thoughts specific domains finance

Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations with Power Automate

Hello Dynamics Community, Update 1st December 2021 / I will really suggest to read my recent article (2 years after his one about a game changer on th ......
Operations Dynamics Automate Finance Power

CDS Virtual Entities with Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Hello the Community. Hope you are doing well ! Before really start to explain how it works and how this feature can help you, I will start by presenti ......
Operations Entities Dynamics Virtual Finance

Dynamics 365 Finance Operations Data Event Catalog - Power Platform Convergence

Dynamics 365 Finance Operations Data Event Catalog - Power Platform Convergence Hello the Community, long time no post, but so much to talk about now ......


金蝶KIS专业版全模块精讲 第2节、公共基础设置 新增部门 新增用户 第5节、固定资产 ......
模块 Finance 专业 KIS

02-UPF-Power Domain

How do we use power domain 使用UPF至少有一个power domain power domain可以进行嵌套 Defining Power Domain Example Partitioning Guidelines Scope 没有写scope就是当前design Sc ......
UPF-Power Domain Power UPF 02

Thoughts and ideas about how to apply LLMs in specific domains like clinic/law/finance

Applying LLMs in Specific Domains As a university student who has just completed fine-tuning TinyLLaMA-1b with clinical instruction data using the QLo ......
Thoughts specific domains finance clinic

ISO C++17 does not allow dynamic exception specifications

错误描述 提示C++17不支持动态异常规格。 解决步骤: 1、安装低版本的g++及gcc(如g++-9及gcc-9) sudo apt-get install gcc-9sudo apt-get install g++-9 2、设置默认编辑器 sudo update-alternatives --i ......
specifications exception dynamic allow does


第一篇:创业实战 2. 什么是生意 我国将产业分为三个产业: 第三产业又分为四个层次,并计算GDP: 3. 用户需求 ......
Finance 课程 金融 商业

FAILED: ParseException line 1:65 cannot recognize input near 'row' 'formatted' 'delimited' in table row format specification

hive报FAILED: ParseException line 1:65 cannot recognize input near 'row' 'formatted' 'delimited' in table row format specification 错误语句: insert overwri ......

FAILED: ParseException line 1:17 cannot recognize input near 'student2' 'select' 'id' in destination specification

hive向表中插入数据时报错: FAILED: ParseException line 1:17 cannot recognize input near 'student2' 'select' 'id' in destination specification 错误: insert overwrit ......

14.Do you have a tentative plan for you reading and/or research writing project for this semester? Create a timetable with specific goals, objectives, ways to realize them and timelines.

Round 1: Discussing the Importance of a Tentative Plan Speaker 1 (Graduate Student A): Greetings, everyone. Today, our topic revolves around having a ......
objectives you for and tentative

does not have a SELinux domain defined. android 开机启动

[ 46.089306] init: Service mysvc2 does not have a SELinux domain defined. service mysvc1 /system/vendor/bin/app1 class main user root group root syste ......
SELinux defined android domain does

sap 命名空间下 ux-specification 开发包的内容和使用场景介绍

在 SAP UI5 项目中,package.json 文件扮演了一个核心的角色,它是描述项目的关键元素,包括项目的元数据,脚本,依赖项等。其中,@sap/ux-specification 是一个特别的依赖项,它提供了 SAP 的用户体验 (UX) 规范,用于定义和驱动 SAP Fiori 应用的一致 ......

SAP UI5 开发项目 package.json 文件里的 @sap/ux-specification 依赖

如下图所示: 在SAP UI5中,@sap/ux-specification 是一个由SAP提供的库,旨在帮助开发人员实现符合SAP Fiori设计准则的用户界面(UI)。该库提供了一系列工具、资源和指南,以确保UI5应用程序的设计和实现符合SAP Fiori标准,从而提供一致、易用且美观的用户体验 ......


socket API原本是为网络通讯设计的,但后来在socket的框架上发展出一种IPC机制,就是UNIX Domain Socket。虽然网络socket也可用于同一台主机的进程间通讯(通过loopback地址127.0.0.1),但是UNIX Domain Socket用于IPC更有效率:不需要 ......
套接字 domain

