desertification china of

CF847C Sum of Nestings 题解

[题目链接]( ## 思路 一道简单的**递归**题,题目要求我们构建一个有 $n$ 对括号且有 $k$ 对嵌套的括号序列(一对嵌套表示的是两对对应的括号一个被另一个包含)。如果无法构建满足条件的括号序列,则输出 Imp ......
题解 Nestings 847C 847 Sum

CF1787E The Harmonization of XOR 题解

# CF1787E The Harmonization of XOR ## 题目大意 给定 $n$ 个数 $[1, 2, 3, \cdots, n]$ 和两个正整数 $k$ 和 $x$。 将这些数分成恰好 $k$ 组使得每组的异或和都是 $x$。 ($1 \le k \le n \le 2 \cdo ......
题解 Harmonization 1787E 1787 The

CF1787E The Harmonization of XOR 题解

## 题面 将集合 $\left\{1, 2, \cdots, n\right\}$ 划分为 $k$ 个非空不交子集,使得每个子集的异或和均为 $x$。 ($1 \le n,k \le 2 \times 10^5$)。 ## 题解 首先显而易见的判断一下无解的情况,记 $sum = \bigoplu ......
题解 Harmonization 1787E 1787 The

再获认可!巨杉数据库荣登Gartner《Hype Cycle for ICT in China, 2023》报告

巨杉数据库凭借在DBMS Self-Sufficiency领域的突出表现,成功入选Gartner《Hype Cycle for ICT in China, 2023》报告。这是业界对巨杉数据库自研成果的高度认可。 近日,Gartner发布了《Hype Cycle for ICT in China, ......
Gartner 数据库 报告 数据 Cycle

Leetcode 19. 删除链表的倒数第N个结点(Remove nth node from end of list)

[题目链接]( 给你一个链表, 删除链表的倒数第n个结点, 并且返回链表的头结点. 示例 1: ``` 输入:head = [1,2,3,4,5], n = 2 输出:[1,2 ......
结点 Leetcode Remove node from

spring注入bean错误-Bean named 'abc' is expected to be of type 'AAA' but was actually of type 'BBB'

@Resource注解有两个重要的属性:name和type。在一个使用@Resource来注入bean的声明语句中,@Resource优先是按name来解析bean的 ......
39 type actually expected 错误

Argo CD App Of Apps

## `Argo CD App of Apps` ### 什么是 `App of Apps` 您可以创建一个应用程序来创建其他应用程序,而其他应用程序又可以创建其他应用程序。这允许您以声明方式管理一组可以协同部署和配置的应用程序。这就是 `App of Apps` > 官方文档:https://ar ......
Argo Apps App CD Of

报错TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'length')

可能是某个数组属性不存在, 但是判断了他的长度,比如下方代码 <template v-if="arr.length"> <div v-for="(item,idx)in arr" :key="idx"> {{ item }}</div> </template> 解决方法 v-if="arr&&arr ......
properties TypeError reading Cannot length

Go - A Tour of Go Exercise: Stringers

package main import ( "fmt" "strings" "strconv" ) type IPAddr [4]byte func (ip IPAddr) String() string { s := make([]string, len(ip)) for i, val := ra ......
Stringers Exercise Go Tour of

vue3 - 警告 `shallowRef` instead of `ref` - 解决

完整警告 [Vue warn]: Vue received a Component which was made a reactive object. This can lead to unnecessary performance overhead, and should be avoided b ......
shallowRef instead vue3 vue ref

Docker安装Redis错误Reading the configuration file, at line 416 >>> 'locale-collate ""' Bad directive or wrong number of arguments

docker安装redis报错*** FATAL CONFIG FILE ERROR (Redis 7.0.12) *** Reading the configuration file, at line 416 >>> 'locale-collate ""' Bad directive or wro... ......

【上传文件时异常】The field file exceeds its maximum permitted size of 1048576 bytes.

1、背景描述 本项目是个spring boot 项目,需要文件上传,上传的是一个 pdf文件,大小是5MB,报错内容如下: Caused by: org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.FileUploadBase$FileSizeLimitExceededEx ......
permitted 1048576 exceeds maximum 文件

什么是 SAP ABAP 系统的 LUW (Logical Unit of Work)概念

在SAP ABAP系统中,数据库LUW是一个关键概念,用于管理数据库操作的一致性和隔离性。 `数据库LUW(Logical Unit of Work)的概念`: 在SAP ABAP系统中,数据库LUW是一组数据库操作的逻辑集合,这些操作要么全部成功地提交到数据库,要么全部回滚。它确保了数据库操作的一 ......
概念 Logical 系统 ABAP Unit

[LeetCode] 2682. Find the Losers of the Circular Game

There are n friends that are playing a game. The friends are sitting in a circle and are numbered from 1 to n in clockwise order. More formally, movin ......
the LeetCode Circular Losers 2682

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'nodeName')解释

jquery.min.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'nodeName')解释 这个错误通常发生在尝试访问或操作一个 undefined 或 null 值的属性时。错误消息 "Cannot ......
properties undefined nodeName reading Cannot

Unveiling the Power of Diagnostic Tools: Cat Caterpillar ET, Volvo Vocom II Interface, JLR DoIP VCI, WABCO Diagnostic Kit, and GM Tech 2

In the realm of automotive diagnostics, the right tools can make all the difference. Whether you're a professional mechanic or an avid car enthusiast, ......

