custom claim how can

How to export Postman request as a cURL comman How to export Postman request as a cURL c ......
Postman request export comman cURL

面向个人(To Customer)和面向企业(To Business)软件的区别

面向个人(To Customer)和面向企业(To Business)软件的区别 在软件开发领域,面向个人和面向企业的软件有许多显著的区别,涉及到功能、用户体验、安全性、可定制性等方面。以下将详细介绍这些区别,并提供相应的例子。 1. 用户体验(User Experience): 面向个人: 个人软 ......
Customer Business 个人 企业 软件

Misc_XCTF_WriteUp | can_has_stdio?

题目 分析 按海星的组成符号来看,应该是 brainfuck 语言。 翻译语言,得到 flag: 我觉得海星 Flag flag{esolangs_for_fun_and_profit} 参考 CTF中那些脑洞大开的编码和加密-jack_Meng-博客园 Brainfuck_Ook! Obfusca ......

6How To Use Messages With Flask - Flask Fridays #6 10:43

消息闪现 消息闪现 {% for message in get_flashed_messages() %} <div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert"> {{ message }} <button ......
Flask Messages Fridays 6How With

TensorFlow-深度学习预训练模型的使用方法讲解(TensorFlow-Explanation on how to use deep learning pre-trained models)

在运用深度学习模型时,掌握运用预训练模型的方法是必不可少的一步。为什么要使用与训练的模型,原因归纳如下: (1)使用大量高质量的数据(如 ImageNet 是普林斯顿大学与斯坦福大学所主导的项目)又加上设计较复杂的模型结构(如ResNet模型高达150层)设计出来的模型,准确率会大大提高。 (2)可 ......

how convolutions work

how convolutions work 让我们在二维灰度图像上创建一个基本卷积,探索卷积是如何工作的。首先,我们可以从 scipy 中获取 "asccent "图像来加载图像。这是一张漂亮的内置图片,有很多角度和线条。 import cv2 import numpy as np from sci ......
convolutions work how


题目:FEED-FORWARD NETWORKS WITH ATTENTION CAN SOLVE SOME LONG-TERM MEMORY PROBLEMS” (Raffel 和 Ellis, 2016, p. 1) “带有注意力的前馈网络可以解决一些长期记忆问题” (Raffel 和 Elli ......

medical custom dataset for fine-tuning llama2

data preparation we use huggingface shibin6624/medical to fine-tuning llama2, please note that this dataset is consist of en and cn data, here we just ......
fine-tuning medical dataset custom llama2

SQLC - Problem: can't recognize the numeric data type in PostgreSQL

Problem: sqlc can't recognize the numeric data type in PostgreSQL, it makes it string. The default sql_package database/sql can't overwrite the "numer ......
PostgreSQL recognize Problem numeric SQLC

SP19543 GSS8 - Can you answer these queries VIII 题解

更好的阅读体验 SP19543 GSS8 - Can you answer these queries VIII fhq + 二项式定理。提供一个不太一样的思路。默认下标从 \(1\) 开始。 首先插入删除,区间查询,想到可以平衡树维护或者离线下来做线段树。本文中是用的是 fhq,好写一些。 \(k ......
题解 queries answer 19543 these

Can Pre-Trained Text-to-Image Models Generate Visual Goals for Reinforcement Learning

概述 Learning form the Void (LfVoid) 根据给定的language instruction对observation进行appearance-based and structure-based修改得到goal images,为RL提供奖励信号。提升了example-bas ......

SP1557 GSS2 - Can you answer these queries II 题解

SP1557 GSS2 - Can you answer these queries II 更好的阅读体验 扫描线。把询问挂在右端点上,扫描右端点,纵轴仍为序列维。 对于这种出现多次的数只算一次的,记 \(pre_i\) 表示 \(i\) 这个值上一次的出现位置,套路化的可以强制让出现多次的在 \( ......
题解 queries answer these 1557

How Can South Asia Adapt Integrated River Basin Management to Its Soil Erosion

Due to the instability of the monsoon, floods and droughts are frequent in South Asia, resulting in severe soil erosion. Every year, South Asia suffer ......
Integrated Management Erosion Adapt Basin

什么是 SAP ABAP Cross Customizing Client

Cross Customizing Client(CCC)是SAP系统中的一个重要概念,它允许在不同的客户端(Client)之间共享和传输自定义的配置数据。在SAP中,客户端是系统中的独立实体,用于在同一系统中区分不同的业务场景或测试环境。Cross Customizing Client的主要目的是 ......
Customizing Client Cross ABAP SAP

pip install报错"Can't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available"

pip时install报错 一、故障现象 [root@jenkins /data/package/openssl-1.1.1n]# pip3 install emoji WARNING: pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL, h ......
quot available install connect because