Java 中的 domain 、 persistent 、Data Access 用法示例

很多开发者 不遵从开发规范 甚至搞不清楚 各种对象之间关系 先说分层 领域层 domain DO 持久层 persistent PO 数据访问 data Access ADO 业务层 business BO 转换层 transfer TO 视图层 view VO 从数据库获取数据 domain 对应 ......
示例 persistent Access domain Java


Domain设计 下面将介绍Video的表设计,和模型定义。 表设计 Videos设计 /// <summary> /// 视频聚合 /// </summary> public class Video : FullAggregateRoot<long, long> { /// <summary> / ......
教程 Domain Video


1. TPR、FPR、Precision、Recall、Sensitivity、Specificity、F1、KS、AUC、ROC 表格1.1 混淆矩阵 True Positive=TP; False Negative=FN,Type I Error; False Positive=FP,Type ......
Sensitivity Specificity Precision Recall TPR

论文阅读笔记:Revisiting Prototypical Network for Cross Domain Few-Shot Learning

标题:重新审视用于跨领域少样本学习的原型网络 研究背景: 问题背景:原型网络是一种流行的小样本学习方法, 其网络简单而直观,对于小样本学习问题有着较好的表现,尤其是在图像分类等领域。 存在问题:然而,当推广到跨领域的少样本分类任务时,其性能出现了大幅度下降,这严重限制了原型网络的实用性。 研究动机: ......

浅谈DDD(Domain-Driven Design)领域驱动设计思想

当提到领域驱动设计(Domain-Driven Design,DDD)时,我们指的是一种软件开发方法,它强调通过深入理解业务领域来指导软件的设计和开发。DDD的核心思想是将业务领域的知识融入到软件模型中,以便更好地满足业务需求。 以下是DDD的一些关键概念和思想: 1. 领域模型: 核心思想: 领域 ......


weblogic domain

jpa 的 Specification案例

dao接口除了extends JpaRepository外,还要 extends JpaSpecificationExecutor <dependency> <groupId>com.github.wenhao</groupId> <artifactId>jpa-spec</artifactId> ......
Specification 案例 jpa

Specific Measure of Soil Erosion

Soil erosion is an ongoing threat to multiple industries today. Once soil erodes, it becomes difficult to restore that land area to its former product ......
Specific Measure Erosion Soil of

One Specific Measure to Tackle Water Pollution——YRPL

The Yangtze River Protection Law(YRPL) Effective Time On March 1, 2021, the Yangtze River Protection Law officially came into force. Objective To impr ......
Pollution Specific Measure Tackle Water

One specific Eco-Environmental Protection Measure of light pollution

In this section, I will show the specific legal measures for light pollution in a comparative form. Foreign light pollution legislation experience On ......

Domain Drive Design

Domain-driven (DDD) is a business-oriented modeling method or architecture method. Traditional data drivers are generally MVC architecture, which is a ......
Domain Design Drive

2023CVPR_Efficient Frequency Domain-based Transformers for High-Quality Image Deblurring

一. Motivation 1. Transformer在解决全局表现很好,但是复杂度很高,主要体现在QK的乘积: (We note that the scaled dot-product attention computation is actually to estimate the corre ......

Hundred Finance 攻击事件分析

Hundred Finance 背景知识 Hundred Finance 是 fork Compound 的一个借贷项目,在2023/04/15遭受了黑客攻击。攻击者在发起攻击交易之前执行了两笔准备交易占据了池子,因为发起攻击的前提是池子处于 empty 的状态(发行的 hToken 数量为 0)。 ......
Hundred Finance 事件

[论文阅读] PCL: Proxy-based Contrastive Learning for Domain Generalization

PCL: Proxy-based Contrastive Learning for Domain Generalization abstract 领域泛化是指从不同源领域的集合中训练模型,该模型可以直接泛化到未见过的目标领域的问题。一种有前途的解决方案是对比学习,它试图通过利用不同领域之间的样本对之 ......

Spring Data JPA : 查-条件化查询Specification

条件化查询 用查询条件创建Specification对象 参考Spring Data JPA Specification查询 使用Criteria查询 Criteria查询是面向对象查询, root就是一个对象,root.get("name")就是name属性。可以级联获取属性 每一个查询条件创建一 ......
Specification 条件 Spring Data JPA
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