Go - A Tour of Go Exercise: Fibonacci closure

package main import "fmt" // fibonacci is a function that returns // a function that returns an int. func fibonacci() func() int { f0, f1 := 0, 1 retu ......
Fibonacci Exercise closure Go Tour

邀请函|澎峰科技邀您参加CCF HPC China2023

一年一度的全球超算盛会! 以“算力互联·智领未来”为主题的第十九届全国高性能计算学术年会(CCF HPC China 2023)将于8月24-26日(展览23-25日)在青岛·红岛国际会议展览中心举办。 · 九大院士领衔 打造顶级超算盛会 力邀中外院士、戈登贝尔奖获得者等行业身具影响力人物,为行业发 ......
邀请函 China 科技 2023 CCF

Paper Reading: A pareto-based ensemble of feature selection algorithms

本文将集成特征选择问题建模为具有两个目标的帕累托优化问题,提出一种类型的异构集成特征选择算法 PEFS。首先采用两种聚合方法对四种不同 FS 方法得到的结果进行组合,接着使用双目标优化来评估这些结果,最后根据非优势特征在双目标空间中的拥挤距离进行排序。该方法平衡了关联度和冗余性两种不同的 FS 方法... ......

Maximum execution time of 300 seconds

我在mysql用phpmyadmin导入数据的时候出现: Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded in D:\XXX 上网查了很多文章都说 是把php.ini 里面的 max_execution_time 改大就可以,可 ......
execution Maximum seconds time 300

library initialization failed - unable to allocate file descriptor table - out of memory 问题处理

1、修改docker服务启动配置文件 # vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service ... [Service] ... ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/con ......

The field file exceeds its maximum permitted size of 1048576 bytes.

org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.impl.FileSizeLimitExceededException: The field file exceeds its maximum permitted size of 1048576 bytes. 文件上传出现 ......
permitted 1048576 exceeds maximum field

GPT-RK3588 `DTS` code of `csi2` snippets analysis

## RK3588 `DTS` code of `csi2` snippets A `dts` file is a device tree source file that describes the hardware configuration of a system. A `dtsi` file ......
analysis snippets GPT-RK 3588 code

[论文精读][计算生物][蛋白质预训练表示]Data-Efficient Protein 3D Geometric Pretraining via Refinement of Diffused Protein Structure Decoy

笔者正在调研市面上的蛋白表示方法,论文方法过于数理的部分会被抽象带过。 ## Basic Information: * Title: Data-Efficient Protein 3D Geometric Pretraining via Refinement of Diffused Protein St ......

WARNING: Use of this script to execute namenode is deprecated. WARNING: Attempting to execute replacement "hdfs namenode" instead.问题的解决

# 问题描述 在我使用这个命令进行hdfs初始化时: ``` start namenode ``` 爆出了这样的警告 # 问题解决 发现是这个命令现在已经有一点过时,需要换成这个命令才行: ``` hdfs namenode ``` ......
namenode WARNING execute quot replacement

Go - What's the point of one-way channels in Go?

A channel can be made read-only to whoever receives it, while the sender still has a two-way channel to which they can write. For example: func F() <- ......
channels one-way point Go What

报错RuntimeError: Working outside of request context的解决办法

在程序编写过程中,我写了一个装饰器 def auth(func): def inner(*args,**kwargs): if session.get('username'): res = func(*args,**kwargs) # 真正的执行视图函数,在执行视图函数之前判断是否登录 return ......
RuntimeError Working outside context request

Leetcode 977. 有序数组的平方(Squares of a sorted array)

[题目链接]( 给你一个按**非递减顺序**排序的整数数组nums, 返回每个数字的平方组成的新数组, 要求也按**非递减顺序**排序. 示例 1: ``` 输入:nums = [-4,-1 ......
数组 Leetcode Squares sorted array

Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size show variables like '%sort_buffer_size%'; SET GLOBAL sort_buffer_size = 1024*1024; ......
sort increasing consider memory buffer

Index of /ubuntu-releases/

[]( "") Ubuntu 源使用 ......
ubuntu-releases releases ubuntu Index of