certificate chain trust of

ant design of vue 表格 默认,跨页勾选,翻页选择记忆勾选,数据回显勾选

需求 在使用ant design of vue 的table表格时需要让之前已选择的数据显示勾选状态,还要支持跨页勾选 思路 需要指定row-key绑定的值必须唯一 ant-design-vue的表格对于跨页勾选支持的非常友好,只要设置绑定一下rowKey就可以了,我这里绑定的是workerId 代 ......
表格 记忆 数据 design ant

Proj. CRR Paper Reading: Optimal Speedup of Las Vegas Algorithms, Adaptive restart for stochastic synthesis

Title Adaptive restart for stochastic synthesis PLDI 2021 Task Distribute the power between multiple runs in stochastic program synthesis to accelerat ......


Introduction I have spent years as a cognitive psychologist, delving into the intricate mechanisms of memory and learning. And if there's one thing I' ......

Models List of Traffic Forecasting

模型列表 基线模型 对于时间序列预测任务:(模型在test/目录下) HA: 历史平均值,将历史流量建模为季节性过程,然后使用前几个季节的加权平均值作为预测值。 VAR: 向量自回归,这是一种常用的时间序列预测模型,用于捕捉多个变量随时间的关系。 SVR: 支持向量回归,它使用线性支持向量机进行回归 ......
Forecasting Traffic Models List of

Typical Models of RNN and TFF

RNN LSTM(2014) Recurrent Neural Networks Hidden State: \(h\) \(h_t = tanh(U h_{t-1} + W x_t + b)\) \(y_t = Vh_t\) h: history state tanh : active funct ......
Typical Models RNN TFF and

Docker nginx 配置 SSL 证书 cannot load certificate

错误原因分析:cannot load certificate "/etc/nginx/test.com.crt": BIO_new_file() failed (SSL: error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:fo ......
certificate 证书 Docker cannot nginx

CF1864C Divisor Chain

原题 翻译 好题难想 首先考虑\(x = 2^k\)怎么做,显然每次\(- 2^{k-1}\)即可 然后我们考虑对于\(x \neq 2^k\)怎么把他变成\(2^k\),答案就是\(x -= lowbit(x)\) 操作次数\(O(logn)\)的,\(< 1000\),正确性显然 ......
Divisor 1864C Chain 1864 CF

Java创建List的4种方法 Stream.of("a", "b").collect(Collectors.toList()); List list3 = Lists.newArrayList("f", "g");

Java创建List的4种方法 原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/senlin1202/article/details/116135993 1、通过构造方法,例如:List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); 然后调用list.add增加元素,如果 ......
quot List newArrayList Collectors collect

Codeforces Round 819 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) and Grimoire of Code Annual Contest 2022 A. Mainak and Array

给一个长为 \(n\) 的正整数数组,执行以下操作严格一次。 选择 \(l, r, (1 \leq l < r \leq n)\) ,任意一个正整数 \(k\) 。 重复 \(k\) 次:让 \([l, r]\) 的数组成环,按顺时针走一次。 希望 \(a_n - a_1\) 最大,找到这个数。 分 ......
Codeforces Div and Grimoire Contest

Codeforces Round 821 (Div. 2) B. Rule of League

有 \(n\) 名选手参加一场比赛,编号为 \(1 \sim n\) 。规则为: 选手 \(1\) 和选手 \(2\) 比赛 第 \(1\) 轮胜者胜者与选手 \(3\) 比赛; 第 \(2\) 轮胜者与选手 \(4\) 比赛 \(\cdots\) 第 \(n - 2\) 轮胜者与选手 \(n\) ......
Codeforces League Round Rule 821

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: Metamorphic Testing of Deep Learning Compilers

## Abstract 背景:Compiling DNN models into high-efficiency executables is not easy: the compilation procedure often involves converting high-level model ......

evil-winrm:An error of type OpenSSL::Digest::DigestError happened, message is Digest initialization

使用evil-winrm无法连接主机,出现以下错误 Info: Establishing connection to remote endpoint Error: An error of type OpenSSL::Digest::DigestError happened, message is D ......

关于SpringBoot 启动失败 Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Ambiguous mapping. 的问题解析

Application run failed org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'requestMappingHandlerMapping' defined i ......

解决npm ERR! Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘pickAlgorithm‘)报错问题

转载自:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhyp/p/16920380.html 解决方法:在终端中运行命令:npm cache clear --force 然后重新运行 npm i 命令,再次安装安装完成,没有出现报错npm run serve 运行项目,项目可以正常启动了。 安装 ......

