
LetGo: A Lightweight Continuous Framework for HPC Applications Under Failures

letgo 摘要 HPC需要容错,而检查点技术开销太大。 提出letgo,能在崩溃时继续执行HPC。为什么能提?1.有的HPC应用有比较好的内在容错能力,可以重新利用默认机制。 用五个benchmark,结果不错 introduction letgo能够存在的依据: 一旦发出导致崩溃的错误信号,就可 ......

A Lightweight Method for Modeling Confidence in Recommendations with Learned Beta Distributions论文阅读笔记

A Lightweight Method for Modeling Confidence in Recommendations with Learned Beta Distributions论文阅读笔记 摘要 ​ 大多数推荐系统并不提供对其决策信心的指示。因此,他们不区分确定的建议和不确定的建议。现 ......

论文阅读:A Lightweight Knowledge Graph Embedding Framework for Efficient Inference and Storage

ABSTRACT 现存的KGE方法无法适用于大规模的图(由于存储和推理效率的限制) 作者提出了一种LightKG框架: 自动的推断出码本codebooks和码字codewords,为每个实体生成合适的embedding。 同时,框架中包含残差模块来实现码本的多样性,并且包含连续函数来近似的实现码字的 ......

[论文速览] A Closer Look at Self-supervised Lightweight Vision Transformers

## Pre title: A Closer Look at Self-supervised Lightweight Vision Transformers accepted: ICML 2023 paper: code: https ......

[SIGMOD 2022]Lightweight and Accurate Cardinality Estimation by Neural Network Gaussian Process

# Lightweight and Accurate Cardinality Estimation by Neural Network Gaussian Process ## 总结 用无限宽度神经网络和高斯过程来等价贝叶斯过程,并利用主动学习提高精度,实现对某个SQL查询的cost估算 ## 动机 ......

Proj. CAR Paper Reading: C3PO: A Lightweight Copying Mechanism for Translating Pseudocode to Code

## Abstract 本文: 方法:直接从伪代码中利用多数tokens,以此节约计算代价 步骤: 1. Copy: 使用二分类来决定哪些pseudocode tokens to be masked,以便直接使用 2. Generate: 使用Seq2Seq来生成masked PL code 3. ......

lightweight openpose

它的跟踪技术 首先在当前帧选一个人体,跟前一帧所有人比较,如果相似度大于阈值,则把前一帧相似度最大人的序号赋予当前帧,且之后当前帧其他人不与其进行相似度估计。 current_poses = sorted(current_poses, key=lambda pose: pose.confidence ......
lightweight openpose

lightweight openpose的pose_entries

pose_entries他是根据body_part的索引来赋值的,这里是肢体连接的。 而connection里面是关键点序号。关键的种类是根据body_part来的。所以根据lightweight提供的顺序来确定关键点就好。 ......

论文翻译:2023_THLNet: two-stage heterogeneous lightweight network for monaural speech enhancement

论文地址:THLNet: 用于单耳语音增强的两级异构轻量级网络 代码: 引用格式:Dang F, Hu Q, Zhang P. THLNet: two-stage heterogeneous lightweight network f ......
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