
android开发Type BuildConfig is defined multiple times

1. 问题:Type BuildConfig is defined multiple times 2. 原因:两个依赖库的namespace名字相同导致,导致生成的BuildConfig 类路径一样导致编译失败 android { namespace 'com.suyf.demo' } 3. 解决方 ......
BuildConfig multiple android defined times

Google classic interview questions, throwing eggs the least number of times All In One

Google classic interview questions, throwing eggs the least number of times All In One 谷歌经典面试题, 扔鸡蛋最少次数 你在一栋 100 层的大楼里工作,你得到 2 个相同的鸡蛋。 你需要计算出鸡蛋可以掉落到最高... ......
interview questions throwing classic Google


times 显示进程累计时间。 ## 主要用途 - 打印出shell及其子进程累计使用的用户时间和系统时间。 ## 返回值 总是返回成功。 ## 例子 ```shell # 执行命令 times # 返回结果 0m0.037s 0m0.009s 0m0.010s 0m0.024s # 根据times ......

cpp generate uuid via rand() and test speed which is 4 times+ faster than libuuid

// main.cpp #include <algorithm> #include <chrono> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdint> #include <ctime> #include <fstream> #includ ......
generate libuuid faster speed times

cpp test write content speed to ssd and usual disk respectively 1M,10M,100M rows data,the fact has illustrated the write speed of ssd is 4-5 times faster than usual disk

#include <chrono> #include <ctime> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <thread> #include <uuid/uuid. ......
speed write usual disk respectively

Resource [logback.xml] occurs multiple times on the classpath.

15:16:57,390 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Could NOT find resource [logback.groovy] 15:16:57,390 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback. ......
classpath Resource multiple logback occurs

[LeetCode] 2437. Number of Valid Clock Times

You are given a string of length 5 called time, representing the current time on a digital clock in the format "hh:mm". The earliest possible time is  ......
LeetCode Number Clock Valid Times

ABC267G Increasing K Times 题解

做这道题,很有感悟,发篇文。 先给数列从小到大排个序。 接下来设 $f_{i,j}$ 表示前 $i$ 个数的排列形成 $j$ 个上坡的方案数。 接下来考虑转移,分为插入第 $i$ 个数后增加上坡和不增加上坡两种情况。 对于不增加的情况,有三种可能: 第 $i$ 个数插入在了数列的最前端,有 $1$ ......
题解 Increasing Times 267G ABC
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