
Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values.

升级到 abp.io 7.4 EF报错 System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlNullValueException: Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values. at Microsoft.Da ......
Null property cannot called method


OR 指令在两个操作数的对应位之间进行(按位)逻辑或(OR)操作,并将结果存放在目标操作数中: 格式: OR reg,regOR reg,memOR reg, immOR mem,regOR mem,imm 操作数可以是 8 位、16 位、32 位和 64 位,但是两个操作数必须是同样大小。对两个操 ......
逻辑 or

Django和sqlite3版本不匹配解决 Django-django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: SQLite 3.9.0 or later is required (found 3.7.17)

1.修改django源文件配置 2升级sqlite 下载sqlite3 wget https://www.sqlite.org/2019/sqlite-autoconf-3270200.tar.gz 解压并安装sqlite3 tar -zxvf sqlite-autoconf-3270200.tar ......

【pwn】puts or system? --格式化字符串漏洞泄露libc基址

还是先看一下保护情况 开了canary,接着看主函数逻辑 看到这里的代码逻辑,我一开始是想通过printf泄露出canary的值,然后再用ret2libc来打,但是我发现这个libc不好泄露,一般的泄露的思路都是构造ROP,通过puts函数泄露出puts的got表内容,但是我在寻找rdi这个gadg ......
基址 字符串 漏洞 字符 格式

hive启动出现Either your MetaData is incorrect, or you need to enable "datanucleus.schema.autoCreateTables"

hive启动出现: Required table missing : "`VERSION`" in Catalog "" Schema "". DataNucleus requires this table to perform its persistence operations. Either ......

error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required

1、错误背景 python在安装 aiohttp库 时,出现 Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required的提示: 2、解决方案 按照错误提示,访问 https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-bui ......
Microsoft required greater Visual error

ubuntu编译软件报错:fatal error: libnet.h: No such file or directory

参考: https://blog.csdn.net/wuyou1995/article/details/104742326/ 解决方法: sudo apt-get install libnet1-dev ......
directory ubuntu libnet fatal error

horse or human

horse or human 以下 python 代码将使用 OS 库来使用操作系统库,使您可以访问文件系统,并使用 zipfile 库来解压缩数据。 import os import zipfile local_zip = './tmp/horse-or-human.zip' zip_ref = ......
horse human or

nmap: error while loading shared libraries: libpcap.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory解决方法

nmap: error while loading shared libraries: libpcap.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory解决方法 nmap运行报错解决方法 在centos7里面直接安装lib ......
shared file directory libraries loading

As a project I always want to create for myself as a gift, the MVVM framework is more or less satisfying

I used to want to build a MVVM project for myself, especially since I wrote my mementowriter project which is no jQuery, and that was very time consum ......
satisfying framework project always create

bat is not recognized as an internal or external command,

前言 写 BAT 批处理时,突然运行提示错误。 刚开始以为是,bat 对变量名长度限制。 不断调试,发现原来是结尾中文字符。(句号)的原因 源码 echo 文件存在。 set /p input=请选择: 错误: 'input' is not recognized as an internal or ......
recognized internal external command bat

huggingface_hub.utils._validators.HFValidationError: Repo id must be in the form 'repo_name' or 'namespace/repo_name': '/llama-2-7b-chat-hf-chinese/1.1'. Use `repo_type` argument if needed.

问题: 2023-11-26 07:45:38 | ERROR | stderr | raise HFValidationError(2023-11-26 07:45:38 | ERROR | stderr | huggingface_hub.utils._validators.HFValidati ......

ARC166 A Replace C or Swap AB 题解

Link ARC166 A Replace C or Swap AB Qustion 给出两个长度相同的由 \(A,B,C\) 组成的字符串 \(X\) 和 \(Y\) 。 需要使用一些操作使得 \(X\) 和 \(Y\) 一样 将 \(X\) 中的 \(C\) 换成 \(A\) 将 \(X\) 中 ......
题解 Replace Swap ARC 166


通过灵活使用IF函数、AND函数和OR函数,您可以根据各种条件进行复杂的逻辑判断,并根据判断结果返回不同的值。上述公式会判断A1是否大于10且B1小于20或C1等于"Yes"。只有当A1大于10且B1小于20或C1等于"Yes"时,公式返回"满足条件";=IF(AND(A1>10, OR(B1<20... ......
使用方法 函数 表格 方法 execl

[Docker] Mac M2 – no such file or directory: /var/lib/docker/volumes ,找不到var/lib/docker/volumes (已解決)

Mac M2 Pro Docker 24.0.6 $ docker volume inspect 14dfdb65fb7075d91b2004c979a3591df54bcc1303ff3ca96a3536f4761a19cc [ { "CreatedAt": "2023-11-21T12:52:2 ......
volumes docker directory lib var

-bash: /home/advert/bin/vim: No such file or directory

今天advert用户使用vim时,突然报错 -bash: /home/advert/bin/vim: No such file or directory 之前还好好的,且其他用户都能用vim,查看也是安装了vim 这时候就考虑到是用户变量出现问题,查看 ~/.bashrc 下的vim配置,发现不知道 ......
directory advert bash home file

Unity异常提示 Invalid worldAABB. Object is too large or too far away from the orgin.

