
神经网络优化篇:详解梯度的数值逼近(Numerical approximation of gradients)

在实施backprop时,有一个测试叫做梯度检验,它的作用是确保backprop正确实施。因为有时候,虽然写下了这些方程式,却不能100%确定,执行backprop的所有细节都是正确的。为了逐渐实现梯度检验,首先说说如何计算梯度的数值逼近。 先画出函数\(f\),标记为\(f\left( \thet ......

CF1804F Approximate Diameter 题解

题目链接 点击打开链接 题目解法 很有意思的题,但不难 首先一个显然的结论是:算着边的加入,直径长度递减 第一眼看到误差范围是 2 倍,可以想到二分 可以观察到如果取答案为 \(\frac{n}{2}\) 可以覆盖到 \(\frac{n}{4}\)(上下取整不重要),那这样每次可以把值域范围缩小 4 ......
题解 Approximate Diameter 1804F 1804

Convolutional Neural Networks on Graphs with Chebyshev Approximation, Revisited

目录概符号说明MotivationChebNetII代码 He M., Wei Z. and Wen J. Convolutional neural networks on graphs with chebyshev approximation, revisited. NIPS, 2022. 概 作 ......

DBMS_STATS ORA-20011 Approximate NDV failed ORA-29913 error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEOPEN callout

DBMS_STATS ORA-20011 Approximate NDV failed ORA-29913 error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEOPEN callout 目录DBMS_STATS ORA-20011 Approximate NDV failed ORA-29 ......

Approximation with Gradient Descent Method

title: Approximation with Gradient Descent Method layout: page categories: data analysis Polynomial Approximation with Gradient Descent Method Suppose ......
Approximation Gradient Descent Method with

理论的动态发展完完备与进化:数论Number Theory数域的进化史 与 Infinite Precision无限精度+Infinite Approximation无穷近似

Infinite Precision: (0)数是什么?以有限的数元,度量与表示无限的现象、事物与状态,作为整个数学科学理论的根基。 以Binary二进制为例, 有{0,1}, Constant/Dynamic系统建模上,两种state(状态)?0->1与1->0代表“change变化”? 而Dec ......

Atcoder ABC307_G-Approximate Equalization 序列dp

# [AT_ABC307_G-Approximate Equalization]( "ABC307_G") [没想到还有Approximate Equalization II !!:AT_ABC313_ ......

Atcoder ABC313_C-Approximate Equalization 2

# [AT_ABC313_C-Approximate Equalization 2]( "ABC313_C") ## Description: - 给定一个整数序列 $A=(A_1,A_2,···,A_ ......

【每日一题】Problem 602B. Approximating a Constant Range

[原题]( #### 解决思路 设 $[a_l, a_r]$ 满足要求,而加入 $a_{r+1}$ 则不满足要求,那么根据题目中**相邻两数差不超过 1**,$a_{r+1} - min([a_l, a_r]) ......
Approximating Constant Problem Range 602

[ABC307G] Approximate Equalizatio

# [ABC307G] Approximate Equalizatio ## 题意 给定一个数组 $a_i$ ,有两种操作。 1. $a_i+1,a_{i+1}-1$ 2. $a_i-1,a_{i+1}+1$ 问最少花费多少次操作能使数组的极差不超过 $1$。 ## 题解 容易发现总和不变,由于极差 ......
Approximate Equalizatio 307G ABC 307

AtCoder Beginner Contest 307 G Approximate Equalization

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门]( "AtCoder 传送门") 考虑我们如果确定了 ......

Numerical Approximation Chapter 6 Notes

Weierstrass theorem approximation之间也有高低,所以我们在compact subset里面会有best approximation. 但是以polynomial interpolation为例,随着不断选更多的Chebyshev interpolation point ......
Approximation Numerical Chapter Notes

Approximation Theory and Method ch7

Approximation Theory and Method ch7 ~~part 1, part 2, part 3, ch7, 命名乱了——致敬微软~~ ... as the sign of $p(x)$. It follows that $p^{}$ is a best minimax ap ......
Approximation Theory Method and ch7

Approximation Theory and Method part 3

Approximation Theory and Method part 3 Basic properties of divided differences Let $\left{x_i ; i=0,1, \ldots, n\right}$ be any $(n+1)$ distinct point ......
Approximation Theory Method part and

Numerical Approximation Chapter 5 Notes

考虑在某个范围$[a,b]$上的$n+1$个点值所确定的插值$n$次多项式$p$满足 $$ p(x_i)=f(x_i) $$ 其中$f\in \mathscr L[a,b]$ , $p$是$\mathscr P_n$中满足条件的polynomial. 考虑到按照条件可以列出一个$n+1$元方程组,未 ......
Approximation Numerical Chapter Notes

Approximation Theory and Methods习题解答

2.1 $\Vert f\Vert\geq 0$ obvious $\Vert a-b\Vert=\Vert b-a\Vert$ by definition $f\in\mathscr A$ then $-f\in\mathscr A$ Triangle Inequality $\Vert a+b\ ......
Approximation 习题 Methods Theory and

Approximation Theory and Method part 2

Approximation Theory and Method part 2 Approximation operators 在前面的讨论中,我们得到了 best approximation 的一些性质. 但是实际上我们并不总是能有 best approximation 这么好的结果。那么我们能不能 ......
Approximation Theory Method part and
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