
10.基于模型的测试方法 Model-based Testing

Model-based Testing 介绍 Model-based Testing is an application of model-based design for designing and optionally also executing artifacts to perform so ......
Model-based 模型 Testing 方法 Model

Testing pyramid

The testing pyramid organizes software tests into three categories based on their context and provides insight into the percentage of tests for each c ......
Testing pyramid

十分钟理解回归测试(Regression Testing)

1. 什么是回归测试(Regression Testing) 回归测试是一个系统的质量控制过程,用于验证最近对软件的更改或更新是否无意中引入了新错误或对以前的功能方面产生了负面影响(比如你在家中安装了新的空调系统,发现虽然新的空调系统可以按预期工作,但是本来亮的等却不亮了)。其主要目标是确保旨在改进 ......
Regression Testing

Go - Testing a Web Application or a Web Service

Problem: You want to do unit testing on a web application or a web service. Solution: Use the httptest.NewRecorder function to create an httptest.Resp ......
Application Web Testing Service Go

Testing Round 16 (Unrated) B. Square?

给定一个矩形,然后切成两个矩形。尺寸分别为 \(a \times b\) , \(c \times d\) 。你需要确定开始的矩形是否可能是个正方形。 假设初始矩形为正方形,则两个小矩形的长边是正方形的边长。不妨让 \(a \geq b, c \geq d\) 。只需判断 \(a = c, a = ......
Testing Unrated Square Round 16


Apr 27, 2019 This post explores unit and integration testing in no_std executables. We will use Rust’s support for custom test frameworks to execute t ......

[Unit testing] Vitest, mock Time

import { afterEach, test, expect, vi, beforeEach } from 'vitest'; import { render } from 'test/utilities'; import TimeZone from '.'; beforeEach(() => ......
testing Vitest Unit Time mock

什么是软件测试领域的 User Acceptance Testing

UAT(User Acceptance Testing)是软件测试领域中的一种关键测试阶段,通常由最终用户或客户执行,用于确认软件是否满足其预期的需求和期望。UAT旨在验证软件是否足够稳定、可靠,以满足最终用户的实际使用需求。在本文中,我将详细解释UAT的概念,探讨其重要性,并通过实际例子说明如何进 ......

[Unit testing] Vitest Tips

1. Globally import In vitest, you need to do import { it, expect, test } from 'vitest'; In every test files, If you don't want to do it you can set co ......
testing Vitest Unit Tips

PentestGPT:A GPT-empowered penetration testing tool

一、What is PentestGPT? PentestGPT是一种由大型语言模型(LLMs)赋能的渗透测试工具。它旨在自动化渗透测试过程。它基于ChatGPT构建,并以交互模式运行,以指导渗透测试人员在整体进展和具体操作上。 General Design PentestGPT提供了一个统一的终端 ......


1 name_function.py函数 name_function.py用来获取人名,入参时选择姓、名、中间字三项(middle为可选入参项) 1 #!usr/bin/env/python 2 3 def get_formatted_name(first,last,middle=""): 4 if ......
testing-code unittest testing 代码 code

关于 Angular testing 开发包里 fakeAsync 测试工具的用法

@angular/core/testing 是 Angular 框架提供的一个测试模块,用于帮助开发者编写单元测试和集成测试。其中的 fakeAsync 是一个非常有用的测试工具,它允许我们编写异步代码的测试,同时在测试中模拟时间的前进,使得测试用例的执行更加可控和可预测。 fakeAsync 函数 ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: Metamorphic Testing of Deep Learning Compilers

## Abstract 背景:Compiling DNN models into high-efficiency executables is not easy: the compilation procedure often involves converting high-level model ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: DeepMutation: Mutation Testing of Deep Learning Systems

## Abstract 本文:DeepMutation Github: https://github.com/berkuva/mutation-testing-for-DNNs Task: mutation testing framework specialized for DL systems t ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: Testing Deep Neural Networks

## Abstract 本文:DeepCover Github: https://github.com/TrustAI/DeepCover Task: propose 4 novel test criteria to test DNNs Method: inspired by MC/DC cover ......
CDeepFuzz Networks Reading Testing Neural