Unity在编辑器退出EditMode进入PlayMode之前,调用了一次Start和Update,然后提供了空的数据。 这个时候容易造成除以0的情况,但是Unity没有立刻抛出异常,而是继续执行,生成了一个无穷大的数值。 ......
worldAABB too Invalid Object Unity

vue3_Extraneous non-props attributes (class) were passed to component but could not be automatically inherited because component renders fragment or text root nodes.

今天的开发中发现了这个问题 Extraneous non-props attributes (class) were passed to component but could not be automatically inherited because component renders frag ......

fsm.h:24:37: fatal error: glib.h: No such file or directory

001、make编译报错如下:fsm.h:24:37: fatal error: glib.h: No such file or directory 002、查找该文件 (base) [root@pc1 exonerate-2.4.0]# find / -name "glib.h" ## 存在该文件 ......
directory fatal error file glib

sysbench 安装 postgres 测试环境( Connection to database failed: SCRAM authentication requires libpq version 10 or above)

报错Connection to database failed: SCRAM authentication requires libpq version 10 or above的解决方案 1、下载安装包 https://gitee.com/xiaohai008/postgresql10-devel ......

SQL 的 AND、OR 和 NOT 运算符:条件筛选的高级用法

AND 运算符 SQL的AND运算符用于根据多个条件筛选记录,确保所有条件都为TRUE才返回记录。下面是AND运算符的基本语法: SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name WHERE condition1 AND condition2 AND cond ......
运算符 条件 SQL AND NOT

pip生成与安装项目依赖包---提示:No such file or directory: 'requirement.txt'

错误的原因:安装项目依赖包的文件命令: pip install -r requirement.txt 问题:ERROR: Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'requirement.txt' ......
requirement directory 项目 file 39

abc280F - Pay or Receive(判断是否全为零环)

https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc280/tasks/abc280_f 对于每一个连通块单独处理,首先判断是否全为0环,可以用bfs判断。 从一个点出发计算其他点到它的最短距离,如果存在一个不唯一,说明存在非零环。 然后计算距离的时候直接-d[x]+d[y]即可 #inc ......
Receive 280F abc 280 Pay

fatal error: lzma.h: No such file or directory

001、make编译报错:fatal error: lzma.h: No such file or directory 002、 查找相关包 (base) [root@pc1 bedtools2-2.31.1]# yum search "liblzma" Loaded plugins: fastes ......
directory fatal error lzma file

fatal error: bzlib.h: No such file or directory

001、make编译报错:fatal error: bzlib.h: No such file or directory 002、查找相关的安装包 (base) [root@pc1 bedtools2-2.31.1]# yum search bzip2 003、安装相关包 (base) [root@ ......
directory fatal error bzlib such

IT服务管理首选哪个证书【ITIL or ITSS】

受益于企业数字化转型的深入,以及中国产业互联网的发展,中国IT服务市场规模持续提升。IT服务领域有好多标准,比如:ITSS(信息技术服务标准),ITIL(IT服务管理最佳实践标准),ISO20000(信息技术服务管理体系标准)...... 这些标准的推广同样离不开服务机构资质认证以及对专业人员的认证 ......

容器中sh脚本明明存在,为何会报"no such file or directory"的错误?

小伙伴碰到一起奇怪的事故,从gitlab上拉取的docker镜像项目,在本地开发机上进行docker build后,启动容器会报错如下: exec /app/run.sh : no such file or directory /app/run.sh文件是ENTRYPOINT启动的,注释掉ENTRY ......
quot 容器 脚本 directory 错误

umount 报错umount: /new_room: target is busy. (In some cases useful info about processes that use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))

挂载逻辑卷后,尝试更新逻辑卷的文件系统 [root@server lost+found]# umount /new_room/ umount: /new_room: target is busy. (In some cases useful info about processes that use ......
umount processes new_room device target

The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission,iphone手机video标签报错

The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission,在当前上下文中,用户代理或平台不允许该请求 ......
the user permission platform possibly