
All Android Key Events for usage with adb shell

{ "key_events": { "key_unknown": "adb shell input keyevent 0", "key_soft_left": "adb shell input keyevent 1", "key_soft_right": "adb shell input keyev ......
Android Events usage shell with

LInux directory usage:usr(user)vs. opt(option)

* [Linux中/opt和/usr目录(小白入门)\_ubuntu1604下的opt文件夹怎么创建目录-CSDN博客](* [directory structure - What ......
directory option LInux usage user

pycharm usage

1 remote debug 1 when you want to debug the code in server, remember the following set. interpreter: server interpreter script: use path in server, in ......
pycharm usage

ElasticSearch之Analyze index disk usage API

本API用于分析、统计指定index当前占用的存储空间。 考虑到本特性目前仍然处于预览状态,因此使用方法、参数等可能会发生变化,或者未来也许会被删除。 本API暂时不建议在生产系统中使用。 命令样例如下: curl -X POST "https://localhost:9200/testindex_ ......
ElasticSearch Analyze index usage disk

JGoodies Usage Notes

导包、设置 导入包: <dependency> <groupId>com.jgoodies</groupId> <artifactId>forms</artifactId> <version>1.2.1</version> </dependency> idea里面布局切换一下: 行列规范解释 他是一 ......
JGoodies Usage Notes

flex and bison usage in mysql

query parsing in mysql mysql source code version: 8.0.34 (from MYSQL_VERSION file) This an article from questions to understandings. which file does m ......
bison usage mysql flex and

: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.

2023/10/16 19:07:45 tick2023/10/16 19:07:46 dial tcp connectex: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) ......
address permitted normally protocol network

Measuring memory usage in Windows 7

Microsoft, Windows 7 Measuring memory usage in Windows 7 by Brandon on February 21st, 2010 Historically, measuring the amount of memory in use by a Wi ......
Measuring Windows memory usage in

node-fetch Advanced Usage All In One

# node-fetch Advanced Usage All In One > fetch ```js // stream ``` ## demos > Node.js web crawler ``` ......
node-fetch Advanced fetch Usage node

日常工具使用小记录 (daily tool usage snippet)

1. 如何上传本地文件至服务器 (how to upload local files to server) 1.1 启动本地server 假设本地目录 C:/your_home/tmp , 该目录下有文件 test.txt cd c:/your_home/tmp python -m SimpleHT ......
小记 snippet 工具 daily usage

git mesage usage

~/.gitmessage.txt 可以是任意的文件名,参考 git 官网文档,搜索default message git config --global commit.t ......
mesage usage git

flex and bison usage in PostgreSQL

# flex/bison usage in pgsql In regular bison usage, we call `yyparse()` to get an AST. So, I searched for `yyparse` in PostgreSQL source code, which e ......
PostgreSQL bison usage flex and

SAP Fiori 应用的离线使用 - Offline usage

在某些情况下,用户可能需要在没有网络连接的情况下使用 SAP Fiori 应用。为了满足这种需求,可以利用 SAP 的离线能力来实现。以下是一种可能的实现方法。 首先,需要安装和配置 SAP Mobile Platform (SMP)。SMP 提供了离线 OData 的服务,这是实现 Fiori 应 ......
Offline Fiori usage SAP

M1 安装redis 报错问题 {assert {[r memory usage key] < 42000}} proc ::test)

mac m1 安装redis基本步骤 官方下载安装包 然后解压 进入目录输入测试命令: sudo make test 没问题进行安装:sudo make install 安装成功 redis-server 启动redis服务 redis-cli ......
assert memory 问题 42000 redis

Android Vibrator Usage

package com.example.vibrationdemo; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import android.content.Context; import android. ......
Vibrator Android Usage

Pyinstaller打包 Pytest+Allure成exe文件执行时,报错ERROR: usage: apitest.exe [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...] xxx.exe: error: unrecognized arguments: --alluredir=.\\report\\xml --clean-alluredir

网上找了很多案例啊 都没解决问题,由本人的多次试验 终于成功解决 1、打包运行 pyinstaller -D 打包成功后 执行exe报错 如下 2、此情况是说明 命令无法正确识别 也就是说 未导入allure 相关三方库 解决方案: 修改xxx.spec 文件 添加对应三方库 依赖 如 ......

