生成2020年每月的最后一天 WITH RECURSIVE months AS ( SELECT LAST_DAY('2019-12-01 ......
recursive LeetCode Hopper 公司 1635

[linux kernel] struct pid && the way the kernel used to cast uint32_t pid to struct task_struct

摘抄内容引用自linux kernel document description pre the initialization and the manage of the struct pid is use IDR.(implement by hash table->(why not array?- ......
struct kernel task_struct amp pid

【LeetCode 2854. 滚动平均步数】MySQL过去n日滑动窗口

题目地址 代码 WITH t1 AS ( SELECT user_id, steps_date, CASE WHEN COUNT(steps_count) OVER ( P ......
步数 LeetCode MySQL 2854

【LeetCode 2989. 班级表现】T-SQL 动态sql编程示例

题目地址 题目大意 编写一个查询,计算学生获得的 最高分 和 最低分 之间的 总分差(3 次作业的总和)。 代码 /* Write your T-SQL query stateme ......
示例 班级 LeetCode 动态 T-SQL

【LeetCode 2994. 发生在周五的交易 II】with recursive生成2023-11月所有周五的日期

题目地址 代码 # Write your MySQL query statement below WITH RECURSIVE Fridays (week_of_month, ......
recursive LeetCode 日期 2994 2023

【LeetCode2993. 发生在周五的交易 I】MySQL里尝试实现weekofmonth功能

题目地址 代码 # Write your MySQL query statement below with t1 as( SELECT *, DAYOFMONTH(purchas ......
weekofmonth LeetCode 功能 MySQL 2993

Redis - (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value

zzh@ZZHPC:~$ docker exec -it redis redis-cli> SET bike:1 "Process 134" OK> GET bike:1 "Process 134"> HSET ......
Operation WRONGTYPE against holding Redis

The Acdamic Guideline

How to write your papers? Introduction Problem Methods Results Simulation How to start your research? Observation Problem Reserach Hypothesis Experime ......
Guideline Acdamic The

解决前后端的跨域问题:Access to XMLHttpRequest at '**' from origin '**' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

报错信息: Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://localhost:8182/cooperationRequest/getList' from origin 'http://localhost:3004' has been blocked by CORS poli ......

Understanding the linux kernel Chapter2 Memory Addressing

Physical Memory Layout unavailable address for kernel either because they map hardware devices’ I/O shared memory or because the corresponding page fr ......

[LeetCode] 1363. Largest Multiple of Three 形成三的最大倍数

Given an array of digits digits, return the largest multiple of three that can be formed by concatenating some of the given digits in any order. If th ......
倍数 LeetCode Multiple Largest Three

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource', 跨域访问的解决方法 1. 当请求不在同一域名下的资源文件(ip地址+端口号)时,会报如下错误:“No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is prese ......

day 1 LeetCode刷题日志

今天的内容是 704 和 27 ovo 704. 二分查找 给定一个 n 个元素有序的(升序)整型数组 nums 和一个目标值 target 写一个函数搜索 nums 中的 target,如果目标值存在返回下标,否则返回 -1 Myself C: //左闭右闭 [0,1,2,3] int searc ......
LeetCode 日志 day
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