ingress-nginx controller-v kubernetes controller

Kubernetes API 多版本和序列化

前言 三年前在分析Kubernete APIServer时,就经常遇到两个东西,一个是Scheme,一个是Codec,当时对它们并不是很理解,也没有去细究,但是后来越来越多的能够遇见它们,尤其是在做Kubernetes API相关的开发时,Scheme的出镜率很高,于是查了下资料才知道,原来他们跟K ......
序列 Kubernetes 版本 API

20231112 - 安装 Kubernetes Dashboard

Kubernetes Dashboard 20231112

water pollution prevention and control action plan

Water Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan Is is also known as Shuishitiao or Water Ten Plan.China's central authorities attach great importan ......
prevention pollution control action water


二进制安装Kubernetes(k8s)v1.28.3 开源不易,帮忙点个star,谢谢了 介绍 kubernetes(k8s)二进制高可用安装部署,支持IPv4+IPv6双栈。 我使用IPV6的目的是在公网进行访问,所以 ......
二进制 Kubernetes 28.3 k8s 8s


k8s v1.19.0 kube-controller-manager加分布式锁lease,完成leader选举,与kube-scheduler相同。 cmd/kube-controller-manager/app/controllermanager.goRun函数 staging/src/k8s. ......

kubeadm部署的k8s证书过期问题 k8s问题排查:the existing bootstrap client certificate in /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf is expired

解决问题: 估计跟移动有关,下面那个没解决问题,是因为在原有文件的基础上修改的吧?而这里直接是移走,重新生成了新的。不太清楚是不是这个原因。 $ cd /etc/kubernetes/pki/ $ mv {apiserver.crt,apiserver-etcd-client.key,apiserv ......
问题 certificate kubernetes k8s bootstrap

China's Wisdom for Water Pollution Control

一、 Basic methods for water pollution control The purpose of wastewater treatment is to separate the pollutants in the wastewater in a certain way, or ......
Pollution Control Wisdom China Water

the use of photovoltaic to prevent and control desertification

Land desertification is one of the main causes of sandstorm disaster. With the further intensification of global warming, desertification is becoming ......

Measures to control desertification

In the comprehensive prevention and control area of wind-blown sand disaster, comprehensive measures such as afforestation and grass cultivation, air  ......
desertification Measures control to

以 Kubernetes 原生方式实现多集群告警

作者:向军涛、雷万钧 来源:2023 上海 KubeCon 分享 可观测性来源 在 Kubernetes 集群上,各个维度的可观测性数据,可以让我们及时了解集群上应用的状态,以及集群本身的状态。 Metrics 指标:监控对象状态的量化信息,通常会以时序数据的形式采集和存储。 Events:这里特指 ......
集群 Kubernetes 方式

Precise Temperature Control Solutions

Multi-span Temperature Controllers Provide high-performance multi-span temperature controllers to control temperatures across multiple zones or setpoi ......
Temperature Solutions Precise Control

Adding Conditional Control to Text-to-Image Diffusion Models 1.Adding Conditional Control to Text-to-Image Diffusion Models 论文地址: ......


容器云平台No.8~kubernetes负载均衡之ingress-nginx Ingress 是什么? Ingress 公开了从集群外部到集群内服务的 HTTP 和 HTTPS 路由。 流量路由由 Ingress 资源上定义的规则控制。可以将 Ingress 配置为服务提供外部可访问的 URL、负载 ......