How to use 微PE to install WinOS. 怎么使用微PE安装系统.(no USB drive)

1.Download 微PE Install it. 2. Reboot your system, Select 微PE to start. 3. Open CGI备份还原 . Tips. Step 3 , choose y ......
install 系统 WinOS drive to

How to remove Symbolic Link

要移除软链接(symbolic link)在Linux中,你可以使用以下两种方法:使用rm命令或者使用unlink命令。 方法一:使用rm命令移除软链接 例如,如果你的软链接名称是mylink,你可以使用以下命令移除它: rm mylink 请注意,移除软链接不会影响软链接所指向的原始文件。 如果你 ......
Symbolic remove Link How to

[Go] "Method Declaration" on a custom type

package data // new type type distance float64 type distanceKm float64 // add ToKm method to distance type func (miles distance) ToKm() distanceKm { / ......
quot Declaration Method custom type


can通讯时候是把4位16进制 分成两个2位(0xFFFF >0xFF 0xFF) 就随手写了一个小工具 把十进制转换成两个十六进制 方便修改can报文 如有问题请大家不吝赐教 uint8_t rad[2]={0x00,0x00} ; void MSG_Trans(int dec) { uint8_ ......
进制 语言 can

How Powerful are Spectral Graph Neural Networks?

目录概符号说明Spectral GNNChoice of Basis for Polynomial FiltersJacobiConv代码 Wang X. and Zhang M. How powerful are spectral graph neural networks? ICML, 2022 ......
Powerful Networks Spectral Neural Graph

Makefile - What is a Makefile and how does it work?

If you want to run or update a task when certain files are updated, the make utility can come in handy. The make utility requires a file, Makefile (or ......
Makefile What does work and

How Attentive are Graph Attention Networks?

目录概符号说明GATv2代码 Brody S., Alon U. and Yahav E. How attentive are graph attention networks? ICLR, 2022. 概 作者发现了 GAT 的 attention 并不能够抓住边的重要性, 于是提出了 GATv2 ......
Attentive Attention Networks Graph How

Can't locate Devel/ in @INC (you may need to install the Devel::Size module)

001、perl 模块报错如下:Can't locate Devel/ in @INC (you may need to install the Devel::Size module) 002、解决方法: 安装该模块 (base) [b20223040323@admin1 003_an ......
Devel Size install locate module

How To Delete Reservations Using Standard API INV_RESERVATION_PUB.Delete_Reservation (Doc ID 2219367.1)

Solution Summary: The reservation API INV_RESERVATION_PUB.Delete_Reservation will delete reservations accepting the reservation id and optionally seri ......

出现UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xbc in position 2: invalid start byt解决办法

直接在代码第一行写下这段代码 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 为什么这个有注释符号还是可以起作用? 在 Python 中,`# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-` 这行代码并不是注释,而是一个特殊的声明,称为“编码声明”(encoding declaration)。它告诉 ......

uniapp运行启动时候出现 The current application is running in a custom debugging base....

突然出现这个,原来是uniapp说的自定义基座,是在app/src/main/assets/data/dcloud_contro.xml中 需要修改hbuilder标签中的debug的值,如果为true则会出现标题的提示,如果改为false则不会出现标题提示的弹窗 <hbuilder debug=" ......
application debugging current running 时候

How to use SUM and DINSTINCT with GreenDao?

How to use SUM and DINSTINCT with GreenDao querybuilder? Ask Question Asked 7 years ago Modified 6 years, 7 months ago Viewed 1k times Part of Mobile ......
DINSTINCT GreenDao with How SUM

[938] How to operate with shapefiles using Geopandas

Geopandas is a Python library that makes working with geospatial data easier by extending the data manipulation capabilities of pandas to spatial data ......
shapefiles Geopandas operate using with

Mysql中如何解决You can't specify target table '表名' for update in FROM clause报错

Mysql中如何解决You can't specify target table '表名' for update in FROM clause报错 为什么会出现这个错误呢?这是因为在MySQL使用时,在同一条SQL语句中,不允许先SELECT出同一个表的某些值,再对该表进行UPDATE操作。 解决方 ......
39 specify clause target update

WSL2报错:nvidia-smi Command ‘nvidia-smi‘ not found, but can be installed with:

找了很多方法在社区找了很多方法,结果在b站评论区找到了一个方法给解决了原本一开始有人说是驱动版本问题我nvcc -V是ok的,但是nvidia-smi一直报错,Command ‘nvidia-smi’ not found, but can be installed with: 解决cp /usr/l ......
nvidia-smi nvidia installed smi Command