【Oracle】Check the tbs' usage

set feedback off set pagesize 70; set linesize 2000 set head on COLUMN Tablespace format a25 heading 'Tablespace Name' COLUMN autoextensible format a1 ......
Oracle Check usage the tbs

Check the tbs' usage in PDB and CDB

check out the tbs's usage in PDB and CDB , run in CDB set line 200 pages 999 column name for a10 column tablespace_name for a15 column "MAXSIZE (GB)" ......
Check usage CDB the tbs

usage fault的问题(0x100 UNALIGNED)

问题如下: 使用RT-Thread时,出现了这个问题. 0x100 UNALIGNED: SCB_CFSR_UFSR:0x100 UNALIGNED 使用的是stm32f103-atk-nano那个bsp. 开启了USART2的串口,以及DMA Rx功能. 使用了例程中uart_dma_sample ......
UNALIGNED 问题 usage fault 0x100

如何评价 ChatGPT 回答策略的 ensure only ethical usage 特质

有人批评 ChatGPT 的回答策略是 ensure only ethical usage,如何理解这句话? 这句话的意思是,ChatGPT被批评的回答策略只是确保其在伦理上的使用,即遵循道德和法律规范。这意味着ChatGPT的开发者们试图避免ChatGPT被用于违反伦理或法律规定的行为,例如欺诈、 ......
特质 策略 ChatGPT ethical ensure

【Azure Spring Cloud】在Azure Spring Apps上看见 App Memory Usage 和 jvm.menory.use 的指标的疑问及OOM

问题描述 在Azure的Spring Cloud服务 (官名为:Spring Apps)中,在Metrics 页面中查看 App Memory Usage 和 jvm.memory.use,发现两则在下图中出现巨大差距。 App Memory Usage还是在逐渐上升 jvm.memory.use ......
Spring Azure 指标 Memory menory


定义 符号定义 自变量:$x$ 因变量:$u,v,y$ 法则:$f,g,h,F,G,H$ 导数:$f'$ 微分:$df,dy$ 偏导:$f_x$ 偏微分:$\partial f$ 优先级定义 $**>*=/>+=->(>>)=(<<)$ $*>\log>+$ 变量计算法则:(问号表示无法计算) 加法 ......
Calculus_usage Calculus usage

Oracle OEM中EMGC_OMS1指标警报The heap usage使用率过高

Oracle OEM中EMGC_OMS1指标警报The heap usage使用率过高 OEM报警EMGC_OMS1目标堆内存占用率过高。 我的环境OEM版本是13.3。 默认监控目标EMGC_OMS1的最大内存使用是1740M,当前的最大堆内存值对于实际的 OMS 负载来说太低了。 由于已经定期生 ......
使用率 警报 EMGC_OMS 指标 Oracle

[Typescript] Write clean Type 2 - Reduce the usage in generic slot

This the following code example, test have passed for both run time and compile time: import { expect, it } from 'vitest'; import { Equal, Expect } fr ......
Typescript generic Reduce Write clean

devicemapper: usage of loopback devices is strongly discouraged for production use. Use `--storage-opt dm.thinpooldev` to specify a custom block storage device.

centos7下docker排坑之WARNING: devicemapper: usage of loopback devices is strongly discouraged docker 安装完成之后,docker info命令下的WARING 首先有两种规避手段,一种是调整devicemap ......

npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues

npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the ......


在Linux上,通过crontab 命令,我们可以在固定的间隔时间执行指定的系统指令或 shell script脚本。时间间隔的单位可以是分钟、小时、日、月、周及以上的任意组合。这个命令非常适合周期性的日志分析或数据备份等工作。 设置Cron任务 创建任务 可以通过如下指令来创建或者修改你自己的cr ......
Crontab-usage Crontab usage

how can I use NSubstitute for stub and mock? any difference about the usage?

how can I use NSubstitute for stub and mock? any difference about the usage? NSubstitute is a popular mocking library for .NET that allows you to crea ......
NSubstitute difference about usage stub
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