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: Software Testing with Large Language Model: Survey, Landscape, and Vision

## Abstract 本文: Task: Review on the use of LLMs in software testing Method: 1. analyzes 52 relevant studies ## 1. Intro ![](https://img2023.cnblogs.co ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: COMET: Coverage-guided Model Generation For Deep Learning Library Testing

## Abstract 背景:已有的方法(Muffin, Lemon, Cradle) can cover at most 34.1% layer inputs, 25.9% layer parameter values, and 15.6% layer sequences. 本文:COMET Gi ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: Differential Testing of Cross Deep Learning Framework APIs: Revealing Inconsistencies and Vulnerabilities

## Abstract 背景:目前对cross-framework conversion中的inconsistencies和security bugs的研究少有 本文:TensorScope Task: test cross-frame APIs in Machine Learning Librar ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: DeepTest: automated testing of deep-neural-network-driven autonomous cars

## Abstract 本文: DeepTest Task: a systematic testing tool for DNN-driven vehicles Method: 1. generated test cases with real-world changes like rain, fo ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: DeepGauge: multi-granularity testing criteria for deep learning systems

## Abstract 本文: DeepGauge Task: provide multi-granularity testing criteria for DL systems Method: multi-granularity testing criteria for DL systems: 1 ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: Combinatorial Testing for Deep Learning Systems

## Abstract 本文:DeepCT Task: Testing DL Models with Combinatorial Testing Method: 1. 将输出值的空间离散化为区间,以便覆盖每个区间,对不同层内的神经元交互进⾏采样,并减少必须执⾏的测试输⼊的数量。 2. a set o ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: ACETest: Automated Constraint Extraction for Testing Deep Learning Operators

## Abstract Github: https://github.com/shijy16/ACETest 背景: 1. DL operators 用来计算多维tensors,很重要 本文:ACETest Task: automatically extract input validation c ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: Aries: Efficient Testing of Deep Neural Networks via Labeling-Free Accuracy Estimation

## Abstract 背景: 1. the de facto standard to assess the quality of DNNs in the industry is to check their performance (accuracy) on a collected set of ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: SyRust: automatic testing of Rust libraries with semantic-aware program synthesis

## Abstract 背景: 1. unsafe能够绕开rust type system 2. rust libraries中常有许多unsafe keyword 本文:SyRust Task: fuzz Rust library APIs Challenge: synthesize well-t ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: Deepxplore: Automated whitebox testing of deep learning systems

## Abstract 背景:现有的深度学习测试在很⼤程度上依赖于⼿动标记的数据,因此通常⽆法暴露罕⻅输⼊的错误⾏为。 本文:DeepXplore Task: a white-box framework to test DL Models 方法: 1. neuron coverage 2. diff ......

Vue Components Testing All In One

Vue Components Testing All In One TDD / 测试驱动开发 ......
Components Testing Vue All One

Debian testing更新遇到依赖错误

gnustep-base-runtime : Depends: gnustep-base-common (= 1.29.0-6) but 1.28.1+really1.28.0-5 is to be installed Bing答案 Clear out the local repository of ......
错误 testing Debian

软件测试中:什么是(System Testing)系统测评?

什么是系统测试? 1、系统测试,英文是System Testing。是对整个系统的测试,将已确认的硬件、软件、操作人员、外设等元素看作一个整体,检验它是否有不符合系统说明书的地方。 2、系统测试发现问题之后要经过调试找出错误原因和位置,然后进行改正。是基于系统整体需求说明书的黑盒类测试,应覆盖系统所 ......
软件测试 Testing System 系统 软件

论文阅读 | Penetration Testing Active Reconnaissance Phase – Optimized Port Scanning With Nmap Tool

我们可以使用 TCP 端口扫描对物联网设备进行分类吗?https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8913346 xx xx --> # 1 介绍 在[10]中,我们根据统计属性(如活动周期,端口号,信令模式和密码套件)来表征物联网流量。此外,提出了一个多阶段机器学习模 ......

What are the differences between in vivo and in vitro testing of drugs for toxicology Studies?

Toxicology is the science of studying the harmful effects of chemical, physical, biological, and other exogenous factors on biological systems. It can... ......
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