微服务启动失败,报错信息:java.lang.RuntimeException: dynamic-datasource Please check the setting of primary

【问题描述】 Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'dataSource' defined in class path resource [ ......

CF1857E Power of Points

`2023-08-08 22:59:22 CF1857E solution` ## 思路 我们发现每个点的答案其实是它与之前的点的答案加上与后面的点的答案加上与自己的答案。而与前面和与后面的前后缀答案都是可以通过递推的方式得到的,我们令 $pre_i$ 表示 $i$ 点的前缀答案,$sub_i$ 表 ......
Points 1857E Power 1857 CF

Why Kiki's Delivery Service Is The Perfect Coming of Age Story

# Why Kiki's Delivery Service Is The Perfect Coming of Age Story Studio Ghibli is well known for producing timeless classics that have engaging protag ......
Delivery Service Perfect Coming Story

[LeetCode] 1383. Maximum Performance of a Team

You are given two integers n and k and two integer arrays speed and efficiency both of length n. There are n engineers numbered from 1 to n. speed[i]  ......
Performance LeetCode Maximum 1383 Team

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: A Comprehensive Study of Deep Learning Compiler Bugs

## Abstract 背景:深度学习编译器处理的深度学习模型与命令式程序有根本的不同,因为深度学习模型中的程序逻辑是隐式的。(the DL models processed by DL compilers differ fundamentally from imperative programs ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: DeepMutation: Mutation Testing of Deep Learning Systems

## Abstract 本文:DeepMutation Github: https://github.com/berkuva/mutation-testing-for-DNNs Task: mutation testing framework specialized for DL systems t ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: SparseProp: Efficient Sparse Backpropagation for Faster Training of Neural Networks

## Abstract 本文:SparseProp Github: https://github.com/IST-DASLab/sparseprop Task: a back-propagation algo for sparse training data, a fast vectorized i ......

go101自定义泛型翻译——First Look of Custom Generics(上)

## 初识自定义泛型 1. 在自定义泛型的世界中。可能会与被定义成泛型类型的类型,泛型函数的函数。此外泛型类型也是会被定义成类型的,所有它们也可能会有相应的方法。 2. 关于泛型类型,泛型函数以及相应的方法的定义都会包含一种称为类型参数列表的部分,这是与普通方法函数以及方法最大的不同之处。 ### ......
Generics Custom First Look 101

The Power of Diagnostic Kits: Unleashing the Potential of John Deere Service Advisor EDL v2,Interface

In the rapidly evolving world of automotive diagnostics, the importance of reliable and efficient diagnostic tools cannot be overstated. These tools s ......

docker启动mysql报错Can't read dir of '/etc/mysql/conf.d/'

执行命令: docker run -p 3306:3306 --privileged=true -v /mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql -v /mysql/log:/var/log/mysql -v /mysql/conf:/etc/mysql-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASS ......
mysql 39 docker conf read

执行python脚本报错:case by sslerror(sslcertVerificationerror(1,ssl:vertificate_verify_failed vertficate verify failed:self signed certificate))

【现象】 使用python编写了一个请求,报错ssl证书过期问题 【解决办法】 requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() r = requests.post(service_url, data=payload, headers=self.headers ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: PELICAN: Exploiting Backdoors of Naturally Trained Deep Learning Models In Binary Code Analysis

## Abstract 背景: 1. 本文研究的不是被恶意植入的后门,而是products of defects in training 2. 攻击模式: injecting some small fixed input pattern(backdoor) to induce misclassifi ......

Induction of Design Pattern

网上查到的设计模式有23种,通过归纳去认识他们也是一种不错的视角。 我这边不按照主流的观点去划分为创建型、结构型、行为型三大类,我只归纳为创建型(Creational Class)、简单功能场景(Simple Method Class)、复杂功能场景(Complex Method Class)三大类 ......
Induction Pattern Design of

# Codeforces Round 887 E Ina of the Mountain(反悔贪心)

~~被这个题折磨了好久,决定写一篇题解~~ 先考虑没有这个$k$的限制的情况,等价于对原来的$a_i$序列的差分数组$b_i$,每次找到两个位置$1\le x 0$的位置进行$-1$的操作,后面对应的$+1$可以放在$b_ic[i]$,那么$c[i]$减去$k$对答案的贡献就是$0$,因为$d[i] ......
Codeforces Mountain Round 887 Ina