Kubernetes常用命令及yml文件、集群网络 Kubernetes组件介绍及环境搭建

Kubernetes常用命令及yml文件、集群网络 Kubernetes组件介绍及环境搭建 Kubernetes组件介绍及环境搭建 一、kubernetes常用命令 说明:因为k8s的命令都是通过kubectl组件接收的,这个组件只在master节点有,所以k8s的命令都是在master节点中执行 ......
Kubernetes 集群 组件 命令 常用

Soil pollution--Measures to control soil polluted by heavy metals

One specific measure: strengthen prevention and control of soil pollution at its source (from Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and The State Coun ......
pollution Measures polluted control metals


. /etc/os-release color () { RES_COL=60 MOVE_TO_COL="echo -en \\033[${RES_COL}G" SETCOLOR_SUCCESS="echo -en \\033[1;32m" SETCOLOR_FAILURE="echo -en \\ ......
kubernetes1 kubernetes centos7 版本 centos

Action plan for soil pollution control

Action plan for soil pollution control In May 2016, The State Council issued the "Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan" (referred to as t ......
pollution control Action plan soil


Kubernetes(K8S)作为CNCF(cloud native computing foundation)的一个核心项目,背靠Google和Redhat的强大社区,近两年发展十分迅速,在成为容器编排领域中领导者的同时,也正在朝着PAAS底座标配的方向发展。 日志采集方式 日志作为任一系统不可或 ......
Kubernetes Sidecar 模式 日志

Action plan for soil pollution control.

Action plan for soil pollution control In May 2016, The State Council issued the "Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan" (referred to as t ......
pollution control Action plan soil

Action plan for soil pollution control

Action plan for soil pollution control How does it work? First, to carry out soil pollution investigation and grasp the status of soil environmental q ......
pollution control Action plan soil

Control measures of land pollution

Soil is a necessary condition for human survival and reproduction, and soil environmental quality is related to people's livelihood and well-being, ec ......
pollution measures Control land of

Kubernetes:kube-apiserver 之鉴权

kubernetes:kube-apiserver 系列文章: Kubernetes:kube-apiserver 之 scheme(一) Kubernetes:kube-apiserver 之 scheme(二) Kubernetes:kube-apiserver 之启动流程(一) Kuberne ......
kube-apiserver Kubernetes apiserver kube

Plastic Pollution Control Action Plan

What is the Plastic Pollution Control Action Plan? Since China issued the Opinions on Enhanced Control Measures against Plastic Pollution in January 2 ......
Pollution Plastic Control Action Plan


分层解耦介绍 1.pojo层(model) 实体层 数据库在项目中的类 model是模型的意思,与entity、domain、pojo类似,是存放实体的类。 类中定义了多个类属性,并与数据库表的字段保持一致,一张表对应一个model类。 主要用于定义与数据库对象应的属性,提供get/set方法,to ......
controller 作用 service pojo dao

Kubernetes: kube-apiserver 之认证

kubernetes:kube-apiserver 系列文章: Kubernetes:kube-apiserver 之 scheme(一) Kubernetes:kube-apiserver 之 scheme(二) Kubernetes:kube-apiserver 之启动流程(一) Kuberne ......
kube-apiserver Kubernetes apiserver kube


. /etc/os-releasecolor () { RES_COL=60 MOVE_TO_COL="echo -en \\033[${RES_COL}G" SETCOLOR_SUCCESS="echo -en \\033[1;32m" SETCOLOR_FAILURE="echo -en \\0 ......
kubernetes1 kubernetes ubuntu 2204 22.7

【Kubernetes】Calico CrossSubnet 模式实

网络环境 主机名宿主机 IP 地址 k8s-master1 k8s-master2 k8s-master3 k8s-node1 注意:k8s-node1 是 32.0/24 网段,跟其他 ......
CrossSubnet Kubernetes 模式 Calico

“Job for network.service failed because the control process exite”问题

[root@node3 ~]# service network restart Restarting network (via systemctl): Job for network.service failed because the control process exited with err ......
because control network service process

Current Outdoor Lighting Policies in China: Measures to Control Light Pollution

AbstractLight pollution is a serious environmental issue with many adverse effects on human health and the ecosystem as a whole. Accordingly, many cou ......
Pollution Lighting Measures Policies Current

Measures of Controlling Desertification

As land desertification continues to worsen, our country has taken some measures to control it. 1.Tree planting and afforestation. 2.Wind resistance a ......
Desertification Controlling Measures of